Air/scuba Sup Flashcards
Proficiency req for a dive sup
Sup 2 dives every 6 months/4 dives a year
Notify mdv and diving officer via ddo for
Diving after 1800
Single closure to sea work
Planned decompression
Pre requirements for getting into water at Point Loma
Danger tag out/dive safe sheet filled out Splash waf Work waf SDO briefed SDO to get permission from squadron RADCON brief Dive brief/ORM/pre dives
Are strongbacks required for carrier cofferdams?
No, structural integrity is maintained by ribbed design
What system do ships use to submit work requests?
What is the 50’ rule?
Co of Repair activity and vessel must sign off when diving within
Dive sup determines when on the opposite side
Egs rules
Deeper than 60fsw or enclosed space diving.
50-150 whip may be used topside if shallower than 60fsw
High risk diving operation
RAC code 1 or 2
Deemed high risk by diving officer/mdv/dive sup
Open packages signatures
Open WAF
246 stamp
What must mmp be maintained to in descent?
10fsw ahead of the divers
Radcon boundary for carrier
Frame 80-180
Notify port ops at 32nd
48 hours prior to and diving
Prior to entering and after exiting the water
Prior to diving past 1800
Considerations for Diving in the vicinity of active sonar
Dive sup notify mdv
Calculate safe working distances
Notify port ops to second lift with other operations
Sonar testing is normally authorized on NBSD from 1800-2359
What size steel is used for j bolts
5/8 drop forge steel
Safe sonar start distances
Wet suit unhooded - 1000yds
Wet suit hooded- 600yds
Helmeted- 3000yds
Radcon boundary for carriers
Frame 80-180
Fwp process for carriers
- job into aims via ship sup
- job sent to dive planners or psns
- generates fwp and waf
- schedules the dives
- tagout
- 105.3 briefed and signs fwp
- divers review and sign fwp
When can standby be deployed as a working diver?
No decompression Less than 60fsw Same site Deemed safe Uwsh or uct work, not Salvage
Deliberate ORM
Routine ORM used for job briefs and safety checks
Single closure to sea requirements
JHA- reviewed and signs by E7 or above
E7 or above will be on station for pre job safety brief and/or on job site prior to commencing work
E7 can depart after SAT leak check
Breathing air purity requirements
20-22% o2
1000 ppm co2
10 ppm co
What is the average respiratory minute volume rate for scuba
1.4 cfm
In depth ORM
Major planning and time
Usually done by tycoms and fleet commanders
Km37/mk20 current restrictions
Above 1.5 knots require extra weight
Prerequisites for splashing on Coronado
Danger tagout/dive safe sheet Waf opened Ships Diving officer briefed Two way comms with diving officer Radcon brief Dive brief/ORM/pre dives
Radcon packages are generated from
Portsmouth naval shipyard
When can standby dress down
Discretion of the dive sup if the hazards of remaining dresses outweigh the need of having standby dressed out
Operational risk principles
Accept risk when you know the facts and the benefits outweigh the cost
Accept no unnecessary risk
Anticipate and manage risk by planning
Make risk decision at right level
DOD Civilian diver restrictions
Max depth: 130 fsw
Recompression chamber within 5 min past 100 fsw or outside no “d” limits
Must have a reserve valve or separate air cylinder with reg
Must have submersible pressure gauge
Must remain at recompression chamber for 1 hour after decompression dive and 5 min of the dive location
How often do you signal a diver
2-3 min
Required distance from bottom of ship to bottom of sea bed
Ship/sub/carrier- 6’
Fwp process for 32nd
- job submitted via ships sup into aims
- dive planners generate fwp and waf
- dive planners schedule dives
- tagout
- divers review and signs fwp
Who gives you permission to dive at 32?
Duty officer
Time critical risk management
Requires a high degree of situational awareness
Utilizes ABCD
What must a BC provide
10lbs of buoyancy at max depth Jettison-able weights Power inflator Oral inflator Over pressure relief valve
Min manning for scuba
Single diver- 4
Buddy pair- 4
Tenders can be non divers but thoroughly briefed
Dive sup can tend stand by if deployed
Must have three qualified divers at least
Short form in the sub package
Breaks down job steps
Required distance for a ship/sub/carrier from a pier
Ship/sub 4’
Carrier 20’
How to dive deeper than 130fsw in scuba
Oic or co approval
Who approves high risk diving ops
RAC 1- CO / submit a CCIR
RAC 2- diving officer/mdv approval
Requirements before unhatting in a ballast tank
:30 lp blow within 24hrs of diving
Gas free every hour, NSTm 074
Foam Patches for carriers
Type 2 Closed cell
Who’s permission do you need to dive for north island?
Diving officer of the ship
Port ops
Level 3 non us navy chambers designated by co
Bahrain king hamad university hospital
Singapore navy and Singapore hospital
Who signs safe sheet?
Point Loma- sdo
32- duty officer/edo
North island- diving officer/edo
Top hat rod meter cofferdam
6 feet tall, wrapped in foam
Wire rope belly bands
20ft slings attached you two openings with battle bars
Come along and 5/8 shackle used
Km 37 max depth
285fsw with oic approval
Air consumption for km 37
0.75-1.5 acfm demand
8 acfm free flow
Where do alpha jobs come down from?
Newport News
OSHA restrictions for dod civilians in surface supplied diving
Max depth is 190fsw unless less than :30 BT-220 fsw
Recompression chamber within 5 min for dives past 100fsw
Egs required for all decompression dives
Must remain at location of chamber for all dives requiring a 5 min chamber
Swrmc inst
Chapter 16 appendixes
A-material req B-open bottom dry chamber rigging calc C-patch and plug insp check sheet D-patch and plug install check sheet E-min diver cofferdam training F-jbolt min req G-report of ship’s responsibility for patch installations or single valve protection
What is ice diving identified for scuba?
37 degree Fahrenheit and below
Fwp process for subs
- job submitted via ships sup into aims
- job sent to psns
- psns generates fwp and waf
- c246 reviews and generates work waf and tagout req
- combat systems schedules dives and reviews fwp
- tagout and generate splash waf
- 105.3 briefed and signs fwp
- divers review and sign fwp
Props on a carrier
Port 4 1 STBD
3 2
How to dive outside normal working hours
Co approval via port ops prior to 1700
Notify diving officer and mdv
Point Loma/north island contact port ops
Decompression scuba dive authorization
Co or oic
Working hour limits
Past 1600- notify LCPO/MDV
1800- nbsd normal secure time
2000- Point Loma/coronado normal secure time
How far apart are frames on a carrier
Who issues packages for subs
Limits of scuba
Normal: 130 fsw
Max: 190 fsw
Boating or dive operation brief outside San Diego Harbor will include
Navigation Sailing list Pre underway check sheet Primary and sec communications Notify port ops Risk assessment matrix
Radcon boundaries on 688
Fwd edge of sail to aft flag pole
Radcon code
Asra air capacity
3.15 floodable volume
Less air
What does the mishap report include?
Contact NEDU about shipping equipment
Equipment Mishap Info Sheet (supsalv)
Narrative of events, photos, videos
All 3M records
Single valve work on carriers
Alpha on station for duration of work
E7 in space until leak check SAT
salt and pepper lines between dive side and work space
Single valve work brief conducted in ward room, morning of dive, includes all work centers involved, DC man, dive sup, onboardsman, flooding plan covered in detail
DOD civilian divers are identified as
All permanent DOD employees who have been formally trained at an approved US navy dive school
Pitsword boss nut torque
A-access the situation
B-balance your resources
D-Do and debrief
Identify hazards Assess Make risk decisions Implement controls Supervise
Who’s permission to dive in Point Loma?
Squadron CDO
What side do carriers moor up
Starboard (port has discharges)
How many contaminated discharges are on the carrier?
Port side 6
Silver ring with flush bolts
Square mark
More air
Reactor stay times
0-15 min: reactor is critical, no diving
15min-24hrs: 10 min stay time, TLD and EPD required
Greater than 24 hours: TLD
Current limitations for scuba
1 knot max
Over 1 not requires ORM and a witness float
Types of diving hazards and near mishaps
Shift to sec Aborted dive Trapped or fouled diver with standby Lost diver with standby Exceeding max depth, BT, Omitted d, o2 exp Improper lineups Unauthorized outside activity
What is the James river
Attachment to discharge to disperse the water
Radcon brief for north island
Contact Mel day prior
Alpha dive office the morning of dive
Types of mishaps to report
All recompression tx DCS type1/2 POIS loss of consciousness O2 tox
Min manning for surface supplied dives
1 Diver- 7 iaw 3150
5 req for a package
- Material
- initial conditions
- procedures
- test and inspection
- Restoring the system
Diving past 1800
Call port ops by 1700
Diving after 2000
Call base CDO by 1800
Emergent work
Get splash waf and blank package
Start work on 32
- Open waf
- Write open waf on package
- sign for authorization to work
- write out tags
- bounce off igl
- start work