Elizabeth- Intro To Development Part 2 Flashcards
Children construct knowledge of the world, third way to nature nurture as innate like reflex schemas and nurture
Saw intelligence as a form of adaptation to the environment
Creates more theories about the world, engine of cog change
Cog schema
First are reflexes (genetic) like sucking and grasping. Assim and accomp. Equilibrium is balance between both for consistent internal models
Stage theory
Discontinuities in development
Stages are major points of equilibration
Sequence is fixed, can’t go back,
0-2: sensorimotor, 2-7: preoperational, 7-12: concrete operational, 11 plus: formal operational
Sensorimotor 1-3
6 sub stages W diff interaction W object world and objects concepts. 1 0-6w, reflexes, adulism (don’t know where body ends, world begins). 26w-4m: primary circular reactions (repetition of body movements but not to repeat consequences), out of sight out of existence. 3:4-8m: 2ndary circ reac actions that have effects on environment, can retrieve partially occluded objects.
Sensorimotor 4-6
4: 8-12m: means-end behaviour, combine actions for results, retiree fully occluded objects but a not b error (hide thing multiple times but if move to b still look at a), 5: 12-18m tertiary circular reactions new means to ends, a not b but not invisible displacements (tracking objects you can’t see). 6: 18-24m representation, infants can imagine consequences of planned actions, full object permanence
Egocentrism as centration (too much of us on single aspect). Perspective taking as can’t take another point of view. Not correct until 8-9. Fail conservation and lack of reversibility as can’t. Mentally retrace steps. Animism is when attribute mental quals to inanimate objects, egocentrism and naive about world
Conc op
Children now pass all tasks they failed in pre op, nothing characteristic
Formal op
Think abstractly, hypothetical reasoning. Use third eye probability test and pendulum (how to determine speed and where to out eye)
Piaget critiques
Underestimate abilities and ignore social influences. OP may be limited by motor abilities as dishabituatw to new stim via looking, attend longer to impossible events around 3.5 months- called violation of expectation technique. Also have knowledge of word as looked longer at narrow screen as two objects couldn’t be hidden behind . Subsidising is ability to perceive a small no items wout counting- infants attend 2 figures more after seeing 1
Critique for conservation
Need lang e.g. as much as… if visual 4-6 year olds interpret correctly W cars in garages
Critique of human sense
Fail tasks as don’t make human sense e.g. Chang econservation task to accidental or the policeman 90% 2.5 year olds correct. If a person is manipulation or asking twice, child thinks order has been changes
Counter critique to OP
May have executive prob W inhibition actions as chi harden are reinforced to look at a . Importance of child’s own agency . Infants have knowledge when they can use it
Counter critique for perspective taking
Hughes task- there is no conflict peresepctive to thier own so doesnt test ability to decentre, used preactice trails so just learning?
Crucial point is being unable to decentre from ones own perspective
Counter critique of animism
Piaget overestimates tendency to engage, evidence that animate inanimate distinction may be innate fara 2003
May be his observations may have been focused on events young children had little understanding of
Counter critique: formal operations
Piaget overestimated abilities
Many adults struggle w tasks like pendulum task or with abstract thinking, have to be trained to think in abstract way?
Modern perspective taking
Moved from physical to mental- understand another’s mental perspective. Three levels of understanding flavell: the mind exists, the mind has connection to the physical world and the mind can represent objects and events.
Woodruff and premack: in context of chimps abilities to deceive their keepers. Understand what you believe is what governs behaviour not what is actually true. Wimmer and perner: unexpected transfer task and baron Cohen. Under 4 fail
Tom- age problem
Reasons for failing may be due to other task demands like executive (children can’t inhibit), reality bias, narrative problems (have to understand story), need verbal abilities . Diffs of those the same age
Tom- social diffs
Having more communicative interaction, regular contact W extended family, higher SES, mother education and collaborative symbolic play makes Tom better
Tom- mental state lang
Deaf children same as normal but late signers have deificits. More use of internal state talk in the home predicts better. Maternal mind mindedness in first year predicts at 4-5
Mind mindedness
Caregivers tendency to treat child as individual w mind of its own- tune in to what child is thinking accurately - turns into own ability to read minds later. At 8m predicted Tom aged 4
Piaget critique- not due to lack of motor skills
Infants could retire object from under a clear cup but not block colour and grasp for objects when lights off. A not b errors due to memory issues as correct if immediately look but had errors under clear covers. Could be due to the fact they see a as a container , found in dogs not wolves so negative affects of social. When attention on something else, more errors but still errors when fully attentive. Frontal cortex in EG, errros due to immature cortex as increased lobe activation
STM and ltm
STM increases through childhood but could be due to greater familiarity for numbers or practice over words. LTM: younger use rehearsal more, older use semantic (elaboration strategy, older do organisation/cluster effect
Iq is st ale and doesn’t change massively W age, have to relate to peers using percentile. Fluid improves but then sharp declines, crystallised quickly at start in neo cortex. We are more intelligent that previous gens (Flynn effect). Symbolism not used until formal op, analogical reasoning is so loving by comparing to previous problem, need crystallised
Problem solving
Interpropostional thinking is when relaye parts to another to get solution, intra uses concrete not abstract info. Smaller % reach formal op, relates to experience and education and domain spec. Young ppl fail to separate thoery and evidence, select evidence consistent W theory
ToM reading
Develop age 4. Meta cognition is being able to find what someone else thinks by what you would think- under 4 fail deceptive box task, don’t know thier own mind. Ps from collectivist are more trusting. Fodor says modular view at autism fail. Those W siblings more likely to pass and stronger for younger siblings. Triad of impairment is relationships, communication and imagination- all needed for Tom, not just disability as Down’s syndrome pass
Vygotsky background
Born in Russia, Jewish. Had eccentric early tutor who taught literature and poetry. Russian units went from meritocratic to lottery for uni places for Jewish. First essay on Hanley, about speech, experienced famine and war and died of TB
Main theory vygotsky
Sociocultural approach, develop thoery w social origin of mental process. Dynamic view as look at what mental processes develop from and into. Interpersonal interaction important
Wertsch 3 themes from vygotsky
Reliance on genetic method- higher mental functions vs elementary (higher develop from elementary). Semiotic mediation: HMF mediated by cultural sign signs like words.
Elementary vs higher mental functions
EMF: innate, not spec to humans, unconscious, non,epmediated, natural memory and reflex like cocktail party effect. HMF: develop along cultural line via interaction, spec to humans, conscious, mediated memory and problem solving
Semiotic mediation
Interaction w others enables us to get knowledge of lang or other sign systems
Signs fulfil role of psychological tools, they help us think better
Forbidden colours task
Leontev 1932: children asked qs about colour, 2 forbidden and given cards. 5-6 made lots of errors and cards no help, 8-9 and 10-13 cards result in improvement and adults made few errors, cards irrelevant. Use cards as mediation to remind then not to say it
General genetic law of cultural development
Child’s development happens on social plane/ interpsych to psychological plane/intra. ZOD distance between actual to potential development W MKO- can be other child W more knowledge
About ZPD
Learn when being stretched. Need to be egalitarian and idealistic as stays true for all children, including delayed that if they hit ZOD they will develop. Tutors and teachers should use ZPD
Shift from other to self
Expect child to get better at problem solving as they age. Wertsch: mother and child copied jigsaw, analysed gaze and found increases self regulation W age. Can occur within a short period of time
Bruner: adjustments to bring task in line with ZPD. Includes fading and transfer of responsibility. Using context most helpful but drawing not (also use checklists, rubric). Cog scaffolding used to support knowledge but meta improves use. STAD- group learning but hard to asses ZPD and limitation in classroom as unique
Meins 97
Attachment security assed at 12m, tutoring tasks at 3. Secure mother pitched intervention in ZPD, used feedback to alter level of specificity. Insecure kept comments too vague or too intrusive and failed to use feedback from child.
Wood 78
Taught children how to complete pyramid and varied tutoring. Child who had experiences ZPD tutoring did better- shows children are apprentices, rogoff and thinking can be shared activity
Piaget egocentric speech
45% sound made by 6 year old boys had no communicative function. believed this was evidence of egocentricity. Support as drops off in conc op stage, peak 3-7. Known as private speech
Vygotsky PS
Development of thought and lang are separate but parallel for first 2 years. At 2, they combine and become rational and speech mediates thoughts. Begins as social and later internalised. PS midpoint and used to control behaviour. Piaget said private to social speech but V said social-private-inner speech. Said parasocial as derived from social speech, universal
Evidence for self regulation
Deliberate obstacles to child’s activity, found PS almost doubles, child uses speech to solve e.g. I need a blue pencil, I’ll do this instead. Internalisation: inner speech becomes shorter and less intelligible. Para social: removing audience should reduce: when paired w dead or foreign, PS reduced and when isolated
PS modern research
Fernyhough and fradley 2005: looked at PS during executive planning e.g. Tower of London. Ps most common on puzzles of moderate difficulty. Ps associated w task success. Namlah and meins: stopped ps using PS by repeating word, couldn’t complete task. Berk: 3 level scheme for internalisation: level 1 is task irrelevant Ps, then task relevant and overt than external
Parasocial PS
PS correlated W social speech, mimics convo. Low income Appalachian children have little contact W adults, show delayed PS, same in families w history of abuse. Children w richer social environments use more level 3 ps. 93% American kids use PS, 95 British and 90 Saudi. But still delay not lack and children w lang impairments use it
Bark and garvis schemas
Types of PS: affect expression, word repetition, fantasy play, self answered qs, reading out loud. Some are self regulatory but some not . Vygotsky said pretend play is used to and are skills as combine objects, social norms
Lang and memory
Lang used to help remember info as kids use verbal label to help remember images. Saw reward hidden before disorientation, rats had 50/59chance of finding, same with children under 4 but adults use blue walk to help, starts 5-7 which is when children start PS as encoding wall into memory . Her,er: retest while shadowing passage, students behave like rats but shadowing rather W hands has no affect: no thing as nonverbal task