T, U, V, W, Y, Z Flashcards
T3 Form
Referred to as a Statement of Trust Income
Allocations and Designations. When a
mutual fund is held outside a registered
plan, unitholders of an unincorporated
fund is sent a T3 form by the respective
T4 Form
Referred to as a Statement of Remuneration
Paid. A T4 form is issued annually by
employers to employees reporting total
compensation for the calendar year.
Employers have until the end of February
to submit T4 forms to employees for the
previous calendar year
T5 Form
Referred to as a Statement of Investment
Income. When a mutual fund is held
outside a registered plan, shareholders are
sent a T3 form by the respective fund.
Tactical Asset Allocation
An asset allocation strategy that involves
adjusting a portfolio to take advantage of
perceived ineffi ciencies in the prices of
securities in different asset classes or within
Takeover Bid
An offer made to security holders of a
company to purchase voting securities of
the company which, with the offeror’s
already owned securities, will in total exceed
20% of the outstanding voting securities of
the company. For federally incorporated
companies, the equivalent requirement is
more than 10% of the outstanding voting
shares of the target company
Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)
A savings vehicle whereby income earned
within a TFSA will not be taxed in any way
throughout an individual’s lifetime. In
addition, there are no restrictions on the
timing or amount of withdrawals from a
TFSA, and the money withdrawn can be
used for any purpose.
Tax Loss Selling
Selling a security for the sole purpose of
generating a loss for tax purposes. There
may be times when this strategy is
advantageous but investment principles
should not be ignored.
Selling a security for the sole purpose of
generating a loss for tax purposes. There
may be times when this strategy is
advantageous but investment principles
should not be ignored.
Technical Analysis
A method of market and security analysis
that studies investor attitudes and
psychology as revealed in charts of stock
price movements and trading volumes to
predict future price action
Term to Maturity
The length of time that a segregated fund
policy must be held in order to be eligible
for the maturity guarantee. Normally,
except in the event of the death of the
annuitant, the term to maturity of a
segregated-fund policy is 10 years.
Thin Market
A market in which there are comparatively
few bids to buy or offers to sell or both.
The phrase may apply to a single security or
to the entire stock market. In a thin market,
price fluctuations between transactions are
usually larger than when the market is
liquid. A thin market in a particular stock
may reflect lack of interest in that issue, or a
limited supply of the stock.
Tilting of the Yield Curve
The yield curve that results from a decline
in long-term bond yields while short-term
rates are rising.
Time to Expiry
The number of days or months or years
until expiry of an option or other derivative
Time Value
The amount, if any, by which the current
market price of a right, warrant or option
exceeds its intrinsic value.
Time-Weighted Rate of Return
A measure of return calculated by averaging
the return for each subperiod in which a
cash flow occurs into a return for a
reporting period.
Timely Disclosure
An obligation imposed by securities
administrators on companies, their officers
and directors to release promptly to the
news media any favourable or unfavourable
corporate information which is of a
material nature. Broad dissemination of this
news allows non-insiders to trade the
company’s securities with the same
knowledge about the company as insiders
themselves. See also Continuous
Tombstone Advertisements
A written advertisement placed by the
investment bankers in a public offering of
securities as a matter of record once the deal
has been completed.
Top-Down Approach
A type of fundamental analysis. First, general trends in the economy are analyzed. This information is then combined with industries and companies within those industries that should benefi t from the general trends identifi ed
Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)
The largest stock exchange in Canada with
over 1,700 companies listed on the
Trade Payables
Money owed by a company for goods or
services purchased, payable within one year.
A current liability on the statement of
financial position.
Trade Receivables
Money owed to a company for goods or
services it has sold, for which payment is
expected within one year. A current asset on
the statement of financial position.
Trading Unit
Trading Unit
Trailer Fee
Fee that a mutual fund manager may pay
to the individual or organization that sold
the fund for providing services such as
investment advice, tax guidance and
financial statements to investors. The fee is
paid annually and continues for as long as
the investor holds shares in the fund.
Transaction Date
The date on which the purchase or sale of a
security takes place.