C Flashcards
Call Feature
A clause in a bond or preferred share
agreement that allows the issuer the right to
“call back” the securities prior to maturity.
The company would usually do this if they
could refi nance the debt at a lower rate
(similar to refi nancing a mortgage at a lower
rate). Calling back a security prior to
maturity may involve the payment of a
penalty known as a call premium
Call Option
The right to buy a specific number of shares
at a specified price (the strike price) by a
fixed date. The buyer pays a premium to
the seller of the call option contract. An
investor would buy a call option if the
underlying stock’s price is expected to rise.
See also Put Option.
Call Price
The price at which a bond or preferred
share with a call feature is redeemed by the
issuer. This is the amount the holder of the
security would receive if the security was
redeemed prior to maturity. The call price is
equal to par (or a stated value for preferred
shares) plus any call premium. See also
Redemption Price.
Call Protection Period
For callable bonds, the period before the
first possible call date.
May be redeemed (called in) upon due
notice by the security’s issuer.
Canada Deposit Insurance
Corporation (CDIC)
A federal Crown Corporation providing
deposit insurance against loss (up to
$100,000 per depositor) when a member
institution fails
Canada Education Savings Grant
An incentive program for those investing in
a Registered Education Savings Plan
(RESP) whereby the federal government
will make a matching grant of a maximum
of $500 to $600 per year of the first $2,500
contributed each year to the RESP of a
child under age 18.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
A mandatory contributory pension plan designed to provide monthly retirement, disability and survivor benefits for all Canadians. Employers and employees make equal contributions. Québec has its own parallel pension plan Québec Pension Plan (QPP).
Canada Premium Bonds (CPBs)
A relatively new type of savings product
that offers a higher interest rate compared
to the Canada Savings Bond and is
redeemable once a year on the anniversary
of the issue date or during the 30 days
thereafter without penalty.
Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs)
A type of savings product that pays a
competitive rate of interest and that is
guaranteed for one or more years. They
may be cashed at any time and, after the
first three months, pay interest up to the
end of the month prior to being cashed.
Canada Yield Call
A callable bond with a call price based on
the greater of (a) par or (b) the price based
on the yield of an equivalent-term
Government of Canada bond plus a
specifi ed yield spread. Also known as a
Doomsday call. See also Call Price and
Callable Bond.
Canadian Derivatives Clearing
Corporation (CDCC)
The CDCC is a service organization that
clears, issues, settles, and guarantees options,
futures, and futures options traded on the
Bourse de Montréal (the Bourse).
Canadian Investor Protection Fund
A fund that protects eligible customers in
the event of the insolvency of an IIROC
dealer member. It is sponsored solely by
IIROC and funded by quarterly assessments
on dealer members.
Canadian Life and Health
Insurance Association Inc.
The national trade group of the life
insurance industry, which is actively
involved in overseeing applications and
setting industry standards.
Canadian National Stock Exchange
Launched in 2003 as an alternative
marketplace for trading equity securities
and emerging companies.
Canadian Originated Preferred
Securities (COPrS)
Introduced to the Canadian market in
March 1999, as long-term junior
subordinated debt instruments. This type of
security offers features that resemble both
long-term corporate bonds and preferred
Canadian Payments Association
Established in the 1980 revision of the
Bank Act, this association operates a highly
automated national clearing system for
interbank payments. Members include
chartered banks, trust and loan companies
and some credit unions and caisses.
Canadian Securities
Administrators (CSA)
The CSA is a forum for the 13 securities
regulators of Canada’s provinces and
territories to co-ordinate and harmonize the
regulation of the Canadian capital markets.
Canadian Unlisted Board (CUB)
An Internet web-based system for investment
dealers to report completed trades in unlisted
and unquoted equity securities in Ontario.
Provides institutional investors with
electronic access to federal bond bid and
offer prices and yields from its six
bank-owned dealers.
A joint venture of several IIROC member
firms and operates as an electronic trading
system for fixed income securities providing
investors with real-time bid and offer prices
and hourly trade data.
Has two distinct but related meanings. To
an economist, it means machinery, factories
and inventory required to produce other
products. To an investor, it may mean the
total of financial assets invested in
securities, a home and other fixed assets,
plus cash.
Capital and Financial Account
Account which reflects the transactions
occurring between Canada and foreign
countries with respect to the acquisition of
assets, such as land or currency. Along with
the current account a component of the
balance of payments.
Capital Gain
Selling a security for more than its purchase
price. For non-registered securities, 50% of
the gain would be added to income and
taxed at the investor’s marginal rate.
Capital Loss
Selling a security for less than its purchase
price. Capital losses can only be applied
against capital gains. Surplus losses can be
carried forward indefinitely and used
against future capital gains. Only 50% of
the loss can be used to offset any taxable
capital loss.
Capital Market
Financial markets where debt and equity
securities trade. Capital markets include
organized exchanges as well as private
placement sources of debt and equity.
Capital Stock
All shares representing ownership of a
company, including preferred as well as
common. Also referred to as equity capital.
Capitalization or Capital Structure
Total dollar amount of all debt, preferred
and common stock, and retained earnings
of a company. Can also be expressed in
percentage terms
Recording an expenditure initially as an
asset on the statement of financial
position rather than as an expense on the
statement of comprehensive income, and
then writing it off or amortizing it (as an
expense on the statement of
comprehensive income) over a period of
years. Examples include interest, and
research and development.
Carry Forward
The amount of RRSP contributions that
can be carried forward from previous years.
For example, if a client was entitled to place
$13,500 in an RRSP and only contributed
$10,000, the difference of $3,500 would be
the unused contribution room and can be
carried forward indefi nitely
Cash Account
A type of brokerage account where the
investor is expected to have either cash in
the account to cover their purchases or
where an investor will deliver the required
amount of cash before the settlement date
of the purchase.
Cash Flow
A company’s profit for a stated period plus
any deductions that are not paid out in
actual cash, such as depreciation. For an
investor, any source of income from an
investment including dividends, interest
income, rental income, etc.
Cash-Secured Put Write
Involves writing a put option and setting
aside an amount of cash equal to the strike
price. If the cash-secured put writer is
assigned, the cash is used to buy the stock
from the exercising put buyer.
Cash Value
The current market value of a segregated
fund contract, less any applicable deferred
sales charges or other withdrawal fees
An electronic trading system for fixed income securities operating in both retail and institutional markets.
CDS Clearing and Depository
Services Inc. (CDS)
CDS provides customers with physical and
electronic facilities to deposit and withdraw
depository-eligible securities and manage
their related ledger positions (securities
accounts). CDS also provides electronic
clearing services both domestically and
internationally, allowing customers to
report, confirm and settle securities trade
Central Bank
A body established by a national
Government to regulate currency and
monetary policy on a national/
international level. In Canada, it is the
Bank of Canada; in the United States, the
Federal Reserve Board; in the U.K., the
Bank of England.
Chart Analysis
The use of charts and patterns to forecast
buy and sell decisions. See also Technical
Chinese Walls
Policies implemented to separate and isolate
persons within a firm who make investment
decisions from persons within a firm who
are privy to undisclosed material information
which may influence those decisions. For
example, there should be separate fax
machines for research departments and sales
Class A and B Stock
Shares that have different classes sometimes
have different rights. Some may have
superior claims over other classes or may
have different voting rights. Class A stock is
often similar to a participating preferred
share with a prior claim over Class B for a
stated amount of dividends or assets or both,
but without voting rights; the Class B may
have voting rights but no priority as to
dividends or assets. Note that these
distinctions do not always apply.
Clearing Corporations
A not-for-profi t service organization owned
by the exchanges and their members for the
clearance, settlement and issuance of options
and futures. A clearing corporation provides
a guarantee for all options and futures
contracts it clears, by becoming the buyer
to every seller and the seller to every buyer
Closed-End Fund
Shares in closed-end investment companies
are readily transferable in the open market
and are bought and sold like other shares.
Capitalization is fi xed. See also Investment
Closet Indexing
A portfolio strategy whereby the fund
manager does not replicate the market
exactly but sticks fairly close to the market
weightings by industry sector, country or
region or by the average market
Coincident Indicators
Statistical data that, on average, change at
approximately the same time and in the
same direction as the economy as a whole.
Collateral Trust Bond
A bond secured by stocks or bonds of
companies controlled by the issuing
company, or other securities, which are
deposited with a trustee.
Commercial Paper
An unsecured promissory note issued by a
corporation or an asset-backed security
backed by a pool of underlying financial
assets. Issue terms range from less than
three months to one year. Most corporate
paper trades in $1,000 multiples, with a
minimum initial investment of $25,000.
Commercial paper may be bought and sold
in a secondary market before maturity at
prevailing market rates.
The fee charged by a stockbroker for buying
or selling securities as agent on behalf of a
A product used for commerce that is traded
on an organized exchange. A commodity
could be an agricultural product such as
canola or wheat, or a natural resource such
as oil or gold. A commodity can be the
basis for a futures contract.
Common Stock
Securities representing ownership in a
company. They carry voting privileges and
are entitled to the receipt of dividends, if
declared. Also called common shares.
Competitive Tender
A distribution method used in particular by
the Bank of Canada in distributing new
issues of government marketable bonds.
Bids are requested from primary
distributors and the higher bids are
awarded the securities for distribution. See
also Non-Competitive Tender.
Compound Interest
Interest earned on an investment at periodic
intervals and added to the amount of the
investment; future interest payments are
then calculated and paid at the original rate
but on the increased total of the investment.
In simple terms, interest paid on interest.
A printed acknowledgement giving details
of a purchase or sale of a security which is
normally mailed to a client by the broker or
investment dealer within 24 hours of an
order being executed. Also called a contract.
Consolidated Financial Statements
A combination of the financial statements
of a parent company and its subsidiaries,
presenting the financial position of the
group as a whole.
See Reverse Split.
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Price index which measures the cost of
living by measuring the prices of a given
basket of goods. The CPI is often used as
an indicator of inflation.
Continuation Pattern
A chart formation indicating that the current
trend will continue.
Continuous Disclosure
In Ontario, a reporting issuer must issue a
press release as soon as a material change
occurs in its affairs and, in any event,
within ten days. See also Timely
Contract Holder
The owner of a segregated fund contract.
Represents a downturn in the economy and
can lead to a recession if prolonged.
Contributions in Kind
Transferring securities into an RRSP. The
general rules are that when an asset is
transferred there is a deemed disposition.
Any capital gain would be reported and
taxes paid. Any capital losses that result
cannot be claimed.
Conversion Price
The dollar value at which a convertible
bond or security can be converted into
common stock.
Conversion Privilege
The right to exchange a bond for common
shares on specifically determined terms.
A bond, debenture or preferred share
which may be exchanged by the owner,
usually for the common stock of the same
company, in accordance with the terms of
the conversion privilege. A company can
force conversion by calling in such shares
for redemption if the redemption price is
below the market price.
Convertible Arbitrage
A strategy that looks for mispricing between
a convertible security and the underlying
stock. A typical convertible arbitrage
position is to be long the convertible bond
and short the common stock of the same
A measure of the rate of change in duration
over changes in yields. Typically, a bond
will rise in price more if the yield change is
negative than it will fall in price if the yield
change is positive.
Corporate Note
An unsecured promise made by the borrower
to pay interest and repay the principal at a
specific date.
Corporation or Company
A form of business organization created
under provincial or federal statutes which
has a legal identity separate from its owners.
The corporation’s owners (shareholders)
have no personal liability for its debts. See
also Limited Liability.
A price reversal that typically occurs when a
security has been overbought or oversold in
the market.
A measure of the relationship between two
or more securities. If two securities mirror
each other’s movements perfectly, they are
said to have a positive one (+1) correlation.
Combining securities with high positive
correlations does not reduce the risk of a
portfolio. Combining securities that move
in the exact opposite direction from each
other are said to have perfect negative one
(-1) correlation. Combining two securities
with perfect negative correlation reduces
risk. Very few, if any, securities have a
perfect negative correlation. However, risk
in a portfolio can be reduced if the
combined securities have low positive
Cost Accounting Method
Used when a company owns less than 20%
of a subsidiary.
Cost of Sales
A statement of comprehensive income
account representing the cost of buying raw
materials that go directly into producing
finished goods.
Cost-Push Inflation
A type of inflation that develops due to an
increase in the costs of production. For
example, an increase in the price of oil may
contribute to higher input costs for a
company and could lead to higher inflation.
Coupon Rate
The rate of interest that appears on the
certificate of a bond. Multiplying the
coupon rate times the principal tells the
holder the dollar amount of interest to be
paid by the issuer until maturity. For
example, a bond with a principal of $1,000
and a coupon of 10% would pay $100 in
interest each year. Coupon rates remain
fixed throughout the term of the bond. See
also Yield.
A pledge in a bond indenture indicating
the fulfilment of a promise or agreement by
the company issuing the debt. An example
of a covenant may include the promise not
to issue any more debt.
Buying a security previously sold short. See
also Short Sale.
Covered Writer
The writer of an option who also holds a
position that is equivalent to, but on the
opposite side of the market from the short
option position. In some circumstances, the
equivalent position may be in cash, a
convertible security or the underlying
security itself. See also Naked Writer.
Canadian Unlisted Board – a web-based
trade reporting system for unlisted securities.
Cum Dividend
With dividend. If you buy shares quoted
cum dividend, i.e., before the ex dividend
date, you will receive an upcoming
already-declared dividend. If shares are
quoted ex-dividend (without dividend)
you are not entitled to the declared
Cum Rights
With rights. Buyers of shares quoted cum
rights, i.e., before the ex-rights date, are
entitled to forthcoming already-declared
rights. If shares are quoted ex rights
(without rights) the buyer is not entitled to
receive the declared rights
Cumulative Preferred
A preferred stock having a provision that if
one or more of its dividends are not paid,
the unpaid dividends accumulate in arrears
and must be paid before any dividends may
be paid on the company’s common shares.
Current Account
Account that reflects all payments between
Canadians and foreigners for goods, services,
interest and dividends. Along with the
capital and financial account it is a
component of the balance of payments.
Current Assets
Cash and assets which in the normal course
of business would be converted into cash,
usually within a year, e.g. accounts
receivable, inventories. A statement of
financial position category.
Current Liabilities
Money owed and due to be paid within a
year, e.g. accounts payable. A statement of
financial position category.
Current Ratio
A liquidity ratio that shows a company’s
ability to pay its current obligations from
current assets. A current ratio of 2:1 is the
generally accepted standard. See also Quick
Current Yield
The annual income from an investment
expressed as a percentage of the investment’s
current value. On stock, calculated by
dividing yearly dividend by market price;
on bonds, by dividing the coupon by
market price. See also Yield.
A firm that holds the securities belonging to
a mutual fund or a segregated fund for
safekeeping. The custodian can be either
the insurance company itself, or a qualified
outside firm based in Canada.
Cyclical Stock
A stock in an industry that is particularly
sensitive to swings in economic conditions.
Cyclical Stocks tend to rise quickly when
the economy does well and fall quickly
when the economy contracts. In this way,
cyclicals move in conjunction with the
business cycle. For example, during periods
of expansion auto stocks do well as
individuals replace their older vehicles.
During recessions, auto sales and auto
company share values decline.
Cyclical Unemployment
The amount of unemployment that rises
when the economy softens, firms’ demand
for labour moderates, and some firms lay
off workers in response to lower sales. It
drops when the economy strengthens again.