A Flashcards
Ah, oh
あ: expression
Ah, yes
ああ: adverb
アフリカ: noun
To rise
上がる (あがる): u-verb, intransitive
To greet
挨拶 (あいさつ): noun, suru-verb
Flavour, taste, uniqueness, experience, style, attractiveness
味 (あじ): u-verb, intransitive
アジア: noun
Baby, infant
赤ちゃん (あかちゃん): noun
Baby, infant
赤ん坊 (あかんぼう): noun
アクセサリー: noun
America, the United States
アメリカ: noun
アナウンサー: noun
Such, that (over there) sort of
あんな: pre-noun adjectival
To guide
案内 (あんない): noun, suru-verb
Peace of mind, to be relieved, to be calm, to not worry (after being worried)
安心 (あんしん): noun, na-adjective, suru-verb
Safety, security
安全 (あんぜん): noun, na-adjective
Part-time job
アルバイト: noun, suru-verb
アルコール: noun
Shallow (as in a body of water), light (sleep)
浅い (あさい): i-adjective
遊び (あそび): noun
To gather, to collect, to assemble (intransitive)
集まる (あつまる): u-verb, intransitive
To gather, to collect, to assemble (transitive)
集める (あつめる): ru-verb, transitive
To apologise
謝る (あやまる): u-verb