Systems-Based Practice Flashcards
This is the awareness of an responsiveness to the larger context and system of healthcare, and the demonstration of the ability to effectivty call on the system resources to provide optimal care.
System-based practice (SBP)
What is the sytstem in SBP?
healthcare system
What is the purpose of SBP?
improve medical care quality
Individual level have impact on healthcare at what other levles?
You should practice cost-effective heathcare that doenst compromise what?
quality of care
Who saved errors and publsihed them in an attempt to improve the quality of care?
Ernest Codman
What orgnaization oversees SBP?
This is evaluating approaches to specific diseases, agreed upon choices, best practices, reuqired centralization, EBM, and commitment to self-evaluation?
Clinical integration
What are the barriers to clinical integration of SBP?
emphasis on autonomy
uneven evidence about outcomes
fear of evaluation
NO business model exists
This is the degree to wbich health services for individuals and populations increase the liklihood of desired health otucomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.
IOM definition of quality
To lessen variation and increase quality of healthcare, how should you practice disease management (broad based)?
look at overall class of pts
To lessen variation and increase quality of healthcare, how should you practice guidelines?
transplate consensus views,/best science into methods of practice
To lessen variation and increase quality of healthcare, how should you approact critical pathways?
Detailed care plan of what needs to be doen that is setting specific.
To lessen variation and increase quality of healthcare, how should you do case management?
applyign tools of guidelines to pt, implement concepts of disease management, and checking of actual care against guidelines
What are the 32 main reasons that there is diffculty in implementing guidelines?
Long held beliefs are difficult to modify
Pts may not be accepting of new treatment