Sustainable Development including georesources Flashcards
What event in 1992 sets out the 27 principles for SD?
Rio 1992
Who did not sign Rio +10?
Australia and USA
Which three people did not attend Rio +20
Camera, Merkel or Obama
What does the 1987 Brundtland report do?
Acknowledge that poverty is both a cause and an effect of climate change, although it frustratingly remained capitalist in its outlook
What are the three components of vulnerability?
exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity
What is the FT Figures for 2018 for Nigeria?
90% of Forex comes from oil, but only 9% only GDP does thus promoting the risk of the country becoming a rentier state. Income tax is only 7% of GDP which makes the country less effective at tax collection than is Burkino Faso, despite being Africa’s largest economy
If 90% of Forex comes from oil, but only 9% only GDP does, what risk does this promote?
That if there are sudden fluctuations in the price of oil, Nigeria becomes particularly vulnerable
What is dutch disease?
When a country’s currency appreciates due to the price of oil, it becomes harder for other businesses to export
When was the resistance movement to shell in Nigeria?
What are two figures of the resistance movement?
MOSOP and Ken Saro-Wiwa
What are three reasons that geo resource extraction can contribute to development goals?
Affordable, reliable energy
Fossil fuels still need to account for 80% by 2030
More to social responsibility than simply climate change
What is it called when a company gives a lot of good press about its green credentials without actually doing much?
What are four reasons why georesource extraction is good for development goals?
Health risks from flaring and from oil spills
Climate change inequality perpetuated
Wilful creation fo the problem from organisation
Human rights aspects of§ climate change
Who argues for the rentier effect?
Ross 2001
What is the other effect that Ross 2001 agues for?
Repression effect, where there is enough income to finance military expenditures and internal security.
What does Berlant argue that a nation needs, and who argues that oil has eroded this for Nigeria?
Watts 2004 the unimagined community in Nigeria.
Who talks about the attempt by Shell to gain social licence to operate
Zalik 2004
What kind of model for development does Zalik argue that Shell promotes?
A command and control model