Chelsea-occupational 1 MEANT TO BE IN APPLIED Flashcards
What is recruitment
Finding the right person: person job fit (how well does knowledge and skills fit demands), personal organisation fit (how does values match W organisation). Create task or worker oriented job ad, job analysis feeds recruitment, selection and performance analysis (knowledge, skills, abilities, other characteristics).
How recruitment influences applicants
Farming job ads impact who applies and how perform. Gaucher 2011: jobs for male dominated fields use more masc lan (leader, dominant) so women find less appealing. Bias: beautyism and halo effect (more attractive more likely to be hired, horns effect (bad first inoaression), similar to me, stereotyping and self delusion
Online recruitment
Employers check social media- unethical? But no correlation between recruiter rating of social media profiles and supervisor ratings of job performance-van iddekinge 2016
Challenges faced by employees
How do needs of business fit into selection, what qualities are suitable for the job, employees need to be in gages, thrive and perform. How to measure ind diffs
Strength based recruitment
Hiring those W natural talents and motivations, not competence based but still has skills . Wang: increases employee engagement, self esteem and decreased perceived stress, makes ppl feel supported and lowers employee turnover. Good for those W less experience, less room for prepared answers and ppl come across best when talking about something they enjoy
Systematic selection-psychometric testing and personality tests
Ability and altitude tests (general mental ability and cog tests are more powerful predictors) personality testing industry worth 2 bill. GMA used as path from ability to performance mediated by learning. Use the 5 factor model but personality may be better for predicting counterproductive behaviour and organisational cotizenship behaviour (above and beyond) gonzalez mule
Types of reliability and validity
Internal and interrater reliability .Construct (does it measure what it claims to), face (does it look relevant to candidates) and content validity (is the test relevant to the role), criterion validity (does it predict job performance)! divergent (is test uncorrleted w other non relevant measurements), convergent (do test converge w relevant measures)
Personality definition
Personality is the sum total of the behavioural and mental characteristics that are distinctive of an individual
Five factor model of personality
OCEAN- openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism - most reliable and popular
5 factor linked to occupation
Low neuroticism in skilled, manager, health and highest in media and sports. High extroversion in manager, business, conscientious is skill, manager, care, teaching, openness in media, sports. Neuroticism and openness matched average in occupation, more satisfaction. Conscientious predicts consistently in long time, openness associated w better performance over time. Inverse u shape: complex jobs use personality but doesn’t matter for unskilled or too hard
Job satisfaction
Kang and malvaso found openness not associated w job satisfaction, C and A have +, E and N -. Performance dependent on other factors once they start and GMA the strongest predictor
Competency and the steps in recruitment
observable workplace behaviours that form the basis of a differentiated measurement of performance. Breugh: recruitment objectives, strategy development, recruitment activities. Poorer fit more likely to leave;attrition.
Realistic job previews and utility analysis
For jobs W many application, use RJP which may highlight - parts. Utility analysis: shmidt, estimates financial benefits of improvements based on validity, ratio of rejected candidates and estimates monetary value
How tech is used
Looking at social media not effec and leaves room for bias
Ai used t evaluate performance but dont know about construct validity but can be used to find personality characteristics
How personality tests are made
Personality trait inventories or questionnaires- have personality structure. Social desirability is a concern but hogan said issue is the same as in real life (make efforts to conform), ppl can fake when told to but mixed evidence on faking on validity. Include validity or social desirability scales to stop also warnings and forced choice
Situation judgment tests and interviewing
SKT asses judgment about job situations from hypothetical problems can be behaviour or knowledge based. Interviewing varies so not reliable and structured is better. Can be behavioural, competency or situational- managers don’t like structured