Syndromes Flashcards
T21 cardiac defects
AVSD*, VSD, pulmonary hypertension
ear problems T21
Small low set ears
congenital hearing loss
Stenotic ear canals
GI complications T21
Duodenal atresia, anorectal stenosis, GERD, Celiac, Hirschprungs
endo complications T21
Congenital hypothyroidism
Short stature
Heme complications T21
Transient myeloproliferative disorder leukemia polycythemia iron deficiency immunodeficiency
Genetics of Edwards Syndrome
Head and neck morphology T18
prominent occiput narrow bifrontal diameter low set. malformed ears short palpebral fissures small oral opening narrow palatal arch micrognathia
Cardiac anomalies T18
GU complications T18
MSK complications T18
Clenched hand
Overlapping fingers
Nail hypoplasia
Rocker-bottom feet
Genetics of Patau Syndrome
Cardinal features of Patau Syndrome
eye, nose, lip defects
Head abnormalities Patau
microcephaly wide sagittal suture microphthalmia coloboma retinal dysplasia cleft lip/palate deafness
Heart anomalies Patau
Umbilical anomally Patau
single umbilical artery
GU anomalies patau
bicornate uterus
Derm & Skin manifestations Patau
capillary hemangiomata
loose neck skin
Marfans - inheritance pattern
autosomal dominant or sporadic
major features of Marfans
Arachnodactyly with hyperextensibility, overgrowth of long bones, ectopia lentis, aortic dilatation
Marfans: upper:lower segment & span-height ratio
upper:lower < 0.85
Span-height > 1.05
CVS complications Marfans
*Dilation of the ascending aorta
Risk of dilated cardiomyopathy
Investigations/Screening needed for Marfans
Echo Ophtho Genetics Cardio - ? beta blocker Ortho
Activity restriction Marfans
NO strenuous PA, no competitive sports, no weight lifting
Inheritance Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Autosomal Dominant
Xray findings - Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Codfish vertebrae (compressions) Wormian bones (small irregular bones in skull)
CNS complication OI
Basilar invagination - headaches, weakness, ataxia
Describe dentinogenesis imperfecta
hypoplastic, transparent, amberbrown coloured teeth. late erupting - usually primary teeth
CVS complications - OI
Aortic valve disease, mitral prolapse
GI risks OI
Umbilical & inguinal hernias
GU risk OI
Genetics Turner Syndrome
Classic findings Turners
Short broad chest wide spaced nipples congenital lymphedema bicuspid aortic valve
CVS complications Turners
bicuspid AV Coarct MVP Aortic dissection long QT HTN
H&N anomalies Turners
prominent auricles narrow maxilla small mandible high palate low posterior hairline short/webbed neck hypertelorism
GU complications Turners
ovarian dysgenesis - primary amenorrhea
horseshoe kidney
MSK anomalies Turners
cubitus valgus, short 4th metacarpal/metatarsal
Endo anomalies Turners
obesity insulin resistance LE elevation thyroid dysfunction celiac disease
Genetics Klinefelter’s
Classic features Klinefelters
tall male with androgen deficiency
primary hypogonadism - small firm testes
Inheritance Noonan Syndrome
Autosomal dominant
Classic features Noonan
big head with small face and big forehead, widespaced eyes
low-set posteriorly rotated ears low posterior hairline, lacks expression
short stature
chest deformity
CVS complications Noonan
GI complications Noonan
poor feeding
GU complications Noonans
delayed puberty
solitary kidney
MSK manifestations Noonan
cubitus valgus
club foot
vertebral/rib anomalies
scoliosis, kyphosis
Heme complications Noonans
risk of leukemia, MDS
peripheral lymphedema
Williams Syndrome
Bottom whos not that smart but has a cocktail personality and elfin face. likes to drink white russians. he’s SUPER friendly (SVAS)
Major features of DiGeorge Syndrome
Cardiac abnormality Abnormal facies Thymic aplasia Cleft palate Hypocalcemia/Hypoparathyroidism
Inheritance DiGeorge
de novo or autosomal dominant
Facial features DiGeorge
allergic shiners mandibular hypoplasia long face microcephaly cleft lip/palate
CVS anomalies di george
*TOF VSD R sided aortic arch Truncus arteriosus intrrupted aortic arch
What does CHARGE syndrome stand for?
Coloboma Heart defect Atresia (choanal) Retardation of growth and development GU anomalies Ear anomalies
CNS complications CHARGE
sensorineural hearing loss
visual impairment
GI complication CHARGE
Esophageal atresia
How to diagnose FRAGILE X
FRM1 gene molecular testing for CGG repeats
CNS complications Fragile X
developmental delay, ASD
Seizures, hypotonia
Facial/head features of Fragile X
prominent forehead & jaw
long, narrow face
protuberant ears
high arched palate
GU complication Fragile X
risk of premature ovarian failure
MSK complications Fragile X
joint hypermobility pes planus scoliosis club foot congenital hip dysplasia
Genetics of Angelmans
lack of expression of maternal chromosome
DIagnostic study Angelmans
methylation studies
Angelman syndrome features
hypotonia seizures ataxia inappropriate laughter severe intellectual disability fair hair and skin
Genetics of Prader Willi
lack of expression of paternal chromosome
General features of Prader Willi
short stature
FTT in infancy then obesity with hyperphagia
developmental and behavioural issues
H&N features Prader-Willi
Myopia, hyperopia
thin upper lip with small mouth and downturned corners
enamel hypoplasia
GU complications Prader Willi
small penis
MSK complications Prader Willi
osteoporosis scoliosis clinodactyly hypopigmented skin/hair small hands/feet
Endo complications Prader Willi
hypothalamic insufficiency
metabolic syndrome
fetal features of prader willi
decreased activity
Sturge webber inheritance
sturge-weber features
port wine stain
leptomeningeal angiomatosis
seizures, strokes, glaucoma
McCune-Albright features
Cafe au lait macules
peripheral precocious puberty
fibrous dysplasia
risk of cushing, hyperthyroid, hyperprolactinemia, rickets (phosphaturia)
Genetics Russell Silver
maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7
Russell Silver features
short stature hemihypertrophy triangular facies 5th finger clinodactyly microcephaly
Beckwith-Wiedeman features
macrosomia - hemihypertrophy macroglossia cardiomegaly omphalocoele hypoglycemia
BW high risk tumours
adrenocortical carcinoma
Alagilles genetics
autosomal dominant
Alagilles core issue
cholestasis from intrahepatic bile duct paucity
Alagilles issues
short stature pancreatic insufficiency tubulointerstitial nephropathy defective spermatogenesis hemivertebrae/butterfly vertebrae small pointed chin with broad forehead
What does WAGR stand for?
Wilms tumour
Genital abnormality (cryptorchidism)
Goldenhaar syndrome
oculoauriculovertebral syndrome
Inheritance Wiscott-Aldrich
Xlinked recessive
Features of Wiscott Aldrich
Atopic Dermatitis
Lab findings Wiscott-Aldrich
Low IgM
High IgA & IgE
normal IgG
Features of Ataxia-telangiectasia
oculocutaneous telangiectasias
chronic sinopulmonary disease (b cell deficiency)
high chance of malignancy & leukemia
Facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome
short palpebral fissures epicanthal folds maxillary hypoplasia micrognathia smooth philtrum & upper lip
heart defects FAS
Septal defects
Genetics of Rett Syndrome
mutation in MeCP2
Features of Rett Syndrome
developmental regression ataxia fine hand tremor/hand wringing ASD Seizures cardiac arrhythmias apneas and sighing respirations
What does PHACE syndrome stand for?
Posterior fossa abnormalities Hemangiomas Arterial abnormalities Cardiac abnormalities Eye abnormalities
Septo-optic dysplasia risk factors
maternal diabetes
fetal alcohol syndrome
maternal drug use
Septo-optic dysplasia CNS manifestations
Absent septum pellucidum
agenesis of the corpus callosum
anterior pituitary hormone absence
Waardenburg syndrome inheritance
autosomal dominant
Waardenburg syndrome features
abnormal distribution of melanocytes
congenital deafness
Features of Pierre-Robin sequence
cleft palate
Syndromes associated with Pierre Robin
Stickler syndrome
Stickler syndrome inheritance
autosomal dominant
Stickler syndrome features
pierre robin +
severe myopia, hearing loss and osteoarthritis
Treacher Collins Syndrome inheritance
autosomal dominant
Features of Treacher Collins
malar & mandibular hypoplasia
lower lid coloboma
absence of lower eyelashes
malformation of auricles/external ear canal
conductive deafness
incompetent soft palate
projection of scalp hair onto lateral cheek
Charcot-Marie-Tooth inheritance
autosomal dominant
Features Charcot-Marie-Tooth
progressive, symmetric, distal weakness *foot drop
contractures of hands and feet
loss of distal sensation