SW 4-6 Flashcards
What is the definition of a supply chain network?
- interconnection of organizations
- org. relate to each other through upstream and downstream linkages
- different processes and activities produce value
- value to ultimate consumer
Was ist der Vorteil, supply chain als Ganzes zu betrachten?
- it puts the operation into its competitive context
- identify key players
- verlagert Schwerpunkt langfristig
- macro-changes
- bspw. Türkei liefert Haselnüsse, nun kaputt durch Frost -> Ferrero Rocher und Rittersport arbeiten zusammen und haben nun Haselnussplantagen rund um die Welt
Supply Chain Network - Structure and Scope
Indirect vs. direct distribution
Wie sieht das Business Ecosystem aus?
- include suppliers and customers (like supply networks)
- difference: also include stakeholders
- aim: create cooperative network
- durch diese Kooperation erschafft man Barrieren für Neueintretende -> sie müssen gegen das ganze Ecosystem konkurrieren
- bspw. mehrere Entwickler schliessen sich zusammen
Was spielt eine Rolle im Zusammenhang mit der Location Decision? (3)
1. Variable Kosten der Operation beim Standort
- Labor costs
- Land costs
- Energy costs
- transportation costs
2. possible Influences of Community
- Political, Economic, Social, Technological, legal, cultural Environment
3. Potential Revenue
- availability of skilled labor
- Eignung Standort (suitability)
- image of location
- convenience for customer
Was ist gem. Roger Brunette die “goldene Banane”?
- hohe Population
- dichteste Region sowohl kundenseitig, wie auch Infrastrukturmässig
- viele Cluster
- die CH mitten drin
Extension of Process Ownership
- direction of integration
- backward = upstream -> Fokus Lieferanten
- > control of suppliers
- > gain cost advantages
- > prevent competitors gaining control of important suppliers
- forward = downstream -> Fokus auf Markt
- > closer to its markets
more freedom to make contact
- extent of the process span of integration
- wide or narrow extent?
- balance among the vertically integrated stages
- totally balanced: one stage produces only for the next stage in the network and totally satisfies its requirements
- less than full balance: it allows each stage to sell its output to other companies or buy in some of its supplies from other companies
The decision Logic of Outsourcing
- superior = überlegen
Outsourcing vs. Offshoring
-> Domestic supplier delivers product/services
- deciding to buy in products or service
- not performing in-house
Offshore outsourcing
-> Overseas supplier delivers prod./serv.
Offshore operations
-> Focal operation’s overseas operation delivers prod./ services
Domestic operations
-> Focal operation performs activities itselfs
Offshoring (aus Text)
- obtaining products/services (erhalten) from operations that are based outside one’s own country
- “outsourcing” to a supplier that has greater expertise or scale
John Little and his Little’s Law
T = WIP x tc
T= Durchlaufszeit
WIP = Work in Progress
tc = Zykluszeit (bsp.alle 5 Minuten gibt es ein neues Prod.)
- > bsp. Bild, alle 2 Minuten kommt ein neues Produkt
- > wichtig, dass immer gleiche Einheiten (Entweder in Minuten, Sekunden, Stunden)
- > ein Stück braucht 20 Minuten um diesen ganzen Prozess zu durchlaufen
- > Annahme: kontinuierlichen Prozess + Verteilung spielt keine Rolle
- > Prozesskomplexität spielt hier keine Rolle
Definition of design
- conceive looks, arrangement, and workings before something ist constructed
- it is a conceptual activity
Different aims of product designers vs. operations managers who tend to focus on the design of the transformation process
Product designer’s aims:
- aesthetically pleasing
- satisfy needs
- meet expectations
- perform well
- are reliable
Transformation process:
- flexible and efficient
- support the strategic goals of the company
- is without errors
- is motivating for employees
- is robust and easy to control
Relationship between Product and Process design
Process Design: Design Procedure
There are 3 types of decisions to be done.
Decision 1: Process Type
Different Manufacturing processes
Differen service processes
Decision 2: Basic layout type
Decision 3: Detailed design of layout