Syndromic tumors Flashcards
Know the genetic associations w/various pediatric tumors
18 yo male, nasal lesion
FAP/APC gene
Beta catenin
9 mo male w/arrhythmia & heart failure.
Explant shows a 10 cm left ventricular tumor:

Cardiac fibroma
2nd MC cardiac tumor
1/3 <1yo; cellular/mitotically active in young
Gorlin syndrome (PTCH gene)

8 mo female w/a murmer

50-70% regress in fetal/infant period; partial resection only as needed
TSC genes
B/L ventricles, sometimes atria; never valves

4 year old child w/pulmonary emboli, right heart failure, fever, anemia & hypergammaglobulinemia
Atrial myxoma
Rare in children (<5%); most sporadic
Carney complex (5%): PRKAR1A (17q22-24)
Arise from endocardium, left atrium near FO
Clinical triad: 1. Outflow obstruction; 2. Emboli; 3. Consitutional symptoms
A 5 yo girl has this tumor resected, then presents at 14 yo with bilateral ovarian tumors and hirsutism.

Pleuropulmonary blastoma
Ass’d w/ DICER1 mutations: cystic nephroma, B/L sertoli-leydig cell tumors of ovaries
3 Types:
I: cystic - ddx CPAM; not mixed w/normal lung; can progress to types II-III
II: cystic & solid
III: solid (sarcoma w/heterologous elements)