SWRMC Flashcards
What are the CO’s CCIRs?
- Deviations from established decompression procedures
- Modifications of recompression treatment protocol
- Going within 50’ of a suction that is more than 50 gpm
- Dives made on carriers or subs that deviate from local, radiation, and contamination controls cannot be observed
- Boat/diving ops outside San Diego Harbor
- Recompression treatment or HBO therapy for civilians except Swrmc DOD Divers
What situations people you notify diving officer via MDV?
Diving after 2000 (sunset on NBSD)
Single closure to sear work
Planned Decompression
What is needed outside normal working hours or 2000?
Diving officer or MDV notification
32nd street- after sunset requires prior approval from port ops/co
What is needed for single valve protection?
- Job Hazard Analysis
- signature from e7 or above
- e7 or above on station for pre job brief/prior to commencing work and can only leave after SAT leak check
Is breath holding authorized?
What can be used for a dive emergency vehicle?
Designated vehicle or FED Fire ambulance
How can a civilian receive recompression treatment?
- recommendation by a UMO
- permission obtained by CO via CCIR
- Consent Form in 3150 (optional form 522) filled out (next of kin can sign)
- legal guardian signature on Consent Form for minors (co can give permission via telephone)
-omit requirements in life threatening conditions and reasonable expectation of a successful treatment
What has to be done for military members not assigned to SWRMC?
Parent command must be notified
What is regional coverage for the chamber?
California Arizona Nevada Colorado Utah New Mexico
Chambers in San Diego that can be used in an emergency
Sharp Grossmont Hospital, La Mesa
UCSD Hospital, Hillcrest
Santa Catalina Chamber, Catalina Island
What are the chamber eps
Phone calls
UMO at earliest convenience
Duty MDV
Parent Command
Treatment gases
Yeah but they aren’t hooked up
Hp regulator
Boating and dive ops outside San Diego Harbor procedures
- Nav Brief/Dive Brief
- Sailing List
- Completed boat pre-underway check off
- Primary and secondary communication plan
- Risk Assessment Matrix
Chamber EPs
Contaminated air Primary air loss Oxygen failure Fire in the chamber Electrical failure Fire in the chamber room
How long can you interrupt chest compressions?
10 seconds
How long may you secure the vent?
5 min in a 30 min period
Double ventilation rate at point of interruption for time of delay
What’s on the bends bill?
Dispatch # MDV/Sup/DMT/UMO Duty IDC Emergency Numbers: -swrmc -utilities -NEDU -eodmu3 -port ops/security -mercy airlift -UCSD er Recompression facilities Waterfront OPS Sonar Ops
Who can modify TT
UMO with 16u0 and 16u1 codes
Concurrence with CO or OIC