Initial Action when dealing with fires not involving explosives Flashcards


Outline the steps to take when dealing with the initial action when dealing with fires not involving explosives

  • Submit articles for ESR analysis asap
  • Complete offence report and enter details of any stolen property into NIA
  • Obtain written reports, photographs and plans from SFI, CAD and FI
  • Stimulate flow of information and ID of suspects by media releases, Flints to staff and neighbouring police staff, informing staff at line up and using special notices if there is a pattern to the fires
  • Ensure key people are interviewed these include
    i) The owner or occupier of premise
    ii) The person who last secured the premise
    iii) The person who found the fire
    iv) The informant if different to finder
  • Consider area canvas of the neighbourhood and interview witnesses and obtain statements
  • Consider possible motives ie, Profit/fraud/jealously/vandalism
  • Contact insurance companies and obtain
    i) An assessor to value building and damage
    ii) Particulars of the insurance on the premises and contents
    iii) Copies of insurance polices
    iv) Information of prior claims
    v) Recent increases in cover
  • If fires show a pattern of a “Fire bug” seek supervisors guidance on
    i) Special patrols
    ii) Immediate police presence at fire scenes to make observations of conduct and demeanours of persons present
    iii) Saturation of Police presence in area of fires in hopes to apprehend suspects
    iv) Prevention first approach
  • Inform intel and fire investigation liaison officer and find out
    i) Suspects
    ii) Similar previous fires
    iii) Other fires involving the informant, owner or occupier
  • Enquire with meteorological services to find weather conditions at time of fire
  • Maintain contact with victim or owner of property (If different
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