Szaz Flashcards
What type of research is Szaz?
a review article
What are the weaknesses of a review article?
extremely subjective - own opinions - not scientific
Where did Szaz focus his research?
What did Szaz aim to do?
challenge the medical character of mental illness in the USA over the 50 years since 1960
What does Szaz believe about mental illness?
it is defined by society in terms of whether a person’s behaviour deviates from a social norm
What area of applied psych: issues in mental health links to Szaz?
historical explanations of behaviour
What are the 4 main sections of Szaz’s review article?
- fifty years of change in US mental healthcare
- mental illness - a medical or legal concept
- mental illness’ a metaphor
- revisiting the myth of mental illness
What are Szaz’s beliefs about fifty years of change in the US mental healthcare system?
- distinction between medical and mental hospitals blurred into non-existence & become responsibility of government and tax payers
- mental illness practices are a pseudo-science
- politicisation and medicalisation of mental illness = dehumanising
What are Szaz’s beliefs about mental illness: a medical or legal concept?
- classification systems - updated and changed - social context
- Bill Clinton and the US political system declaring mental illness the same as a physical illness despite no scientific evidence or research
- mental hospitals are the same as prisons - coercive behaviour
What are Szaz’s beliefs about mental illness being a metaphor?
- brain diseases
- there is no proof for brain diseases - no scientific evidence + ever expanding list of disorders
- mental illness “devoid of meaning”
What are Szaz’s beliefs about changing perspectives on human life (and illness)?
- old religious humanistic perspective replaced with secular medicalisation
- madness is normal - apart of the human experience - should not be labelled
What are Szaz’s beliefs about mental illness being in the eye of the beholder?
- subjectivity of psychiatry
- observers construction and definition
- deprivation of liberty and human rights
- mental illness cannot be treated or cured by drugs & to help people with mental disorders is to listen and respect them
- ability to accept or reject diagnosis
What are Szaz’s beliefs about revisiting the myth of mental illness?
- mental illness became a political weapon
- healing through therapy (PCT)
What are Szaz’s beliefs about having an illness not making an individual a patient?
- creation of suicidology
- state sanctioned coercive and controlling institutions
What are the key points of Szaz’s article?
- changes to mental illness classification due to politicisation and medicalisation
- subjectivity of psychiatry
- involuntary medical care
- no scientific evidence - pseudo-science
- not saying mental illness doesn’t exist BUT not abnormal