T Flashcards
Right, correct
正しい (ただしい): i-adjective
Discharge from hospital, leaving hospital
退院 (たいいん): noun, suru-verb
台風 (たいふう): noun
Type, style
タイプ: noun
Usually, ordinarily
たいてい: noun, na-adjective, adverb
たまに: adverb
棚 (たな): noun
誕生 (たんじょう): noun
Looking forward to, enjoyment, pleasure
楽しみ (たのしみ): noun
To fall (over, down)
倒れる (たおれる): ru-verb, intransitive
To be sufficient, to be enough
足りる (たりる): ru-verb, intransitive
To add (numbers, things)
足す (たす): u-verb, transitive
Japanese straw mat, tatami
畳 (たたみ): noun
To build
建てる (たてる): ru-verb, transitive
To visit
訪ねる (たずねる): ru-verb, transitive
To ask
尋ねる (たずねる): ru-verb, transitive
手袋 (てぶくろ): noun
丁寧 (ていねい): noun, na-adjective
Text, textbook
テクスト: noun
適当 (てきとう): noun
Dot, point, decimal
点 (てん): noun
Employee, shop assistant, Clerk
店員 (てんいん): noun
テニス: noun
Weather forecast
天気予報 (てんきようほう): noun
展覧会 (てんらんかい): noun
寺 (てら): noun
To help, to assist, to aid
手伝う (てつだう): u-verb, transitive
On the way
途中 (とちゅう): noun, adverbial noun
To send
届ける (とどける): ru-verb, transitive
Limited express
特急 (とっきゅう): noun
床屋 (とこや): noun
Special, particular, excellent, extraordinary
特別 (とくべつ): noun, na-adjective
Especially, in particular
特に (とくに): adverb
To stay at
泊まる (とまる): u-verb, intransitive
To stop something
止める (とめる): ru-verb, transitive
遠く (とおく): adverb
To go through
通る (とおる): u-verb, transitive
To exchange, to swap, to replace
取り替える (とりかえる): u-verb, transitive
Finally, after all
到頭 (とうとう): adverb
To continue, to keep up, to keep on
続ける (つづける): ru-verb, transitive
To continue
続く (つづく): u-verb, intransitive
Circumstances, condition, convenience
都合 (つごう): noun, adverb
To catch, to capture, to seize, to grab
捕まえる (つかまえる): ru-verb, transitive
To soak, to pickle
漬ける (つける): ru-verb, transitive
月 (つき): noun, adverb
To be attached
付く (つく): ru-verb, intransitive
Wife (yours)
妻 (つま): noun
To take (someone) with you
連れる (つれる): ru-verb, transitive
To fish
釣る (つる): ru-verb, transitive
To report, to tell
伝える (つたえる): ru-verb, transitive
To wrap
包む (つつむ): u-verb, transitive