Infectious Disease Flashcards
Name 3 risk factors for oral candidiasis
- Prematurity (systemic)
- Broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment
- Use of a soother
- Inhaled glucocorticoids
What age is safe to use clotrimazole troches (lozenges) for oral candidiasis?
≥3 years
What is the recommended treatment for oral candidiasis?
Nystatin 100,000 units/mL 1-4 mL q6h x 7-14 days
What is the most common superficial dermatophyte infection in paediatrics?
Tinea capitis
Name 2 treatments for tinea capitis
- 1st line: Terbinafine PO x 4-6 wks
- 2nd line: Fluconazole
- PO Adjuncts:
- Ketoconazole 2% or selenium sulfide 1% shampoo 2-3 times weekly to lower carriage of viable fungal elements
What 2 situations should prompt an ID referral for tinea capitis?
- Living in immigrant populations
- Exposed to infected household pets/farm animals
- Immunodeficiency or immune system compromise
Name a risk factor for dermatophyte infections
- Trisomy 21
- Immune system compromise
Name a complication seen with Azoles (fluconazole/itraconazole)
- Hepatic toxicity
- Drug interactions
- Azithromycin: Prolonged QT
- ↑toxicity w/ immunosuppressive agents, chemo, phenytoin, midazolam
How should you treat pityriasis/tinea versicolor?
- Topical antifungals:
- 2% ketoconazole, 2.5% selenium sulfide lotion or 1% selenium sulfide shampoo
- Apply for 15-30min to affected area nightly x 1-2wks, then q1mo x 3mo to avoid recurrence
What is the most common etiology of tinea capitis in North America?
Trichophyton tonsurans
Name 5 risk factors for community-acquired MRSA
- Close skin-to-skin contact
- Openings in skin, such as cuts or abrasions
- Contaminated items and surfaces
- Crowded living conditions (military recruits, prisoners)
- Poor hygiene
- Lower socioeconomic status
- Limited access to health care
- Participation in activities that result in abraded or compromised skin surfaces (IVDU, athletes, MSM)
- Indigenous population
Why are Indigenous people at increased risk of CA-MRSA?
- Household crowding (hard to separate personal items, maintain clean environment and personal hygiene)
- Lack of piped potable water (hard to maintain personal and environmental hygiene)
List 3 complications of CA-MRSA
- Osteomyelitis
- Septic arthritis
- Sepsis
- Pneumonia
- Necrotizing fasciitis
What is the treatment for a <1mo for CA-MRSA?
- Incision and Drainage
- IV Vancomycin x 7d
- If reliable, well with no fever, outpatient management with PO Clindamycin x 7d
What is the treatment for 1-3mo for CA-MRSA?
- Incision and Drainage
- If well w/no fever:
- TMP/SMX x 7d; otherwise
- IV Vancomycin
What is the treatment for ≥3mo for CA-MRSA?
- Incision and Drainage
- If well w/no fever: Observation
- If no improvement or another pathogen on culture: Treat.
If significant surrounding cellulitis only (no fever/well):
- PO TMP/SMX + Cephalexin
Systemic symptoms +/- fever:
- IV Vancomycin
List 5 recommendations to prevent spread of CA-MRSA.
- Keep wound covered w/clean, dry bandage (if unable, exclude from contact sports or child care until drainage stops or healed)
- Dispose of used dressings in plastic-lined garbage container with sealed lid immediately after removed
- Use proper hand hygiene before and after changing dressings
- Avoid sharing personal items, especially towels, bedding, clothing and bar soap
- Bathing regularly and washing clothing and bedding often
- Regular cleaning of contact surfaces in the home with standard household cleaner/detergent
What causes Lyme disease and how is it transmitted?
- Caused by Borrelia burgdorferi.
- Transmitted by Ixodes scapularis (central/eastern Canada) and Ixodes pacificus (BC)
What time frame is Lyme disease usually preventable?
If tick removed within 24-36h after starting to feed.
When should post-exposure prophylaxis be provided for Lyme Disease? With what?
- If tick is engorged and has been attached for ≥36h (within 72h of removal)
- Known endemic areas:
- Doxycycline 200mg (or 4.4mg/kg) x 1 dose
How is erythema migrans diagnosed and treated?
- Clinical Diagnosis
- Treatment is either:
- Doxycycline BID x 10 days
- Amoxicillin TID x 14 days
- If beta-lactam allergy: Cefuroxime BID x 14 days
- If unable to take: Azithromycin OD x 7 days
When does erythema migrans appear?
Usually 7-14 days after bite (3-30 days is possible)
List 3 examples of Late Lyme Disease
- Arthritis 2. Facial nerve palsy 3. Heart Block (carditis) 4. Meningitis 5. Peripheral neuropathy (rare) 6. CNS manifestations (rare)
What is the most common late Lyme disease presentation?
Arthritis (pauciarticular, large joints [esp. knees])
What testing should you order for Lyme disease with late presentation?
ELISA IgM/IgG followed by Western blot IgM/IgG If CSF: IgM/IgG antibodies
False positives are seen with ELISA testing for Lyme disease in what populations?
- Autoimmune disorders (SLE)
- Viral infections
- Spirochetes
How long do you treat arthritis, facial nerve palsy, heart block and meningitis with Lyme Disease?
- Arthritis: 28d
- Facial nerve palsy, heart block + meningitis: 14d
You just started treatment for Lyme disease. The patient suddenly develops a headache and myalgias. What is this called and how do you treat it?
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Stop antibiotics.
6 months after treating Lyme Disease, your patient continues to have fatigue, myalgias and arthralgias.
What is this called?
Should you prescribe another course of antibiotics?
Post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS)
Can linger for ≥6mo.
Does not improve with antibiotics.
List 3 ways to prevent Lyme Disease.
- 20-30% DEET or icaridin repellant
- “Full body” check for ticks everyday. Remove any found on yourself, children or pets.
- Shower or bathe within 2h of being outdoors to wash off unattached ticks
- Landscaping where play spaces adjoin wooded areas
What causes scabies?
Sarcoptes scabiei
List 5 risk factors for scabies infestation.
- Young 2. Elderly 3. Immunocompromised 4. Developmentally delayed 5. Overcrowding/bed0sharing 6. Malnutrition 7. Reduced access to health care
What is the treatment for scabies for children ≤3mo?
- Sulphur 8-10% precipitated in petroleum jelly.
- Applied daily x 3 days.
- Decontamination of all bedding/clothing worn next to skin (hot cycle washer + dryer).
- If unable to wash, plastic bag x 5-7 days
What is the treatment for scabies for children >3mo?
- Permethrin 5% lotion or cream.
- Applied to skin from neck to toes overnight, wash off in the morning.
- Repeat treatment in 7 days.
- Decontamination of all bedding/clothing worn next to skin (hot cycle washer + dryer).
- If unable to wash, plastic bag x 5-7 days
When can children return to day care/school after a scabies infestation diagnosis?
After their first treatment
What is the first line treatment of lice infestation?
What is the mechanism of action?
Permethrin 1% or pyrethrins (≥2mo) Neurotoxic to lice Decontamination by washing items in close/prolonged contact with head (pillowcases, hats, brushes and combs) in hot water ≥66˚C or dry in hot dryer for 15min or store in sealed plastic bag x 2 weeks
If 2 treatments of permethrin 1% is not effective for lice, what is recommended?
- Rule out misdiagnosis or overdiagnosis or reinfestation.
- Treat with different class, such as:
- Resultz (≥4yo) (dissolves exoskeleton → dehydration and death) or
- NYDA (≥2yo) (silicone oil flows into the breathing system to suffocate)
- Decontamination by washing items in close/prolonged contact with head (pillowcases, hats, brushes and combs) in hot water ≥66˚C or dry in hot dryer for 15min or store in sealed plastic bag x 2 weeks
What is a management strategy for residual itch/burning after lice treatment?
Topical corticosteroid or antihistamines
How long should children be kept home from school/day care after lice diagnosis?
- No exclusion required.
- Recommend full course of treatment and avoid head-to-head activities.
Name 4 methods to practice antimicrobial stewardship.
- Treat infection, not contamination
- Narrow the spectrum of antimicrobials when causative organism is identified
- Optimize the dosing of antimicrobials to obtain maximal benefit
- Use shortest recommended course of therapy for uncomplicated infections
- Take care not to change or prolong antimicrobial therapy unnecessarily
- Promote vaccinations to reduce the likelihood of clinical disease
- Laboratories should produce local, age-specific antibiograms to guide antibiotic choices for selected infections
- Take a careful history of potential antibiotic side effects and, if possible, confirm an antimicrobial allergy
Name 3 outcome goals for antimicrobial stewardship.
- Optimize therapy
- Minimize risk of adverse events
- Optimizing patient outcomes
What are the indications for VariZIG?
What is a contraindication?
Should be administered within 96 hours of most recent significant exposure to varicella disease (but can be given up to 10 days after)
- Susceptible pregnant women
- Newborn infants of mothers who develop varicella during 5 days before to 48h after delivery
- Susceptible immunocompromised individuals (post-HSCT, HIV with CD4 <200 or <15%, high dose CS ≥2 weeks)
- NICU exposure within the first few weeks of life: <28wks GA or <1000g
Contraindication: IgA deficiency
Incubation period is 21 days
What is the rate of vertical transmission with no prophylaxis?
If treatment during pregnancy?
When does the majority of vertical transmission of HIV occur?
List 5 risk factors for HIV in pregnancy
- IV drug use
- Late or no prenatal care
- Recent illness suggestive of HIV seroconversion
- Regular unprotected sex with partner known to be living with HIV (or at significant risk for it)
- Diagnosis of STI during pregnancy
- Emigration from HIV-endemic area
- Recent incarceration
When should an infant be tested for HIV when born to an HIV positive mother? With what test?
When should prophylaxis be started?
What short term effects should be monitored?
Immediately (within 48h)
- No breastfeeding - contraindicated
- Consult paediatric ID with expertise in HIV
Immediately: Within 72h post-delivery (AZT or combination ART)
Short term: neutropenia, anemia
Long-term: Neurodevelopment, growth, general health
What test should be conducted for all infants in foster care and adoptees whose birth mother’s HIV status is not known?
When should you give tetanus prophylaxis for cuts?
- If fully immunized, do nothing
- Unless >10y since last dose of vaccine or >5y if severe wound that’s not clean
- Don’t need to give Ig ever
- If NOT fully immunized, then should always give booster
- AND if unclean/severe wound, then also give Ig
List 2 risk factors for invasive GAS.
- Recent pharyngitis
- Varicella
- Recent soft tissue trauma
- NSAID use
List 4 infections that are considered invasive GAS.
List 4 non-severe GAS infections
Invasive GAS
- Meningitis
- Necrotizing fasciitis
- Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
- Pneumonia (if pleural fluid positive)
- Any other life-threatening condition or infection resulting in death
Non-severe GAS
- Osteomyelitis
- Cellulitis
- Bacteremia
- Lymphadenitis
- Septic arthritis
- Soft tissue abscess
What is the diagnostic criteria for Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Must have HYPOTENSION + ≥2 of:
Renal impairment (Cr 2X ULN or 2X baseline)
Coagulopathy (plt ≤100 or DIC)
Liver function abnormality (AST or ALT ≥2X ULN)
Generalized erythematous macular rash (may later desquamate)
Define Congenital varicella vs Neonatal varicella
Congenital varicella:
- If maternal infection in 1st or 2nd trimester:
- Limb hypoplasia
- CNS damage (microcephaly, seizures, dev delay)
- Scarring of skin
- Ophtho abnormalities (chorioretinitis, microphthalmia, cataracts)
Neonatal varicella:
- occurs if maternal infection within 5 days prior to or 2 days post delivery
- give VZIG
- if infant has lesions, treat with IV Acyclovir 10mg/kg q8h
- can be life-threatening
When should you provide prophylaxis for Hib and with what drug?
Recommend for:
- All members in households:
- With at least one contact < 4 years of age who is unimmunized or incompletely immunized
- With a child < 12 months who has not received the primary series
- Immunocompromised child, regardless of Hib immunization status
- Child care settings:
- If one case of invasive Hib disease has occurred, then prophylax all incompletely or unimmunized children < 4 years
- If 2+ cases of invasive Hib disease within 60 days and unimmunized or incompletely immunized children attend the facility, chemoprophylaxis for all attendees and childcare providers should be considered.
Use Rifampin:
- ASAP - most secondary occur during the first week of index hospitalized case
- Initiation of prophylaxis more than 7 days after hospitalization may still be beneficial
What is the management for perianal abscess?
What are diseases associated with perianal abscess?
- Presentation:
- Younger children → usually mild rectal pain & area of perianal cellulitis; abscess usually adjacent to involved crypt; these spontaneously drain & resolve w/o tx
- Older patients with predisposing illnesses → abscesses tend to be deeper in the ischiorectal fossa or supralevator
- Tx:
- Infants → usually self limited. Conservative management is advocated (even if there’s a fistula) as typically these self-resolve. Abscesses can be drained if there is local discomfort.
- Older children with predisposing conditions → if little discomfort and no systemic sx, then can tx with abx. If unwell, then I&D and abx.
Predisposing conditions:
- Crohn’s
- TB
- Pilonidal disease
- Hidradenitis
- Trauma/ foreign bodies
- Dermal cysts
- Sacrococcygeal teratoma
- Actinomycosis
- Lymphogranuloma venereum
- Radiotherapy
Women in labor with genital herpes, list 4 risk factors for transmission to infant.
- first episode of herpes for mom (primary infection) - prolonged rupture of membranes - vaginal delivery - use of instrumentation in delivery (forceps, vacuum, fetal scalp electrode)
Woman in labour with genital herpes. If you are going to do investigations, in what situation would that be and what tests would you do on the infant? (list 2)
Mom has active primary lesions, baby asymptomatic, born by C/S after ROM - mucous membrane swabs and start IV acyclovir on spec. If swabs positive, then do blood and CSF PCR *if infant symptomatic, admit, treat, swab and FSWU
Mom is IVDU. Her blood work: HEB B + HepC +. Baby’s blood work at 6 mo, hep B and hep C ab negative. What to do: a) Repeat Hepc in 6 months b) No further investigations c) PCR
b) No further investigations -negative Hep C ab in child of any age indicates transmission did not occur
Mom ivdu. Early latent syphilis. Titer from 6 months ago and now. They have dropped by 8 times. Baby is born. What do you do to for the baby: a) Observe b) Tryponemal screen and RPR c) CSF RPR d) Swab baby
b) Tryponemal screen and RPR
Neonate with purpura and thrombocytopenia. Diagnosed with CMV. Give six other features of congenital CMV infection.
- hearing loss - microcephaly - SGA - chorioretinitis - jaundice - HSM
You are seeing a full term newborn born to a 25 year old mother with a history of genital herpes diagnosed 5 years ago. She had no active lesions at the time of delivery and thus was untreated. The baby was born by SVD. a. What is your management of the newborn (1 line)?
- observe for signs of neonatal HSV and educate parents about what to look for. No swabs or other investigations indicated in this case
A full term infant is born by vaginal delivery to a woman with a vaginal herpes lesion. In order to decrease infectivity you would: a) place baby and mother in same room with no breastfeeding b) place baby and mother in same room and allow breastfeeding c) place baby and mother in separate rooms d) discharge both immediately e) contact isolation from other patients
ANSWER: b) place baby and mother in same room and allow breastfeeding AND e) contact isolation from other patients - until lesions crusted over, 14d infectivity period passed or swabs negative d) discharge both immediately- no, await swabs
An infant is born to a mother with a history of recurrent genital herpes which was not active at the time of vaginal delivery. For how long after delivery is it possible for this infant to develop herpes: a) 1-2 weeks b) 4-6 weeks c) 12-16 weeks d) 20-24 weeks e) up to 36 weeks
b) 4-6 weeks
A baby is born by c-section at 6h since membranes ruptured. Mother has active HSV lesions. The baby is asymptomatic. When should cultures of the baby be done? a. Immediately and start Acyclovir b. After 48h c. When the baby is symptomatic d. Observe only
a. Immediately and start Acyclovir
A women is diagnosed with chicken pox 10 days prior to delivery. The baby is normal at birth. You would: a) give VZIG immediately b) provide normal newborn care unless the infant develops varicella c) isolate the baby from the mother
ANSWER: b) provide normal newborn care unless the infant develops varicella a) give VZIG immediately- only if rash <5d prior to or 48h after delivery or prem c) isolate the baby from the mother (usually lesions crusted by 5d after)
What is the most common sequela of congenital CMV: a) deafness b) petechiae c) cataracts d) splenomegaly e) jaundice f) microcephaly
a) deafness
A mother is exposed to parvovirus B19 in her first trimester. Most common result: a) IUGR b) microcephaly c) limb abnormalities d) cardiac malformation e) non-immune hydrops fetalis
e) non-immune hydrops fetalis (from fetal anemia)
Greatest risk of mortality with parvovirus B19 infection is associated with: a) prematurity b) sickle cell disease c) ALL on chemotherapy d) congenital heart disease e) fetus of a mother infected with parvovirus B19
e) fetus of a mother infected with parvovirus B19 ~5%
A pregnant women comes into contact with a child with parvovirus during her twelfth week of pregnancy. You would recommend: a. isolate woman from child b. perform parvovirus serology on the woman c. IVIG d. Abortion
b. perform parvovirus serology on the woman - look for susceptibility (may have immunity) and evidence of acute infection
Mother who is HBsAg positive. Management of newborn should consist of: a. Hep B vaccine only b. Hepatitis titres and if negative, Hep B vaccine in 1 week c. Hep Ig q monthly if breastfeeding d. Hep Ig within 12 hours and Hep B vaccine within 12 hours e. Hep Ig at birth and Hep B vaccine within 7 days
d. Hep Ig within 12 hours and Hep B vaccine within 12 hours
Baby born to a Hep B positive mom. He gets immunoglobulin and vaccine at birth. At nine months he is asymptomatic. What would his blood tests show? 1. HbeAg+, HbcAg+, HbsAg+, HbsAb+ 2. HbeAg-, HbcAg-, HbsAg+, HbsAb+ 3. HbeAg-, HbcAg-, HbsAg-, HbsAb+ 4. HbeAg+, HbcAg-, HbsAg+, HbsAb- 5. HbeAg-, HbcAg+, HbsAg+, HbsAb
- HbeAg-, HbcAg-, HbsAg-, HbsAb+ surface antigen should be negative (if it’s positive he has Hep B), and surface antibody should be positive (has immunity from vaccine)
Complications of neonatal gonococcal eye infections include: a. retinal hemorrhage and blindness b. corneal perforation and blindness c. anterior uveitis and fixed pupil d. glaucoma
b. corneal perforation and blindness
Infant born to mother with no prenatal care. Hepatosplenomegaly and copper rash especially on palms and soles. Rhinitis and cough. Diffuse consolidation on CXR. Appropriate investigation: a. urine CMV b. VDRL/FTA abs c. blood culture
b. VDRL/FTA abs
A woman has recently immigrated from China to Canada and has just delivered a healthy term infant. She does not know her hepatitis B status, but the results will be available in 2 days. What will be your management: a) await results of HBsAg before treating infant b) give HBIG now, but await results of HBsAg before giving Hep B vaccine or allowing breastfeeding c) give Hep B vaccine now and allow breastfeeding d) give HBIG and Hep B vaccine now; do not allow breastfeeding e) give HBIG and Hep B vaccine now; allow breastfeeding
c) give Hep B vaccine now and allow breastfeeding - unknown status: Hep B vaccine at birth, if mom ultimately tests positive give HBIG within 1 week of life *if baby <2000g give Hep B vaccine and HBIG at birth
Contraindication to breastfeeding e. Hep B f. Bilateral mastitis g. Active TB
g. Active TB
Picture of baby with rash: told cataracts, microcephaly, hepatosplenomegaly, bony changes a) Syphilis b) CMV c) Rubella d) toxoplasmosis
c) Rubella - hearing loss, cataracts, MR, IUGR, hepatitis, osseous changes, cardiac defects
6 mo baby of IV drug user. Mom is Hep C-positive. Baby’s anti-HepBs positive and anti-HCV positive. What do you do? a. no further testing b. repeat anti-HCV in 6 months c. do HCV RNA PCR now d. P24 antigen
b. repeat anti-HCV in 6 months - HCV serology not reliable in infants because can reflect mom’s antibodies - test at 12-18 months; if positive repeat testing in 6 months (if seropositive after 18 months, they are infected)
Mother has herpes labialis. What do you advise regarding her 4 day old infant? a) wear mask when breastfeeding b) apply topical acyclovir to lesion c) stop breastfeeding d) infant needs IV acyclovir
a) wear mask when breastfeeding
A pregnant woman with syphilis and a RPA of 1:512 receives a full course of treatment and the titer falls to 1:256. Upon delivery of the child, the next appropriate step is: a) treat the child as the fall in the titer is inadequate b) test child’s serum for VDRL and anti-treponemal AB and treat if positive c) test child’s CSF for VDRL and anti-treponemal AB and treat if positive d) no treatment is necessary for syphilis but this child should be tested for HIV
a) treat the child as the fall in the titer is inadequate - full work up (blood, CSF, X-ray) and treat
Baby born with rash, cataracts, bone lesions, big liver (photo of baby shown) most likely has: a. Congenital syphilis b. Congenital CMV c. Congenital rubella
c. Congenital rubella cataracts - rubella; chorioretinitis - CMV
Which of the following maternal infections is a contraindication to breast feeding? a) Hep A b) Hep B c) CMV d) HIV
d) HIV
Baby with tachypnea, afebrile, nontoxic, has eosinophilia. CXR shows bilateral interstitial markings, areas of atelectasis. What is the likely pathogen? a) GBS b) Chlamydia trachomatis c) Ureaplasma urealiticum d) RSV
b) Chlamydia trachomatis - onset of cough 1-3 months; no fever; staccato cough, eosinophilia - treat with erythromycin (can cause pyloric stenosis)
Neonate born to mom who just revealed HIV positive status. a.) What treatment(s) would you start this baby on (1 line). How long would you treat for?
Zidovudine x 6 weeks + 3 doses of nevirapine during 1 st week of life (@ birth, 48h after first dose and 96h after 2nd dose)
Neonate born to mom who just revealed HIV positive status. When would you start the treatment? (1 line)
Within 12 hours of birth
What infection is the worst prognosis in HIV for an infant a) Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia b) Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia c) Cardiomyopathy d) Nephropathy e) Candida
b) Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia - PCP is an AIDS defining illness - if present in first 6 months of life is associated with poor prognosis
Baby born to HIV-positive mother discovered during pregnancy and treatment initiated. How to test the baby to confirm diagnosis? a) ELISA b) Western blot c) HIV DNA PCR d) p24 Ag
c) HIV DNA PCR - preferred test for <18m *a) ELISA- screening in >18m b) Western blot - confirmatory test d) p24 not as sensitive - never recommended o Testing with HIV DNA or RNA assays at 14-21d o Repeat at 1-2m and 4-6m if negative then ELISA at 18m o Test <48h if in utero infection suspected
The leading cause of HIV in women in Canada is due to: a. homosexual transmission b. heterosexual transmission c. IV drug use d. blood transfusion e. occupational exposure
b. heterosexual transmission
All of the following are features of HIV infection EXCEPT: a) hypogammaglobulinemia b) CD4 leukopenia c) reverse CD4/CD8 ratio d) poor response to tetanus and diptheria vaccines e) poor response to TB skin test
d) poor response to tetanus and diptheria vaccines (can have a reduced response, but this is the most correct answer)
A 1 year old child has a cough, and mom wants to know if she can use an over-the- counter cough preparation for him/her. What do you tell her?
OTC cough medications are not helpful in kids and can be harmful. Not recommended in kids under 6 years.
Child develops rash on both cheeks. Then a reticulated lacy rash is seen on his body. His mother is pregnant. What infection does this child have (1) How would you manage the mother (1)?
Parvo B19 - serologies for mom
One of your patients has mono like symptoms. Your blood work comes back. IgM negative; IgG positive; Early D antigen negative; Nuclear capsid antigen was positive. Interpret these results.
This patient had a previous (remote) infection, but this is not the explanation for current symptoms ● IgM = early rise and then drop off by 1-2 mo. ● IgG = early rise and stay elevated ● Early D antigen = peak week two then decreases by 4 mo. = (+) in acute or recent primary infection ● Nuclear capsid antigen= low then rise 6 mo. onwards
4 year old boy presents with a pruritic rash over his chest and axilla. 2-5mm flesh coloured papules w/ central depression or umbilication. Provide most likely diagnosis.
Molluscum contagiosum
8? Year old with vesicle on erythematous base on uvula, tonsils, soft palate. What is the diagnosis?
Herpangina (coxsackie virus)
Winnipeg Doc..calls family concerned about west nile. 4 suggestions to help prevent west nile virus in his patients
o community-level mosquito control programs to reduce vector density o personal protective measures to decrease exposure of infected mosquitoes (e.g. long sleeved shirts, limit outdoor from dusk to dawn, mosquito repellent, using air conditioning, installing window screens) o screen of blood and organ donors
A child is brought to see you with 3 days of high fever of 40.1 degrees and feeling unwell. The only thing you see on physical exam is clear rhinorrhea. A CBC shows the following : Hb 118, WBC 2.0 x 10^9 (2000/m3), platelets of 250. The differential shows neutrophils 2%, lymphocytes 70%, eosinophils 8%. What are TWO things that you will do in the management of this child?
Viral infection - ensure adequate fluid intake, analgesia and antipyretics for comfort
Robert is a 6 year old boy with Varicella. In the last 24 hours he has become unwell. On exam, his temperature is 40, HR 140, BP 95/60, RR 24. He has obvious lesions consistent with chicken pox. He has a red, swollen left arm that is tender. a) Outline a prioritized differential diagnosis. b) Outline your initial investigations. c) Outline your management plan.
a) Ddx: ● infected rash = cellulitis, ● Cellulitis ddx: abscess, osteomyelitis ● Nec Fas b) Ix: - CBCD, CRP, blood culture c) mgmt: admit and IV cefazolin
Varicella. With nec fash/or purpura fulminans. What is your management: a) vanc cefotax b) pen G and clinda c) amp gent
b) pen G and clinda
You diagnosed a toddler with Chicken pox a few days ago. Now he is in your office. Mother tells you he’s refusing to weight bear since this morning. Photo of his foot is shown. Area of erythema over 3 rd -4 th metatarsals and phalanges, with black necrotic looking areas. What is the diagnosis? How will you treat him (4)?
- Dx: necrotizing fasciitis 2. mgmt: - admit to hospital - blood future, CBCD, CRP - start pen G and clindamycin IV - surgical consult for debridement
Child presents with ataxia and inability to sit up two weeks after having chicken pox. A) What is the diagnosis? B) How do you differentiate this from meningoencephalitis? List three.
A) acute cerebellar ataxia B) no fever, no nuchal rigidity, CSF normal or shows mild lymphocyte pleocytosis vs meningitis which shows PMN pleocytosis
Name 4 indications for VZIG
PEP in high risk kids who are exposed: - immunocompromised without immunity (e.g. leukaemia, on steroids) - newborns of mom with varicella 5d before of 48h after delivery - pregnant women without immunity - hospitalized prems <28 weeks or <1000g
Kid with exudative pharyngitis. 1y/o. What is most likely dx a) Viral pharyngitis b) MONO c) Strep
a) Viral pharyngitis
31 week GA baby, now 3 mos old. It is October. Parents are non-smokers. Mother planning to stay at home with babe. A) What one intervention can you do to minimize risk of severe RSV bronchiolitis? B) How does paluvizumab decrease risk and by what mechanism does it work?
A) this baby does not qualify for paluvizumab - protective factors are: breastfeeding, hand hygiene and not smoking B) decreases rate of hospitalization in some groups of prem babies (if hospitalized, does not reduce severity or mortality); confers passive immunity (immunoglobulin)
A 4 year old child comes to your Emergency department with a history of a fever for 3 days. You do a CBC and find that the WBC count is low at 3.2. a. What is the most common reason for this clinical scenario? b. On a differential, which cell line, if low, increases the risk of serious infection?
a. viral suppression b. neutropenia
Hep A. When can return to school? a. 1 wk b. when no fever c. if washing hands well d. when no symptoms
a. 1 wk (red book, CPS)
Girl returns from mexico and begins to have vomiting, diarrhea and jaundice. Her abdomen is tender. Her LFTS are elevated. When can she return to daycare? a) 7 days b) When symptoms stop c) When LFTs normal d) Now
a) 7 days - risk of transmission minimal 1 week after jaundice onset
Biting incident at daycare, breaks skin superficially, both kids are previously healthy and have all their immunizations but no HepB shots. What do you do? a. screen them for HIV b. start Hep B vaccinations in both kids c. test Hep B serology only in the biter d. tetanus immunoglobulin
b. start Hep B vaccinations in both kids
Which virus is associated with transient arthropathy: a) RSV b) rubella c) measles d) Hepatitis A
b) rubella
Wheezing toddler with URTI symptoms. Which is a proven therapy? a. O2 b. racemic epi c. iv steroids d. bronchodilators
a. O2 (assuming bronchiolitis)
Child admitted with known RSV bronchiolitis. On third day of his admission, develops a fever and CXR shows a small RML infiltrate. What is the most likely cause of his fever? a. Strep pneumo b. Chlamydia trichamotas c. RSV d. GBS
c. RSV
A 13 y.o. boy with HIV is diagnosed with measles. The only proven treatment is: a) Acyclovir b) Vitamin A c) Inhaled amantadine d) Vitamin E
b) Vitamin A (more severe disease if vit A deficient) ● WHO recommends Vit A for treatment of all children with measles o Daily for 2d o 50 000 IU <6m o 100 000 IU 6-11m o 200 000 IU >12m