Systems Final Quiz Flashcards
2 Central Ideas of Gestalt
- Most important focus is experience of the present moment.
- Self can only be known in context of other.
5 Tenets of Gestalt
- Paradoxical theory of change
- Active awareness, i.e., phenomenology
- Dialogical process of the here and now
- Drive toward human fulfillment
- Figure-ground thinking
3 causes of human suffering, according to gestalt
- Systemic pressures that restrict: “shoulds”
- Shame (the wrong kind)
- Lack of self-continuity
Treatment goal in gestalt
Acceptance and inclusion of the whole, authentic self in process
5 gestalt interventions
- Dialogical process (the “fixed” therapist does not help the “broken” client; gestalt therapists undergo lots of therapy)
- Empty chair technique
- “Safe emergencies”
- Exaggerated behaviors (clowning)
- Awareness practice (mindfulness)
Virginia Satir is known for…
The Human Validation Model
3 Assumptions of Satirian Therapy
- All humans are good (poor communication is just incompetence; psychopathology is just attempts to adapt gone wrong)
- All humans have what they need for growth and change
- The therapist’s “belief in the family” is the mechanism of change
Overarching Goal of Satirian Therapy
Achieve wellness by releasing the potential present in every family
Satirian therapy places a strong emphasis on…
open, honest communication
Meaning of a “symptom” in Satirian therapy
Signal that the family’s growth is blocked
Homeostasis, in Satirian therapy
Members pay a “price” for homeostasis
4 Family Roles, according to Satir
- Placater
- Blamer
- Rationalizer
- Irrelevant
Therapist Stance in Satirian Therapy
Warm and Caring
8 Components of a Self, according to Satir
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Sensual
- Interactional
- Contextual (phenomenological)
- Nutritional
- Spiritual
5 Stages of Satirian Therapy
- Late status quo: business as usual until introduction of a foreign object
- Resistance: communication stances appear
- Chaos: system enters the unknown
- Integration: excitement about the possibility of change via transforming idea
- New status quo: comfort with a new homeostasis
4 Objectives of Satirian Therapy
- Raise self-esteem of each member
- Become a decision-maker
- Become responsible: do what you say you’ll do
- Become congruent: say what you mean, and mean what you say
5 Satirian Interventions (to be used spontaneously and creatively)
- Family life fact chronology
- Parts party
- Family sculpting
- Role playing
- Teaching a new language