Systemic Diseases - digestive Flashcards
name the syn of ruminal lactic acidosis
#founders disease #ruminal impaction #acute cho engoregemnt #false milk fever
thymine deficiency is seen in -
ruminal lactic acidosis
lactophilus acidophilus produces ——– to cause ruminal atony
staggering gait along with lamness is seen in
Treatment for RLA
mild form- Ruminal lavagine with warm water and Na2Co3
moderate form-Mg(oh)2,antihiatamine i/m to improve ruminal motitlity,thymine to prevent neurological sigh,ca2+
most severe-rumenotomy
name some ionophores-
Na pentonate,na2co3,limestone and ionophores
ruminal drinkers is characterized by-
ruminal tympany,unthriftiness and clay like stool
incomplete closure of ruminoreticular groove results in
ruminal drinkers
name the two types of bloat
#primary bloat/pastuer bloat/frothy/feed lot bloat #secondary bloat/free gas bloat
bloat is commonly seen during -
spring and autumn
what the bloat producing legumes-
alfa alfa,bran,wet cover and white clover
name a bloat safe plant-
arrow leaf clover(tannin producing)
clinical signs in bloat -
- dyspnea
- increased ruminal motility followed by decreased ruminal motolity
- increased RR,HR
- decreased milk production
- increased salivation
- abducted forelimbs
- frequent urination and defecation
frothy bloat can be treated with -
#mineral oil,ginger,garlic,asofotiida #synthetic surfactants- poloxaline #Ab therapy
the region for TRP
cranio-ventral aspect