Adjourn Flashcards
What is the purpose of the privileged motion to adjourn?
To close the meeting
Can the privileged motion to Adjourn be applied to any other motions?
Can any other motion be applied to the privileged motion to adjourn?
Your question has three parts
1) Is the privileged motion to adjourn debatable?
2) Is it amendable?
3) Can the privileged motion to adjourn be reconsidered?
1) No
2) No
3) No
Must the privileged motion to Adjourn be seconded?
Can the privileged motion to Adjourn be made when another member has the floor
What privileged motion takes precedence over the privileged motion to adjourn?
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn
What vote is required to adopt the privileged motion to adjourn?
If twenty members at a meeting cast a vote on the privileged motion to adjourn, what would be the minimum number that would have to vote in the affirmative to adopt it?
Name three debatable subsidiary motions that the privileged motion to adjourn takes precedence over.
1) Postpone to a certain time
2) Commit or Refer
3) Amend
4) Postpone Indefinitely
Your question has two parts.
1) The privileged motion to adjourn ia always made in an unqualified form. What does this mean?
2) What are two forms ordinarily used to make this motion?
1) No mention is made of a time either for adjourning or for meeting again.
2) “I move to adjourn,” or “I move that the meeting [“now”] adjourn.”
Your question has three parts:
1) What does the term adjourn sine die (pronounced SIGN-ee DYE-ee) mean?
2) Must the words sine die always be used when the chair declares the meeting adjourned?
3) What happens to a pending question if a meeting is adjourned?
1) To “adjourn without day.” It usually refers to the final adjournment of a session of several meetings, such as an annual convention of delegates.
2) No
3) Generally, it is carried over to the next meeting and taken up under unfinished business
Your question has two parts.
1) If the entire agenda is completed at a meeting, can the chair adjourn the meeting without a motion and vote?
2) Explain how it would be done?
1) Yes
2) The chair asks, “Is there any further business?” If there is no response, the chair says, “Since there is no further business, the meeting is adjourned.” The gavel is then tapped once
An unqualified motion to adjourn is said to be “a privileged motion” or “privileged” even when it is made when no question is pending. Explain what this means.
It means that the unqualified motion to adjourn is not debatable or amendable and is subject to all the rules governing the privileged motion to adjourn.
Your question has two parts:
1) Assume that twenty members of an assembly cast a vote on the privileged motion to adjourn and the outcome is ten for the affirmative and ten for the negative. Would you as chairman vote in the negative?
2) Explain your answer.
1) No
2) The negative vote by the chair would not effect the final results- the motion would still be lost.
Your question has two parts:
1) Can the privileged motion to Adjourn be made while business is pending?
2) Explain your answer.
1) Yes
2) It can be made provided that the time for the next meeting has been established or set by the assembly.