Introduction to programming Flashcards
What is an IDE?
An IDE is a software which enables you to enter,edit ,compile(or interrupt) and run your programs
It is a software package that helps you write the code more easily
3 debugging facilities:
Set a BREAKPOINT in the program which will cause the program to stop on the line
STEP THROUGH a program one line at a time so that you can see what is happening
Set a WATCH on a variable so that its value is displayed each time it changes
What is an identifier?
An identifier is a name or label chosen by a programmer to represent an object within a program.the object can be a variable ,a function, a procedure or any element defined within a program
Difference between MOD and DIV
Div returns a integer
Mod returns the remainder
how a pogrom code can be improved or more refined
Use meaningful variable names to allow others to understand scope of variables
Indentation of code to show clearly the lines of code which should be treated together , typically loops/selection
Annotate code with comments that are not read by the computer and so that others can understand
What is the agile model and when to use?
Software is developed in rapid incremental cycles each version builds on previous functionality and is thoroughly trusted
When to use:
small changes can be made frequently of a low cost
In an expanding or developing business-where users needs are constantly changing
Extreme programming
A type of agile software development
frequent releases are made in short development cycles
intended to improve productivity
Rapid application development
Workshops and focus groups gather requirement
prototyping is used to continually refine the system
in responsive to feedback
each part produced in time limit
software components can be re-used
Linear search
Linear search involves methodically searching one location after another until the serached-for value is found
Binary search
Binary search works by dividing the list in two each time until we find the item being searched for,the list has to be in order
Bubble sort
Bubble sort is one of the easiest sorting algorithm to understand and implement
Insertion sort
Insertion sort works by dividing a list two parts;sorted and unsorted.Elements are inserted one by one into their correct position in the sorted section