Skin Flashcards
Scalp lesion

Aplasia Cutis Congenita
- congenital absence of skin
- single or multiple, usually scalp involved
Young child with short, deformed right arm and large, red, scaly skin patches

CHILD syndrome
congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma
What is this?

Thickened lamellar hyperkeratosis, reduced/absent granular layer
What is this?

Fetal Harlequin Ichthyosis
Infant encased in keratinous membrane sheds in 1-2 weeks
Collodion Baby
17 yo w/vesicles in neck, groin & axillae

Hailey-Hailey disease
What is this?

Restrictive dermopathy
Histology: thick, hyperkeratotic epidermis, flat rete-ridges, poorly developed adnexal structures
What are features of focal dermal hypoplasia
Thin dermis w/ thin fibrils of collagen admixed with fat
X-linked dominant
A neonate with diffuse skin blistering, respiratory failure and GI bleeding

Epidermolysis bullosa, junctional type - note cleavage above basement membrane
Child with vesiculobullous acral and perioral lesions, diarrhea and alopecia

Acrodermatitis enteropathica - intraepidermal vesicles with psorisiform hyperplasia
Granular IgA at tips of dermal papillae
Linear IgA at basement membrane
Dermatitis herpetiformis - gluten, scalp & extensor surfaces
Linear IgA bullous dermatosis - no gluten ass’n; tense bullae lower trunk
Both w/bullae containing neutrophils & eos
Erythema toxicum neonatorum
Eosinophils in pilosebacceous units
Self-limited macular-pustular rash
Name 2 transient dermatoses in black infants/neonates
Acropustulosis of infancy
Transient neonatal pustular melanosis
Pustules in both contain neutrophils
Most common skin infection in children
Impetigo (staph aureus)
Dermatitis caused by Group A strep
Ecthyma - ulcerative dermatitis w/dense neutrophils
Cutaneous ulcers w/ scant neutrophils in an immunecompromised child

Ecthyma gangrenosum - pseudomonas; necrotizing vasculitis at base of ulcers
Continuous granular deposits of IgG & C3 at DE junction
Lupus erythematousus
Syndrome: multiple epidermal inclusion cysts
What is this?

Steatocystoma: note corrugated epithelium and sebaceous units
What is this?

- note central hemangiopericytoma-like pattern and peripheral celular proliferation of fibroblasts/myofibroblasts
Negative for virus. What is this?

Urticaria pigmentosa - diffuse mast cell induced maculaopapular rash
What is Darier sign?
Marked focal redness over area of trauma/scratching 2* degranulation of mast cells in systemic mastocytosis
Name the tumors most commonly associated with this presentation

Blueberry muffin baby:
Neuroblastoma, leukemia, choriocarcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma
Name the dermal manifestations of tuberous sclerosis
Ashleaf spot, angiofibroma, fibroma, shagreen patch