N Flashcards
To throw away, to cast away
投げる (なげる): ru-verb, transitive
To weep, to cry
泣く (なく): u-verb
To disappear, to get lost
無くなる (なくなる): u-verb, intransitive
To die (more formal), to pass away
亡くなる (なくなる): u-verb, intransitive
Raw, uncooked, fresh, unedited
生 (なま): noun
To be fixed, to be repaired
直る (なおる): u-verb, intransitive
To be cured, to heal
治る (なおる): u-verb, intransitive
To get used to
慣れる (なれる): ru-verb, intransitive
To sound, to ring, to resound, to echo
鳴る (なる): u-verb, intransitive
Now I understand
なるほど: expression
Sleeping in late, oversleep
寝坊 (ねぼう): noun, suru-verb
Price, cost
値段 (ねだん): noun
眠い (ねむい): i-adjective
To sleep
眠る (ねむる): u-verb, intransitive
熱 (ねつ): noun
苦い (にがい): i-adjective
To escape
逃げる (にげる): ru-verb, intransitive
Two-storey building
二階建て (にかいだて): noun
人形 (にんじょう): noun
A smell
匂い (におい): noun
To be similar
似る (にる): ru-verb, intransitive
喉 (のど): noun
To remain
残る (のこる): u-verb, intransitive
To change between buses or trains
乗り換える (のりかえる): ru-verb, transitive
乗り物 (のりもの): noun
To get wet
濡れる (ぬれる): ru-verb, intransitive
To paint, to plaster
塗る (ぬる): u-verb, transitive
To steal
盗む (ぬすむ): u-verb, intransitive
Enrolment, entry to a school or university
入学 (にゅうがく): noun, suru-verb
Hospitalisation, to go to the hospital for an injury
入院 (にゅういん): noun, suru-verb