Suspect Enquiries in Respect of Fires not involving explosives Flashcards


Outline the steps you will take when dealing with suspect enquiries in respect of fires not involving explosives

  • ID suspect by way of
    i) Circumstances of fire
    ii) Fingerprint hit
    iii) Information from witnesses/informants
    iv) Media responses
    v) Police resources such as intel/youth services/Fire investigation liaison
    vi) Prison enquiries/psych hospitals/rehab centres/schools
    vii) information from fire staff who attend regular fires
  • Possible suspect may include
    i) Owner or occupier
    ii) Employee of premise
    iii) Criminal to cover traces of other crimes
    iv) Aggrieved person suffering from jealousy, hatred, rage
    v) Pyromaniac suffering from mental illness
    vi) In case of schools, pupil or ex pupil
    vii) Member of fire service for excitement or personal recognition
    viii) Business competitor to disadvantage a rival
  • Investigate suspects thoroughly
    i) Full particulars
    ii) Criminal history
    iii) Vehicle they drive
    iv) Associates
    v) Photograph
  • Consider Surveillance
  • Completed enquiries to establish the suspects
    i) Opportunity
    ii) Motive
    iii) Mens rea
    iv) Connection with the scene and crime
    v) Character/mental stability/history/movements and behaviour
  • Consider a search warrant and look for the following
    i) Accelerants
    ii) Containers
    iii) Igniters
    iv) Wick fabric
    v) Traces of debris
    vi) Photograph evidence in situ, preserve evidence Ie fingerprints
    vii) Ask for explanation regrading items of interest located.
    viii) Note physical features such as burnt hair or skin or smell of
    ix) Issue Pol 268 for items taken
    x) Deal with exhibits accordingly ie label, record and store correctly
  • Interview the suspect
  • Consider photo ID montage where applicable
  • Complete enquiries to corroborate or negate suspects explanation
  • Advise supervisor of findings and consider if ingredients of offence have been met and discuss proceeding with prosecution
  • Arrest suspect and obtain
    i) Fingerprints
    ii) Photograph
    iii) Consider medical examination
    iv) Offender report details
    v) If co-operative get offender to reconstruct offence.
  • Complete prosecution file, expire wanted alerts for suspect and issue offenders report.
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