M Flashcards
To make a mistake (in)
間違える (まちがえる): ru-verb, transitive
To go, to come (humble)
参る (まいる): u-verb, intransitive
To lose, to be defeated
負ける (まける): ru-verb, intransitive
Comic, manga
漫画 (まんが): noun
To be in time (for)
間に合う (まにあう): u-verb, intransitive
Middle, centre
真ん中 (まんなか): noun
Around, within the vicinity (of), circumference (of)
周り (まわり): noun
To go around (an area), to revolve
回る (まわる): u-verb, intransitive
First of all, firstly
まず: adverb
To drink, to eat
召し上がる (めしあがる): u-verb, transitive
Unusual, rare
珍しい (めずらしい): i-adjective
To appear like, to seem like, to look like
見える (みえる): ru-verb, intransitive
港 (みなと): noun
Fermented condiment made from soy beans, miso
味噌 (みそ): noun
The state of being found, to be found
見つかる (みつかる): ru-verb, intransitive
To find, to discover, to spot
見つける (みつける): ru-verb, intransitive
Capital (like a city), metropolitan area
都 (みやこ): noun
湖 (みずうみ): noun
To turn back, to return, to recover (something that was lost)
戻る (もどる): ru-verb, intransitive
Cotton (material)
木綿 (もめん): noun
森 (もり): noun
If, in case, supposing
もし: adverb
To say, to offer, to express (congratulations, greetings, etc.) (humble)
申し上げる (もうしあげる): ru-verb, transitive
To be called, to say (humble)
申す (もうす): u-verb, transitive
もうすぐ: adverb, expression
To go out to meet
迎える (むかえる): ru-verb, transitive
Olden days, former days
昔 (むかし): noun
To head towards, to go towards, to face
向かう (むかう): u-verb, intransitive
Impossible, to work to hard, to try too hard, to overdo
無理 (むり): noun, na-adjective, suru-verb
Insect, bug, worm
虫 (むし): noun
息子 (むすこ): noun
娘 (むすめ): noun