Recess Flashcards
Master all questions based on Recess
What is the purpose of the privileged motion to Recess?
To take a short intermission in the assembly’s proceedings
Can the privileged motion to Recess be applied to any other motions?
Is the privileged motion to Recess debatable?
Is the privileged motion to Recess amendable?
Can the privileged motion to Recess be reconsidered?
Must the privileged motion to Recess be seconded?
Name two privileged motions that take precedence over the privileged motion to Recess.
1) Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn
2) Adjourn
What vote is required to adopt the privileged motion to Recess?
Can the privileged motion to Recess be renewed?
When can the privileged motion to Recess be renewed?
After material progress or debate
If there are fifteen members at a meeting and ten members cast a vote on the privileged motion to Recess, what would be the minimum number that would have to vote in the affirmative to adopt it?
Would it take a majority or two-thirds vote to postpone taking a prescheduled recess?
Name two privileged motions that the privileged motion to Recess takes precedence over.
1) Raise a Question of Privilege
2) Call for the Orders of the Day
Name two subsidiary motions that can be applied to the privileged motion to Recess.
1) Amend
2) Previous Question
Can the privileged motion to Recess be applied to any motion?
Name three reasons to take a Recess.
1) Count ballots.
2) Secure information.
3) Allow informal consultation.
Can the privileged motion to Recess be amended?
How can the privileged motion to Recess be amended?
It is amendable as to the length of the recess.
Is an amendment applied to the privileged motion to Recess debatable?
An amendment applied to the privileged motion to Recess is NOT debatable. Why?
Because the privileged motion to Recess is undebatable.
The motion to Recess is made when no question is pending. Is it debatable?
The motion to Recess is made when no question is pending. Is it amendable?
The motion to Recess is made when no question is pending. Could it be reconsidered?
The motion to Recess is made when no question is pending. What class of motions does it belong to?
Main Motion
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised lists eight standard descriptive characteristics or rules for the privileged motion to Recess. Name four of them.
1) Takes precedence over all motions except the privileged motions to Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn and Adjourn.
2) Cannot be applied to any motion and motions to Amend and Previous Question can be applied to it.
3) Out of order when another member has the floor.
4) Must be seconded.
5) Not debatable.
6) Amendable as to the length of the recess.
7) Requires a majority vote to adopt.
8) Cannot be reconsidered.
Name three debatable subsidiary motions that the privileged motion to Recess takes precedence over.
1) Postpone to a Certain Time or Postpone Definitely
2) Commit or Refer
3) Amend
4) Postpone Indefinitely
Name three undebatable subsidiary motions that the privileged motion to Recess takes precedence over.
1) Lay on the Table
2) Previous Question
3) Limit or Extend Limits of Debate
What is the difference in EFFECT between the privileged motion to Recess and the privileged motion to Adjourn?
At the end of Recess, business is taken up where it was interrupted. At the meeting following adjournment, business begins with the complete order of business.
There are only four actions that can be taken in the absence of a quorum. One is to take measures to obtain a quorum. Name the other three.
1) Recess
2) Adjourn
3) Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn