Systematic 3 Flashcards
What are the attributes of a Man’s Soul?
What is intellect?
That which tells one whether a given issue is right or wrong
What is Sesibilitiy?
That which tells someone what he would LIKE to do about a given issue
What is Conscience?
That which tells one what he SHOULD do about that issue
What is Will?
That which determines what one WILL do about that issue
What were man’s original duties and responsibilities? (3/5)
Obey God
Head of nature
Live in & care for the Garden
Love & protect his wife
Reproduce & fill the earth
What is the 7 fold sentence of man’s fall?
Spiritual Death
Labor & Fatigue
Physical Death
Remember: Serpent Snake Sleeps Still For LiFe Pleads Death
What is the Liberal Position on the effects of man’s fall?
Story is a Hebrew legend & thus has no impact
What is the Pelagian Position on the effects of man’s fall?
Because God only judges man based on the sins he personally commits, Adam’s sins affect only himself. The only impact on posterity was a bad example
What is the Arminian Position on the effects of man’s fall?
Adam’s sin weakened the will of his descendants to remain sinless but didn’t destroy the possibility
What is the Augustine Position on the effects of man’s fall?
As seminally present in Adam, all his descendent were participants with him in his sin. Thus God holds all men guilty because all men are guilty
What is the Federal Position on the effects of man’s fall?
As the federal head or representative of mankind, his sin was charged not only to him but to all he represented as well
What is the definition of sin?
Lawlessness or transgression of God’s will, either by omitting to do what God’s law requires or by doing with it forbids.
What is Mr. Nalepa’s definition of sin?
Sin is anything we think, say, or do that violates God’s desires
What are the 3 greek works for “sin”
Harmartia, Parabasis, Anomia
What does Harmartia mean?
To miss the park, carries thought of not sharing in prize
What does Parabasis mean?
To transgress, trespass, and step over a line whether accidentally or deliberately
What does Anomia mean?
Without law, lawlessness, and inequity, indicates a frame of mind
What does depravity not mean?
That all unsaved men:
- are as deprived as they can possibly become
- has no sense of God or good/evil
- can’t admire that which is noble or perform noble acts
What does depravity mean?
All sinners are capable of all evil things
No sinner has the power to please God
What are the 3 spiritual catagories?
Natural, Carnal, Spiritual man
What is a natural man?
Unsaved man, totally depraved
What is a carnal man?
One who is a Christian but still allows himself to be controlled by the flesh
What is a spiritual man?
One who is indeed spiritual and living a life empowered by the Holy Spirit
What are mans 3 most significant qu’s?
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
the belief that at death man ceases all personal existence and is absorbed by some great life-giving principle in the universe.
the atheistic belief that there is nothing after life and thus after death man just rots away into nothingness.
the belief that all the ungodly will someday be annihilated or uncreated by God.
Soul Sleep
the soul sleeps between death and resurrection.
all who die imperfect, but at peace with the church must undergo penal and purifying sufferings. Only true for those who die in a lesser (venial) sin, not a mortal sin. One’s stay in purgatory can be shortened by gifts or works done on their behalf by those still alive.
rebirth of the soul according to what one does in his present life. Thus a man’s life is, in reality, working out for better or worse, the effects of a previous existence, and determining a future state.
What happened to Christians who died before the Cross?
All souls went to Sheol, called Hades
Where is Sheol?
In the center of the earth
What are the 2 compartments of Sheol?
Paradise and Hades
What happens to redeemed people now (after the cross)
They go directly before the presence of God
What happens to the unsaved now (after cross)
nothing has changed (still Hades)
What is Hades (Sheol)
The place of departed souls
What is Tartarus
Deepest abyss in Hades; to incarcerate in eternal torment
What is Gehenna
Place of everlasting torment
What is referred to as “outer darkness”
What is the nature of hell? (6/10)
No Rest
Away from God
Unquenchable fire
May The Memory Forever Exist Dreading NoRth
Who/What is thrown into the lake of fire?
Death, Hades, and those not in the “Book of LIfe” are cast in.
What is also known as the 2nd death?
The Lake of Fire