SW Quizzam #4 - chap. 14-16 Flashcards
What are the school social worker roles?
- consultant
- counselor
- facilitator
- educator
- advocate
- case manager
- broker
Describe “Groups for Students Whose Families Are Experiencing Divorce”.
Divorce can have serious consequences for children’s emotional well-being. Children might tackle many questions. Groups for children of divorce can help them deal with a wide range of emotions including disappointment, anger, resentment, loss, remorse, guilt, vulnerability, and loneliness.
What is some group work that social workers are involved in?
- for students who are parents
- for parents of students
- for students whose families experience divorce
- for students with substance abuse
- for students with ADHD
- for students who have experienced trama
- for students at risk of dropping out
- help address grief and loss
- help address socialization and peer interaction skills
- racial and cultural issues
Describe “Groups Addressing Socialization and Peer Interaction Skills”.
Peer pressure in childhood and adolescence is awesome. Children want to fit in; they want to be popular; they want to feel important. These groups can address peer pressure issues, teach children more effective way to communicate and interact with peers, and enhance self-confidence and self-esteem.
(Example: a group teaching girls “to act assertively rather than passively or aggressively”. First, assertiveness is eplained and examples of passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior are provided. Then group members perform role plays where they can practice skills, which is followed by discussion and evaluation of each role play’s effectiveness [example of a practice situation: your lab partner tells you that he wants to mix the chemicals and you can be the secretary. What do you do?)]
Describe “Groups for Trauma-Related Recovery”.
These groups can provide crisis intervention for students recovering from virtually any trauma, from a school bus accident, to a tornado in a small rural town, to a murderous assault by fellow students. Traumas can result in PTSD. Groups can help students confront their fears, deal with anxiety, and provide mutual support.
Describe “Groups Addressing Socialization and Peer Interaction Skills”.
Peer pressure in childhood and adolescence is awesome. Children want to fit in; they want to be popular; they want to feel important. These groups can address peer pressure issues, teach children more effective way to communicate and interact with peers, and enhance self-confidence and self-esteem.
(Example: a group teaching girls “to act assertively rather than passively or aggressively”. First, assertiveness is eplained and examples of passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior are provided. Then group members perform role plays where they can practice skills, which is followed by discussion and evaluation of each role play’s effectiveness [example of a practice situation: your lab partner tells you that he wants to mix the chemicals and you can be the secretary. What do you do?)]
Risk factors of youth violence?
- hyperactivity or attention deficits
- parent criminality
- poor family management practice
- low bonding to school
- having delinquent friends
- gang membership
Preventive factors of youth violence?
- social support
- resources
- leisures
- positives in life
- good family connections
what is the threat assessment?
- personality of student
- family issues and dynamics
- school issues and dynamics(student role)
- broader social dynamics
A social worker offers workshops or training sessions for students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders and residents. These workshops or sessions might involve a wide range of topics. What role is the social worker in?
A social worker advises a student regarding their lack of self-confidence, depression, feelings about their parents, and relationships with peers. What role is the social worker in?
A social worker suggests, guides, eases, or expedites the way for others during a group experience that can involve groups of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders. What role is the social worker in?
A social worker offers workshops or training sessions for students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders and residents. These workshops or sessions might involve a wide range of topics. What role is the social worker in?
A social worker advises for culturally competent and responsive policies and services in schools. What role is the social worker in?
A social worker attempts to link a student and their parents with a therapist in an outside social services agency. What role is the social worker in?
A social worker coordinates services provided for a student by their teachers, other school personnel, and outside resources. What role is the social worker in?
Case manager