SW Quizzam #4 - Chapters 10-12 Flashcards
What are the 3 concepts that form the base for the WHO’s concept of “active aging”?
- Participation in life (meaning the family and community)
- Health (meaning health promotion and activities to maintain an optimal health status)
- Security (including financial, community, and family security)
T/F: employers are allowed to discriminate against job applicants aged 40-65.
False, although there are ways to weasel around this (ex: reject older applicants for an “entry level” job on the grounds that they’re “overqualified”.)
The five stages of grief?
- Denial and isolation
- Anger a.k.a DABDA
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
What are some issues that older people may face when they retire?
No longer being employed can lead to loss of self-concept and self-respect.
They may not be able to spend and buy things as freely as they used to.
Loss of a daily work routine means that they must discover new ways to spend their time.
Describe some of the issues that older people may face in regards to healthcare.
Medicare is not a total answer to health care for the elderly: it only pays half for a visit to a physician and nothing for long-term care, hearing aids, glasses, or dental work.
This can be troublesome since older people are more likely to have long-term illnesses and to take more time to recuperate.
T/F: older adults are more likely to face poverty than younger adults.
True. Also, nearly half of the older adults in the US would be below the poverty line if not for Social Security (which isn’t enough to make them rich).
What are some issues that older people may face when they retire?
No longer being employed can lead to loss of self-concept and self-respect.
They may not be able to spend and buy things as freely as they used to.
Loss of a daily work routine means that they must discover new ways to spend their time.
Helping loved ones cope with lose.
- talk about the loss. Their feelings about it.
- help them express their feelings
- help them to live without the deceased
- encourage them to go on
- provide time to grieve
- educate the client on customary grieving reactions
- be sensitive to individual styles and differences
- provide for continuing support (support groups)
Describe some of the issues that older people may face in regards to healthcare.
Medicare is not a total answer to health care for the elderly: it only pays half for a visit to a physician and nothing for long-term care, hearing aids, glasses, or dental work.
This can be troublesome since older people are more likely to have long-term illnesses and to take more time to recuperate.
What are the 5 concepts of empowerment?
- identify and face and preconceived notions and stereotypes about older people
- Appreciate the different life situations experienced by people from different age groups within the older adult population
- understand that older adults are individuals with their own experiences and personalities just like everyone else
- learn about how both gender and cultural background influences the aging experience
- understand the developmental aspect of later life, including people’s physical, mental, living, and socioeconomic conditions.
What are community-based services?
- Adult daycare: provides services for adults living at home who need supervision during the day
- Hospices: provides end-of-life care to terminally ill people
- Senior center: a place seniors gather for social recreational activities and educational reasons
- Congregate meal program: a hot meal provided for elders in a variety of community locations
- Senior home repair and maintenance programs: helps with upkeep around their home
What is long-term care?
The provision of health, social, and personal services over an extended period of time to people who are unable to care for themselves in some, most, or almost all ways.
The intent is promote people’s socio-emotional and physical well-being in the least restrictive way possible. Long-term care implies that recipients need either ongoing or periodic help over an extended period.
What are home-based services (also known as home care)?
Types of care provided to people in their own homes. They may involve either assistance to family members caring for an older adult relative or provision of services by formal social service agencies.
What is an informal support network?
A system of individuals who provide emotional, social, and economic support to a person in need. The family is an obvious example, but examples can also include friends, neighbors, and fellow worshipers.
What are formal support networks?
Public and private agencies and their staffs which provide services, including health care (like nursing), social services, and housekeeping help to older adults in need.
Okay BYe