Refer to a Committee Flashcards
What is the purpose of the subsidiary motion to commit or refer?
To sending a pending motion to a committee so that it can be further investigated and pit in better condition for the assembly to consider at a later time.
Name three variations of the motion to commit or refer.
- Committee of the whole
- Quasi committee of the whole
- Consider Informally
Is the subsidiary motion to commit or refer out of order when another member has the floor.
Must the subsidiary motion to commit or refer be seconded before it is considered?
When a motion is made by the direction of the committee composed of over two members, does it require a second
Is the motion to commit or refer debatable?
Can debate go into the merits of the main question?
Is the motion to commit or refer amendable?
Can an affirmative vote for the subsidiary motion to commit or refer be reconsidered
Yes, if the committee has not begun considering the question.
What vote is required to adopt the motion to commit or refer?
What class of motions does the motion to commit or refer belong to if made when a main motion is pending?
What does the term recommit mean?
To refer a matter a second time
If a motion is made to refer a matter to a committee when no business is pending, what class of motions does it belong to?
- It is an original Main Motion if the matter to be assigned or referred relates to a new subject.
- It is an incidental main motion if the assignment or referral is pursuant to a subject on which the assembly has already taken some action.
Name three privileged motions that the subsidiary motion Commit or Refer yields to
- Fix the Time to which to adjourn
- Adjourn
- Recess
- Raise a question of privilege
- Call for the orders of the day
Name two debatable, subsidiary motions that the subsidiary motion Commit or Refer takes precedence over.
- Postpone Indefinitely and Amend
If a chairman appoints a committee, who selects its chairman
The chairman
If the chairman does not designate a committee chairman, and names a committee, which committee member automatically becomes the chairman?
The first named committee member
Who has the power to replace members of a committee
The appointing authority
What hapens to the motion to postpone indefinitely if it is pending when a Main Motion is referred to a committee?
It is dropped from consideration
What happens to a pending amendment if a motion is referred to a committee?
It goes to the committee with the Main Motion and they are reported with it.
Does the motion to commit or refer require a second?
Is the motion to commit or refer debatable?
What vote is required to adopt the motion to commit or refer?
Name the two types of ordinary committees.
Standing committees and special committees.
What are two other names used for special committees?
Select committee and ad hoc committee
What is the difference between a standing committee and a special committee?
Standing committees perform a continuing function and are permanent. A special committee is a temporary committee and becomes nonexistent as soon as the committee’s task is completed.
Where are standing committees listed
In the bylaws
What are two actions that a committee can authorize if it is given full power to act?
- Spend money
- Add to its own membership
What are three methods of appointing committees?
- Election by ballot
- Apointment by the chair
- appointment by adoption of a motion naming members of a committee
What are two differences between a committee of the whole and a quasi committee of the whole
- A committee of the whole is suited for large assemblies and the regular presiding officer appoints the chairman and then leaves the chair
- A quasi committee of the whole is suited to assemblies of medium size (50-100 members) and the regular presiding officer remains the chair