Systems Software Flashcards
What function does an OS provide?
user interface
memory management
interrupt handling
processor scheduling
How paging and segmentation are similar
Both allows programs to run despite insufficient memory
both stored on disk
both transferred into memory when needed
Paging features
fixed size
are made to fit sections of memory
are physical divisions
Segment features(opposite of paging)
Different size
complete sections of programs
are logical divisions
Problems with segments and paging
If psychical memory is running low virtual memory has to be used.If more time is spent moving pages/segments in and out of the memory to the disk(thrashing) than actually processing the instructions,the computer will be very slow
Types of interupts
Aims of scedhuling
To provide an acceptable response time to all users
To maximise the time the CPU is usefully engaged
To ensure fairness on a mutli-user system
Scheduling;What is Round robin?
Each job is allocated a time slice (by FIFO) during which it can use the CPU’S resources
If the job has not been completed by the end of its time slice, the next job is allocated a time slice
Scheduling; What is Shortest remaining time?
The time to completion is estimated as each new job arrives
The job with the shortest remaining time to completion is executed,meaning that a shorter new job can take over from the current process
Scheduling;What is Shortest job first?
Also known as ‘Shortest process next’
As with shortest remaining time the total execution time of each job is estimated by the user
The waiting job with the smallest total execution time is executed when the current job completes
Scheduling;What are Multi-level feedback queues?
Multiple queues are created with different priority levels
If a job uses too much CPU time its is moved to a lower priority queue
Processes can also be moved to a higher priority queue f they have waited a long time
What is paging
Available memory is divided into fixed chunks called pages.Each page has an address. A process loaded into RAM is allowed sufficient pages(they may not be next to each other)
What is first come first served?
The first job to arrives is executed until it completes
What is a distributed OS
Allows multiple computers to work together on a single task
What is a embedded OS
Designed to run on embedded systems rather then general purpose computers. An embedded system is a computer that forms a part of a device such as a washing machine,vending machine or car’s engine management system
What is a multi-tasking OS
Can run multiple programs simultaneously
What is a multi-user OS
Allows multiple users to use a system and its resources simultaneously. It is the simultaneous aspect that is important.An operating system that allows multiple use accounts but only one person to use the system at a time is not classed as a multi-user operating system
What is a Real time OS
Designed to carry out actions within a guaranteed amount of time even when left running for long periods.Usually the expected response time is within a small fraction of a section
What is BIOS
Stands for’Basic Input Output System’
The fundamental purpose of the BIOS in modern PCs is to initialise and test the system hardware components and to load the OS(or the key parts of it) from the hard disk into RAM. BIOS was historically used to provide an abstraction layer which allowed a consistent way for application programs and the OS to interact with input-output systems(not used after loaded)
Where is BIOS stored
BIOS is the program stored in EPROM(Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)
What are virtual machines
A virtual machine can be defined as any instance where software is used to take on the function of the machine, including executing intermediate code or running an operating system within another to emulate different hardware
What are device drivers
Operating systems are expected to communicate with a wide variety of devices, each with different models and manufacturers.It would be impossible for the makers of operating systems to program them to handle all existing and future devices.This is why we need device drivers.A device driver is a piece of software, usually supplied within a device that tells the OS how it can communicate with the device
Example :Printer