SW Quizzam #4 Chap. 13 Flashcards
What does inpatient treatment mean?
It means that clients reside in the facility for some period.
They are among the most restrictive treatment settings available.
Depending on the problem, the patient may stay for as short as days or as long as a lifetime.
What is a major difference between BSM and MSW?
MSW’s are seen as more qualified and given more responsibility. MSW’s are also able to perform psychotherapy.
What is psychotherapy
It is a skilled treatment process whereby a therapist works with an individual, couple, family, or group to address a mental disorder or alleviate other problems the client(s) may be having in the social environment.
What are employee assistance programs?
they are services provided by organizations that focus on workers’ mental health and on adjustment problems that interfere with their work performance.
Who published the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual (DSM)?
American Psychiatric Association
What is a residential treatment center (RTC)?
An RTC is agency that provides children who have serious emotional and behavioral problems with residential round-the-clock care, education (often with an emphasis on special education), interpersonal skills training, and individual, group, and sometimes family therapy.
What book do health professionals use to diagnose mental illness?
The Diagnosis and Statistical Manual (DSM)
What are the social work roles?
- interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
- clinical social workers
- psychiatrists
- psychologists
- psychiatric nurses
- paraprofessionals
T/F: group homes are less restrictive than inpatient treatment facilities and residential treatment centers.
Describe psychiatric units in general hospitals.
They offer emergency psychiatric care on a temporary inpatient basis for people in crisis.
(They usually work closely with other, longer-term inpatient and outpatient facilities to provide care at whatever level on the continuum of care a client needs.)
Describe outpatient treatment agencies and clinics.
They provide individual, group and family counseling for a wide range of mental health and substance abuse problems. Clients come in for their treatment and then leave when they’re done. This is the least restrictive of mental health settings.
What are paraprofessionals?
a person with specialized training in some areas who are supervised by a professional and assume some of the professional’s tasks.
What is the difference between bipolar 1 and 2?
Bipolar I disorder involves periods of severe mood episodes from mania to depression. Bipolar II disorder is a milder form of mood elevation, involving milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with periods of severe depression
Describe the “case management” function of community mental health centers.
This is the process of assessing clients’ needs, linking clients to appropriate services, coordinating service provision, and monitoring its effectiveness.
(Whereas the broker role involves linking clients to resources, key concepts in the case manager role are coordinating and monitoring service provision.)
What are the different mental disorders?
- dementia
- schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
- mood disorders
- bipolar disorders
- anxiety disorders
What is dementia?
it is a state in which people develop numerous cognitive problems due to some medical problems.
What are mood disorders?
they are mental disorders involving extreme disturbances in a person’s mood.
Describe the “child and adolescent services” function of community mental health centers.
These are aimed at enhancing the overall functioning of child and adolescent clients.
(Activities may include counseling, working with the schools on behalf of these young people making referrals for services such as prescription drugs or family therapy, and involving clients in recreational activities.)
Describe the “information and education programs” function of community mental health centers.
Staff including social workers educate community residents, family members of people with a mental disorder, and other professionals in the community about prevention, the problems involved, and the treatment of mental disorders.
Describe the “long-term community care programs” function of community health centers.
These serve people with mental illness on an ongoing basis.
(Often case managers help such people remain in the community by regularly visiting their homes, monitoring medication, and coordinating other needed services.)
Describe the “day treatment programs” function of community health centers.
These provide daily activities for people with mental illness, including recreational pursuits such as games or crafts, health services, and educational programs.
Describe the “alcohol and other drug treatment programs” function of community health centers.
These provide treatment, including individual and group counseling.
(Often staff in such units work cooperatively with other inpatient facilities to give clients the type of care they need.)
What are mood disorders?
are mental disorders involving extreme disturbances in a person’s mood.
Describe dissociative disorders.
They involve “a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception. A famous example includes dissociative identity disorder (also known as multiple personality disorder).
Describe sexual disorders (also known as sexual dysfunction).
“A problem with a sexual response that causes a person mental distress.”
What are the 3 subtypes of sexual disorders?
Sexual arousal disorders
Orgasmic disorders
What are sexual arousal disorders?
They are “sexual dysfunctions in which people persistently or recurrently fail to become adequately sexually aroused to engage in or sustain sexual intercourse.”
Ex: male erectile disorder
What are orgasmic disorders?
Sexual dysfunctions where “men or women may have difficulty reaching orgasm or reaching orgasm more quickly than they would like.”
Women are more likely to have trouble reaching orgasm, men are more likely to reach orgasm too quickly.
Ex: female orgasmic disorder
Describe eating disorders.
They involve extreme difficulties with eating behaviors. They include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Describe eating disorders.
They involve extreme difficulties with eating behaviors. They include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
What is anorexia nervosa?
A condition in which a person refuses to maintain a wieght level of at least 85% of normal minimal body weight and dreads gaining weight, due to an obsession with being thin.
It’s more likely to affect females than males.
Describe bulimia nervosa.
It’s characterized by experiencing a severe lack of control over eating behavior, binging, and using methods to get rid of calories (purging, using laxatives or enemas, and undergoing extreme exercising).
It’s more likely to affect females than males.
[Other characteristics include: obsession with being thin, poor impulse control that may affect decisions about money, relationships, and other aspects of life in addition to their consumption of food, and bulimics tend to experience depression.]
What are impulse control disorders?
Conditions in which people are unable to resist the temptation to participate in some activity that causes them or others harm or regret.
Exs: kleptomania (compulsive stealing, pathological gambling, trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?
A dysfunction where obsessions or compulsions or both exist.
Obsessions include “persistent thoughts, urges, or images” that are disturbing and usually cause significant anguish and apprehensions for the individual”.
Compulsions then involve “repetitive behaviors or mental acts” that the individual undertakes in order to decrease anxiety about the obsession.
What is a hoarding disorder?
A dysfunction where the individual feels compelled to save things, regardless of their value, and has extreme trouble getting rid of things.
What are the different social worker roles in mental health?
- Existential Therapy: deals with important life themes
- Person-centered Therapy: a positive view of individuals, believing that they tend to move toward becoming fully functioning
- Behavior Therapy: identifying and fixing bad behavior
- Cognitive Therapy: people’s perception of life and the world around them
Describe paranoid personality disorder.
Extreme lack of trust in and suspicions about others, in addition to expectations that others have evil motives and, essentially, “are out to get you.”
Describe schizoid personality disorder.
Disconnection from interpersonal relationships and an extremely limited ability to express emotions.
Describe schizotypal personality disorder.
Social deficits characterized by difficulties forming close relationships and distorted views of appropriate behavior.
Describe antisocial personality disorder.
Disrespect for and infringement on other people’s rights.
Describe borderline personality disorder.
Instability in interpersonal relationships, view of self, and emotional makeup, in addition to striking impulsivity.
Describe histrionic personality disorder.
Excessive emotional expression and attention-seeking behavior.
Describe narcissistic personality disorder.
Pompous and pretentious behavior, constant search for admiration, and inability to have and express empathy.
Describe avoidant personality disorder.
The condition o being uncomfortable in social situations, “feelings of inadequacy,” and oversensitivity to negative feedback.
Describe dependent personality disorder.
Needy, “submissive and clinging” behavior resulting from the persistent and extreme “need to be taken care of” and to depend on others to make decisions for them.
Describe obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
Overly extreme concern with organization and neatness, perfectionism, and control.
What are the different social worker roles in mental health?
- Existential Therapy: deals with important life themes
- Person-centered Therapy: a positive view of individuals, believing that they tend to move toward becoming fully functioning
- Behavior Therapy: identifying and fixing bad behavior
- Cognitive Therapy: people’s perception of themselves and others and of their goals and experiences, memories, fantasies, and previous learning
Describe antipsychotic drugs.
They are used to treat schizophrenia. Examples are thioridazine (Mellaril) and chlorpromizine (Thorazine).
Describe antidepressants.
They are employed in the treatment of major depression and anxiety disorders, particularly panic disorders. Examples are amitriptyline (Elavil) and fluoxetine (Prozac).
Descibe mood-stabilizing drugs.
They are used to treat bipolar disorder. An example is lithium (Lithobid).
Describe anti-anxiety drugs.
They are used to control anxiety disorders and insomnia. Examples are alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium).
Describe psychostimulant drugs.
They are used to treat ADHD. An example is methylphenidate (Ritalin).
What is Cognitive Therapy?
It is taking account of how the client sees themself and the world around them and trying to identify if they have any biases, negative views of self and the future.