Sven- 2 Flashcards
Syntax definition
Rules for ordering words in ways that change the meaning, generates semantics. Includes word order, syntactic categories (verbs, nouns) and abstract rules like inflection
Testing of syntax
Comp of word eraser starts early. Hirsh pasek: 19m comp of sentence by looking, look longer at correct. Mintz: 12m olds familiarised to false verbs and nouns used correct then not. Looked longer at not right, stronger for verbs. (Infer categories after few examples). Abstract learning rule- Gomez: 12m exposed to 10 gramm false sentences then tested W new gramm or non. Listened more to gramm- familiarity
Lang learning
Kanzi doesn’t show syntax and no function words like for or but, no inflections or recursively. Vygotsky: lang via zpd and environment. Skinner: children imitate, association from +/- rein, hebbian and lint environemnt (domain general so no spec lang mechanisms). Piaget lang linked to cog- all claim learn not aqcuired
Lang acquisition
Chomsky: child’s lang input poor, rarely exposed to ungramm as counterpoints and parents don’t correct syntactic errors so must have innnat ability to learn rules. Children understand deep structure/internal constituent/tree of lang. critical period- environ needed to trigger innate syntax aqcu, better the earlier exposed. Feral children: genie had poor lang as after critical
Syntactic development: the Dom view
Chomsky: children have bio ability for lang processing, knowing lang takes limited forms (UG). Continuity from infancy to adulthood (no diff knowledge, just not expressed). UG not fixed, diff parameters in diff langs e.g. word order. Dom is subject object verb- could be due to innate. Fodor 81: modularity view, syntax is core- example dld effects lang not cog
Pinker view
Infants have innate cap but preconceptions about links between knowledge of roles (semantics) and knowledge of gramm positions , via bottstrapping as agent before verb. But also ling input and cog ability like wm, attention. Bootstrapping is innate ability to compute co occurrences
Sedenberg 2002
syntax is knowledge of what us likely to come next given the sentence so far. Adj precede nouns, verbs predict nouns like the sun will shine and ing is end of verb
Structure is represented in input while bootstrapping can help but not necessary
Marcus 99
stats learning is ok for words and categories but less for rules. Innate ability to compute open ended abstract relationships like s= np+vp+np (noun phrase, verb phrase, noun) like how some syllables follow eachother
116 7m olds. Exposed to ABA structure or ABB. tested on new ABA and ABB using head turn. Found novelty effect for ungrammatical sentences - bio?
Tutorial- word learning
Maurer 20p6: some shapes associated more w certain names. Hubbard 20l1 says due to cortical connects and visual perception but W is onomatopoeia. Casey and bartlett 78: fast mapping is one exposure to a word is enough to learn. Opposing is Horst and samuelson 2008 who say trial and error, use militias exclusivity to Id new object but can’t I’d similar but diff so don’t actually learn.
How children find reference level
Goes from superordinate, basic to subordinate e.g. animal, dog, poodle. Hear basic the most so children more familiar. Leads to over extension (attribute word to anything sim) or under extension: use word v spec not general e.g. only call family car car- harder to spot. Pasek: coalition of cues says we are surrounded by cues of diff weights that change W development but not as the same time as perceptual first, social later. Pareria study found larger, centred for longer objects learnt better but only immediate, correlational, arbitrary, no pronouns or uses
Developmental disorders of comm definition
A comm disorder is impairment in ability to receive, send, process and comp concepts or verbal,non or graphic info
Can be mild to profound, developmental or acquired
From american speech lang hearing association
Dld symptoms
Normally by age 5 have semantics, morphology, syntax, phonology and pragmatics-dld can affect any. (Used to be sli, issues word finding, short sentences, comp) other aspects normal (modular) and diffs not explained by anything else. Diagnosis by elimination
Dld studies
Can dev lely 2005: dld affects lang but not other aspects. Can do occur e.g. autism has imoapired comm. 60% have affected fam, 38% parent but not a single gene, research on FOXP2 on 7 but doesn’t determine. Diffs in brain structure like gray matter. Parents W dld less likely to rephrase sentences (environmental)
cognitive/perceptual factors affecting dld
May be due to secondary cog deficits/not modular like diffs holding phon info in wm, leading to weak contextual integration (gatherocle and baddeley 1990). Bishop 96: dld worse at repeating long non words- supports piaget as need cog for lang. also problems W non verbal and verbal reasoning
Auditory processing disorder profile
Leads to comm problems but just perceptive, listening orbs but passes hearing tests (not peripheral impairment). Can’t understand speech in noise and when fast. Share symptoms of dld as poor speech perception and production talkal 2003, misdiagnosed as adhd
Apd studies
Tallal 90: auditory temporal discrimination impaired, needed for pseech as sounds differ based on fine temporal contrast. Fine temporal res needed for distinguishing vot diffs like pat from bat. Merzenich 96: auditory discrim training leads to speech perception and land comp improvement so may be hearing deficit?
Causes of apd
Higher level auditory brain abnormalities in cns. Beyond audit nerve, info processed in higher pathways where pitch, loudness extracted, brain stem has duration. Not auditory: poor audit performance arises bc of limitations in attention more 2010, memory or lang. apd have poor lang so may be lang delay
Speech disorder , apraxia
From impairment of motor control system or phonological planning, can co2 occur W lang imp, other oral impairments like chewing
Apraxia of speech is imp of motor control of articulate but muscle physiology intact and phon. Slow speech, prolonged sound, reduced prosody. Due to damage to frontal cortex around brocas
Speech disorder: phonological impairment
Impairment of phon planning or phon representations, can say all sound but dont use appropriately, articulation intact and no probs w motor control
Sound subs, omission, speech rate and prosody not impaired, errors consistent amd easier to correct
Causes unknown
Treatment of speech disorders
Slow down, exaggerated moments, clear, use break and speak louder. LSVT loud by lee Silverman voice treat,ent, for those W Parkinson’s, loudness and breathing. Ramig 2018: 3 groups w motor speech disorder did lsvt, lsvt for articulation or nothing. Lsvt most affective at lunges but no good measure as self reported