Suspend the Rules Flashcards
What is the purpose of the motion to Suspend the Rules?
To suspend one or more rules contained in the parliamentary authority, the special rules of order, or the standing rules of the assembly
Your question has two parts:
1) Can the motion to Suspend the Rules only be made when no business is pending?
2) Explain your answer.
1) No
2) It can also be made if it is for a purpose connected with a pending motion.
Can the motion to Suspend the Rules be reconsidered?
What vote is usually required to adopt the motion to Suspend the Rules?
Two-thirds vote, except for standing rules which require a majority vote.
Is the motion to Suspend the Rules amendable?
Is the motion to Suspend the Rules out of order when another member has the floor?
Is the motion to Suspend the Rules debatable?
Is a second required for the motion to Suspend the Rules?
Name three rules that cannot be suspended.
1) Rules in the bylaws.
2) Procedural rules prescribed by federal, state, or local laws
3) Rules which embody fundamental principles of parliamentary law.
4) Rules protecting the basic rights of an individual member.
Your question has three parts:
Assume a motion is pending at a meeting to suspend a rule related to the hour of beginning meetings.
1) What vote is required to adopt it?
2) Why?
3) If there are fifty members at a meeting and thirty cast votes, what is the minimum number that would have to vote in the affirmative to adopt it?
1) Majority
2) Because it is a standing rule.
3) Sixteen
What rules may be suspended by unanimous consent?
Rules that are not controversial.
Your question has four parts related to standing rules:
1) Do these rules generally relate to parliamentary procedure?
2) What vote is required to adopt them?
3) What vote suspends them?
4) What vote amends them?
1) No
2) Majority
3) Majority
4) Two-thirds vote without notice or a majority vote with notice.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised lists eight standard descriptive characteristics or rules for every motion. Explain the rules for the incidental motion to Suspend the Rules that relate to:
1) Seconding
2) Debating
3) Amending
1) Must be seconded.
2) Not debatable.
3) Not amendable.
Assume you are the chairman at a meeting and a member moves to suspend the rule relating to the number of members that must be present in order to conduct a meeting. Explain the action you would take.
Rule the motion out of order. Rules protecting absentees, that is, requiring the presence of a quorum, cannot be suspended.
What class of motions does the motion to Suspend the Rules belong to?