SWA B737 - General Flashcards
A single high pressure oxygen cylinder provides oxygen for….
The flight deck crew
Maximum Altitude (Takeoff and Landing)
8,400 feet
(approximately) 3000 NM
(Communications) How do you call the Flight Attendant stations from the flight deck?
Push the ATTEND switch
True or False: The dome light on the P18 panel (the Captains side) has dual bulbs installed.
Which panels has the controls for the Emergency Lights?
Aft FA panel & Flight Deck Overhead Panel
Center Fuel Tank Capacity (- 700)
28,803 lbs.
Fuel Tanks Capacity (- 700)
46,063 lbs.
Fuel Tank #2 Capacity (- 700)
8,630 lbs.
Total number of Emergency Exits
(B737-NG) Maximum Landing Weight (MLW).
128,000 lbs.
What are the flight deck indications that an emergency access code has been entered?
- The AUTO UNLK light flashes
2. A continuous chime sounds
What is the minimum required pressure for the flight crew oxygen system?
Varies according to number of flight deck crew and bottle temperature
(B737-NG) Maximum Taxi Weight (MTW).
155,000 lbs.
Maximum Certified Mach
.82 Mach
(B737-NG) Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW).
154,500 lbs.
True or False: It is NOT possible to test the indicator lights on the B737NG.
If the emergency access code has been entered, how is emergency access normally prevented?
By selecting the flight deck door switch to DENY
Normal Cruise Speed
.785 Mach
(B737-NG) Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW)
120,500 lbs.
If normal electrical power is lost, which cockpit lights automatically illuminate?
Standby Magnetic Compass Light;
Emergency Instrument Flood Lights;
Dome Light on Captains side of Flight Deck
At what MU value is takeoff and landing not permitted?
Takeoff or landing is not authorized if the most current runway friction Mu report includes a value of 20 or less for any section of the runway.
Minimum Pavement Width for 180 degree turn
180 ft.
Fuel Tank #1 Capacity (- 700)
8,630 lbs.
What are the Systems monitored by the PSEU?
- Landing Gear Position Indication and Warning
- Takeoff Warning
- Air/Ground Relays
- Engine Control
- Stall Warning
- Anti-Ice
- Cabin Pressurization
What does an illuminated PSEU light by the LE Flaps light on the Overhead Panel indicate?
A fault exists (The PSEU light is a dual channel system & the light is inhibited from thrust lever advanced toward takeoff power to 30 seconds after landing)
(B737-MAX) Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW).
144,300 lbs.
(B737-MAX) Maximum Landing Weight (MLW).
150,800 lbs.
(B737-MAX) Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW).
181,200 lbs.
(B737-MAX) Maximum Taxi Weight (MTW).
181,700 lbs.