R Flashcards
A brisk rise in the general price level of the
market or in an individual stock.
Random Walk Theory
The theory that stock price movements are
random and bear no relationship to past
Rate of Return
See Yield.
Rational Expectations
School of economic theory which argues
that investors are rational thinkers and can
make intelligent economic decisions after
evaluating all available information.
Real Estate Investment Trust
An investment trust that specializes in real
estate related investments including
mortgages, construction loans, land and real
estate securities in varying combinations. A
REIT invests in and manages a diversifi ed
portfolio of real estate.
Real GDP
Gross Domestic Product adjusted for
changes in the price level. Also referred to
as constant dollar GDP.
Real Interest Rate
The nominal rate of interest minus the
percentage change in the Consumer Price
Index (i.e., the rate of inflation)
Record Date
The date on which a shareholder must
officially own shares in a company to be
entitled to a declared dividend. Also
referred to as the date of record.
Red Herring Prospectus
A preliminary prospectus so called because
certain information is printed in red ink
around the border of the front page. It does
not contain all the information found in
the fi nal prospectus. Its purpose: to
ascertain the extent of public interest in an
issue while it is being reviewed by a
securities commission.
The purchase of securities by the issuer at a
time and price stipulated in the terms of the
securities. See also Call Feature.
Redemption Price
The price at which debt securities or
preferred shares may be redeemed, at the
option of the issuing company
An open-market cash management policy
pursued by the Bank of Canada. A
redeposit refers to the transfer of funds
from the Bank to the direct clearers (an
injection of balances) that will increase
available funds. See also Drawdown.
Registered Education Savings Plans
Registered Education Savings Plans
Registered Pension Plan (RPP)
A trust registered with Canada Revenue Agency and established by an employer to provide pension benefits for employees when they retire. Both employer and employee may contribute to the plan and contributions are tax-deductible. See also Defined Contribution Plan and Defined Benefit Plan.
Registered Retirement Income
Fund (RRIF)
A tax deferral vehicle available to RRSP
holders. The planholder invests the funds in
the RRIF and must withdraw a certain
amount each year. Income tax would be
due on the funds when withdrawn.
Registered Retirement Savings
Plan (RRSP)
An investment vehicle available to
individuals to defer tax on a specified
amount of money to be used for retirement.
The holder invests money in one or more
of a variety of investment vehicles which are
held in trust under the plan. Income tax on
contributions and earnings within the plan
is deferred until the money is withdrawn at
retirement. RRSPs can be transferred into
Registered Retirement Income Funds
upon retirement.
Registered Security
A security recorded on the books of a
company in the name of the owner. It can
be transferred only when the certifi cate is
endorsed by the registered owner. Registered
debt securities may be registered as to
principal only or fully registered. In the
latter case, interest is paid by cheque rather
than by coupons attached to the certifi cate.
See also Bearer Security
Usually a trust company appointed by a
company to monitor the issuing of
common or preferred shares. When a
transaction occurs, the registrar receives
both the old cancelled certifi cate and the
new certifi cate from the transfer agent and
records and signs the new certifi cate. The
registrar is, in effect, an auditor checking on
the accuracy of the work of the transfer
agent, although in most cases the registrar
and transfer agent are the same trust
Regular Delivery
The date a securities trade settles – i.e., the
date the seller must deliver the securities.
See also Settlement Date.
Regular Dividends
A term that indicates the amount a
company usually pays on an annual basis.
Reinvestment Risk
The risk that interest rates will fall causing
the cash flows on an investment, assuming
that the cash flows are reinvested, to earn
less than the original investment. For
example, yield to maturity assumes that all
interest payments received can be reinvested
at the yield to maturity rate. This is not
necessarily true. If interest rates in the
market fall the interest would be reinvested
at a lower rate. Reinvestment risk recognizes
this risk.
Relative Value Hedge Funds
A type of hedge fund that attempts to profit
by exploiting irregularities or discrepancies
in the pricing of related stocks, bonds or
Reporting Issuer
Usually, a corporation that has issued or has
outstanding securities that are held by the
public and is subject to continuous
disclosure requirements of securities
A contract provision which allows the
segregated fund contract holder to lock in
the current market value of the fund and set
a new maturity date 10 years after the reset
date. Depending on the contract, the reset
dates may be chosen by the contract holder
or be triggered automatically
Resistance Level
The opposite of a support level. A price
level at which the security begins to fall as
the number of sellers exceeds the number of
buyers of the security.
Restricted Shares
Shares that participate in a company’s
earnings and assets (in liquidation), as
common shares do, but generally have
restrictions on voting rights or else no
voting rights
Retail Investor
Individual investors who buy and sell
securities for their own personal accounts,
and not for another company or
organization. They generally buy in smaller
quantities than larger institutional
Retained Earnings
The cumulative total of annual earnings
retained by a company after payment of all
expenses and dividends. The earnings
retained each year are reinvested in the
A feature which can be included in a new
debt or preferred issue, granting the holder
the option under specified conditions to
redeem the security on a stated date – prior
to maturity in the case of a bond.
Return on Equity
A profitability ratio expressed as a
percentage representing the amount earned
on a company’s common shares. Return on
equity tells the investor how effectively their
money is being put to use.
Reversal Patterns
Formations that usually precede a sizeable
advance or decline in stock prices.
Reverse Split
A process of retiring old shares with fewer
shares. For example, an investor owns 1,000
shares of ABC Inc. pre split. A 10 for 1
reverse split or consolidation reduces the
number held to 100. Results in a higher
share price and fewer shares outstanding
Revocable Benefi ciary
A benefi ciary whose entitlements under the
segregated fund contract can be terminated
or changed without his or her consent
A short-term privilege granted to a
company’s common shareholders to
purchase additional common shares, usually
at a discount, from the company itself, at a
stated price and within a specifi ed time
period. Rights of listed companies trade on
stock exchanges from the ex-rights date
until their expiry
Right of Action for Damages
Most securities legislation provides that
those who sign a prospectus may be liable
for damages if the prospectus contains a
misrepresentation. This right extends to
experts e.g., lawyers, auditors, geologists,
etc., who report or give opinions within the
text of the document.
Right of Redemption
A mutual fund’s shareholders have a
continuing right to withdraw their
investment in the fund simply by
submitting their shares to the fund itself
and receiving in return the dollar amount
of their net asset value. This characteristic
is the hallmark of mutual funds. Payment
for the securities that have been redeemed
must be made by the fund within three
business days from the determination of the
net asset value.
Right of Rescission
The right of a purchaser of a new issue to
rescind the purchase contract within the
applicable time limits if the prospectus
contained an untrue statement or omitted a
material fact.
Right of Withdrawal
The right of a purchaser of a new issue to
withdraw from the purchase agreement
within two business days after receiving the
Risk Analysis Ratios
Financial ratios that show how well the
company can deal with its debt obligations.
Descriptive term used for an investor
unable or unwilling to accept the
probability or chance of losing capital. See
also Risk-Tolerant
Risk-Free Rate
The rate of return an investor would receive
if he or she invested in a risk free
investment, such as a treasury bill.
Risk Premium
A rate that has to be paid in addition to the
risk free rate (T-bill rate) to compensate
investors for choosing securities that have
more risk than T-Bills.
Descriptive term used for an investor
willing and able to accept the probability of
losing capital. See also Risk-Averse.