P, Q Flashcards
Paper Profi t
An unrealized profit on a security still held.
Paper profits become realized profits only
when the security is sold. A paper loss is the
opposite to this.
Par Value
The stated face value of a bond or stock (as
assigned by the company’s charter)
expressed as a dollar amount per share. Par
value of a common stock usually has little
relationship to the current market value and
so no par value stock is now more common.
Par value of a preferred stock is significant
as it indicates the dollar amount of assets
each preferred share would be entitled to
should the company be liquidated.
Pari Passu
A legal term meaning that all securities
within a series have equal rank or claim on
earnings and assets. Usually refers to equally
ranking issues of a company’s preferred
Participating Preferred
Preferred shares which, in addition to their
fixed rate of prior dividend, share with the
common in further dividend distributions
and in capital distributions above their par
value in liquidation.
Participation Rate
The share of the working-age population
(15 and older) that is in the labour market,
either working or looking for work.
A form of business organization that
involves two or more people contributing
to the business and legislated under the
federal Partnership Act.
Past Service Pension Adjusted
An employer may increase a member’s
pension by the granting of additional past
service benefits to an employee in a defined
benefit plan. Plan members who incur a
PSPA will have their RRSP contribution
room reduced by the amount of this
Payback Period
The time that it takes for a convertible
security to recoup its premium through its
higher yield, compared with the dividend
that is paid on the stock
Peer Group
A group of managed products (particularly
mutual funds) with a similar investment
Pension Adjustment (PA)
The amount of contributions made or the
value of benefits accrued to a member of an
employer-sponsored retirement plan for a
calendar year. The PA enables the individual
to determine the amount that may be
contributed to an RRSP that would be in
addition to contributions into a Registered
Pension Plan.
Performance Bonds
What is often required upon entry into a
futures contract giving the parties to a
contract a higher level of assurance that the
terms of the contract will eventually be
honoured. The performance bond is often
referred to as margin
Personal Disposable Income
The amount of personal income an
individual has after taxes. The income that
can be spent on necessities, nonessential
goods and services, or that can be saved.
Phillips Curve
A graph showing the relationship between
inflation and unemployment. The theory
states that unemployment can be reduced
in the short run by increasing the price level
(inflation) at a faster rate. Conversely,
inflation can be lowered at the cost of
possibly increased unemployment and
slower economic growth.
Refers to security prices. In the case of
shares, it means $1 per share. In the case of
bonds and debentures, it means 1% of the
issue’s par value, which is almost universally
100. On a $1,000 bond, one point
represents 1% of the face value of the bond
or $10. See Basic point
Political Risk
The risk associated with a government
introducing unfavourable policies making
investment in the country less attractive.
Political risk also refers to the general
instability associated with investing in a
particular country
Pooled Account
A type of managed product structure
whereby by investors’ funds are gathered
into a legal structure, usually a trust or
corporation. An investor’s claim to the
pool’s returns is proportional to the number
of shares or units the investor owns. The
pools are often open-ended, which means
units are issued when there are net cash
inflows to the fund, or units are redeemed
when there are net cash outflows.
Holdings of securities by an individual or
institution. A portfolio may contain debt
securities, preferred and common stocks of
various types of enterprises and other types
of securities.
Potential Output
The maximum amount of output the economy is capable of producing during a given period when all of its available resources are employed to their most efficient use.
Preferred Dividend Coverage Ratio
A type of profitability ratio that measures
the amount of money a firm has available
to pay dividends to their preferred
Preferred Shares
A class of share capital that entitles the owners to a fixed dividend ahead of the company’s common shares and to a stated dollar value per share in the event of liquidation. Usually do not have voting rights unless a stated number of dividends have been omitted. Also referred to as preference shares.
Preliminary Prospectus
The initial document released by an
underwriter of a new securities issue to
prospective investors.
The amount by which a preferred stock or
debt security may sell above its par value.
In the case of a new issue of bonds or
stocks, the amount the market price rises
over the original selling price. Also refers to
that part of the redemption price of a bond
or preferred share in excess of face value,
par value or market price. In the case of
options, the price paid by the buyer of an
option contract to the seller.
Prepaid Expenses
Payments made by the company for services to be received in the near future. For example, rents, insurance premiums and taxes are sometimes paid in advance. A statement of financial position item.
Prepayment Risk
The risk that the issuer of a bond might
prepay or redeem early some or all principal
outstanding on the loan or mortgage.
Prescribed Rate
A quarterly interest rate set out, or
prescribed by Canada Revenue Agency
under attribution rules. The rate is based
on the Bank of Canada rate.
Present Value
The current worth of a sum of money that
will be received sometime in the future.
Price-Earnings (P/E) Ratio
A value ratio that gives investors an idea of
how much they are paying for a company’s
earnings. Calculated as the current price of
the stock divided current earnings per
Primary Distribution or Primary
Offering of a New Issue
The original sale of any issue of a company’s
Primary Market
The market for new issues of securities. The
proceeds of the sale of securities in a primary
market go directly to the company issuing
the securities. See also Secondary Market.
Prime Rate
The interest rate chartered banks charge to
their most credit-worthy borrowers.
The person for whom a broker executes an
order, or a dealer buying or selling for its
own account. The term may also refer to a
person’s capital or to the face amount of a
Principal Protected Note
A debt-like instrument with a maturity date
whereby the issuer agrees to repay investors
the amount originally invested (the
principal) plus interest. The interest rate is
tied to the performance of an underlying
asset, such as a portfolio of mutual funds or
common stocks, a market index, a hedge
fund or a portfolio of hedge funds. PPNs
guarantee only the return of the principal.
Private Equity
The financing of firms unwilling or unable
to find capital using public means—for
example, via the stock or bond markets.
Private Family Offi ce
An extension of the advisor’s client servicing
approach. In this approach, instead of
having only one advisor, a team of
professionals handles all of an affluent
client’s financial affairs within one central
Private Placement
The underwriting of a security and its sale
to a few buyers, usually institutional, in
large amounts.
Pro Rata
In proportion to. For example, a dividend
is a pro rata payment because the amount
of dividend each shareholder receives is in
proportion to the number of shares he or
she owns.
A provincial fee charged for authenticating
a will. The fee charged is usually based on
the value of the assets in an estate rather
than the effort to process the will.
The amount of output per worker used as a
measure of efficiency with which people
and capital are combined in the output of
the economy. Productivity gains lead to
improvements in the standard of living,
because as labour, capital, etc. produce
more, they generate greater income.
That part of a company’s revenue remaining
after all expenses and taxes have been paid
and out of which dividends may be paid.
Profitability Ratios
Financial ratios that illustrate how well
management has made use of the company’s
Program Trading
A sophisticated computerized trading
strategy whereby a portfolio manager
attempts to earn a profit from the price
spreads between a portfolio of equities
similar or identical to those underlying a
designated stock index, e.g., the Standard
& Poor 500 Index, and the price at which
futures contracts (or their options) on the
index trade in financial futures markets.
Also refers to switching or trading blocks of
securities in order to change the asset mix
of a portfolio.
A legal document that describes securities
being offered for sale to the public. Must be
prepared in conformity with requirements
of applicable securities commissions. See
also Red Herring and Final Prospectus.
Written authorization given by a shareholder
to someone else, who need not be a
shareholder, to represent him or her and
vote his or her shares at a shareholders’
Prudent Portfolio Approach
An investment standard. In some provinces,
the law requires that a fi duciary, such as a
trustee, may invest funds only in a list of
securities designated by the province or the
federal government. In other provinces, the
trustee may invest in a security if it is one
that an ordinary prudent person would buy
if he were investing for the benefi t of other
people for whom he felt morally bound to
provide. Most provinces apply the two
Public Float
That part of the issued shares that are
outstanding and available for trading by the
public, and not held by company officers,
directors, or investors who hold a
controlling interest in the company. A
company’s public fl oat is different from its
outstanding shares as it also excludes those
shares owned in large blocks by institutions.
Purchase Fund
A fund set up by a company to retire
through purchases in the market a specified
amount of its outstanding preferred shares
or debt if purchases can be made at or
below a stipulated price. See also Sinking
Put Option
A right to sell the stock at a stated price
within a given time period. Those who
think a stock may go down generally
purchase puts. See also Call Option
Quick Ratio
A more stringent measure of liquidity
compared with the current ratio.
Calculated as current assets less inventory
divided by current liabilities. By excluding
inventory, the ratio focuses on the
company’s more liquid assets.
Quotation or Quote
The highest bid to buy and the lowest offer
to sell a security at a given time. Example:
A quote of 45.40–45.50 means that 45.40
is the highest price a buyer will pay and
45.50 the lowest price a seller will accept.
Quotation and Trade Reporting
Systems (QTRS)
Recognized stock markets that operate in a
similar manner to exchanges and provide
facilities to users to post quotations and
report trades