Sx asepsis and Sx Technique Flashcards
What is asepsis?
Prevent/minimize wound contamination by destroying organisms before they enter the wound
What is antisepsis?
killing of bacteria after they have entered the wound
What is disinfection?
Use the germicidal substances to kill most microorganisms
What is sterilization?
process of destroying all microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and spores)
What is the goal of asepsis?
Minimize contamination of sx wounds
What is the scrub technique method?
Two hand or one-hand transfer method
How should the sx site be scrubbed?
Circular motion, site to periphery
What is the contact time for scrub?
5 minutes
What is the primary aerial source?
Where should you not wear a lab coat?
sterile area
T/F: Alcohol based waterless hand rubs are just as effective as traditional techniques
Why should you let water faucets run before starting scrub?
Faucets often harbour pathogenic bacteria
What are the three types of scrubs?
4% chlorhexidine
10-15% povidone iodine
Alcohol based hand rubs
What gloving technique is preferred?
Closed gloving
What % of gloves have holes:
- before use
- end of a 2 hr. procedure
- post ortho procedures
Once sterile where should your hands be kept?
Between level of waist and axillae
T/F: You should cross arms and place hands in axillae when waiting to start procedure
What is the initial step in creating sterile operating field?
Quarter drapes
How far should a surgeon stay away until the top drape is applied?
What is not sterile on your body once sx starts?
back, neck, shoulders, axillae, below waist
What are the physical vs. chemical sterilization methods?
Physical: Thermal, filtration, radiation
Chemical: plasma, ethylene oxide, disinfectants
What is the most common sterilization method?
Steam sterilization- destruction or denaturation of cellular proteins
What is the minimum standard of steam sterilization?
250 degrees for 15-30 minutes
What are sterilization indicators for steam sterilization?
Chemical- tape/strips
When are “cold” disinfectants used?
scopes which can’t be sterilized in other methods
What is the time difference for disinfection vs. sterilization with “cold” disinfectants?
Disinfection: 10 minutes
Sterilization: 10 hrs
What is the max thickness of packs that can be sterilized?
12” thick
What should be placed on infrequently used packs?
Expiration dates
What is the shelf life of the following:
Heat sealed paper/transparent plastic pouch:
2 layers, nonwoven polypropylene fabric:
2 layers, cloth:
8 wks.
4 wks
What reduces risk of infection by removing bacteria and loose tissue fragments from wound?
Wound lavage
What is the difference in primary, intermediate delayed and secondary delayed hemorrhage?
Primary: bleeding during procedure
Intermediate delayed: w/in 24 hrs of sx
Secondary delayed: after 24 hrs (result of ineffective ligation)
What are three topical hemostatic agents?
Gelfoam: gelatin sponge from pig skin
Surgicel: absorbable plant based cellulose
Hemablock: microporous polysaccharide powder
Where should the circumferential ligature be placed in terms of location to transfixion ligature?