SushiSwap Flashcards


Can you explain what SushiSwap is and how it differs from other decentralized exchanges?


SushiSwap is a decentralized exchange that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies in a trustless and permissionless manner. SushiSwap differs from other decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap, in that it provides additional incentives for liquidity providers in the form of SUSHI tokens.

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What is the role of the SUSHI token in the SushiSwap ecosystem? How does it incentivize liquidity providers?


The SUSHI token is a governance and utility token that provides liquidity providers with a share of the transaction fees on the platform. Additionally, holding SUSHI tokens can entitle users to discounted trading fees, voting rights on platform decisions, and access to exclusive features.

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SushiSwap has faced criticism for being a “copycat” of Uniswap. What is your response to this criticism?


While SushiSwap was initially a clone of Uniswap, it has since evolved into its own unique platform with distinct features, such as Onsen and Kashi. SushiSwap has also made significant contributions to the broader DeFi ecosystem, including the development of the BentoBox protocol.

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How does SushiSwap’s “Onsen” program work and what benefits does it provide to users?


Onsen is a liquidity provision reward system for tokens that are relatively new. This means that tokens on the Onsen menu are another potential source of yield farming for users.

The Onsen program is a liquidity mining initiative that incentivizes users to provide liquidity to certain token pairs on SushiSwap. Users who provide liquidity to these pairs can earn additional rewards in the form of SUSHI tokens.

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SushiSwap recently underwent a migration to a new smart contract. Can you explain why this was necessary and what changes were made as a result?


The migration to a new smart contract was necessary to improve the security and efficiency of the SushiSwap platform. The new contract also included new features, such as the ability to stake SUSHI tokens for additional rewards.

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What steps has SushiSwap taken to address concerns around security and minimize the risk of hacks or exploits?


SushiSwap has implemented a range of security measures, including audits by third-party security firms, bug bounty programs, and multi-signature wallet protection. Additionally, the platform has a community-driven approach to security, with users encouraged to report any potential vulnerabilities.

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How does SushiSwap plan to evolve and grow in the future, particularly in light of the increasing competition in the decentralized exchange space?


SushiSwap plans to continue expanding its platform and introducing new features to enhance the user experience. Some of these upcoming features include a decentralized governance platform, a cross-chain bridge, and an NFT marketplace.

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Can you walk us through the process of providing liquidity on SushiSwap and earning rewards in the form of SUSHI tokens?


Providing liquidity on SushiSwap involves depositing equal amounts of two tokens into a liquidity pool. In return, users receive liquidity provider tokens, which they can use to redeem their share of the transaction fees on the platform. Users can also stake their liquidity provider tokens to earn additional SUSHI token rewards.

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How does SushiSwap ensure that its prices remain accurate and reflective of the broader market?


SushiSwap’s prices are determined by an automated market maker algorithm that ensures prices remain in line with market demand. The algorithm uses a constant product formula to calculate prices based on the amount of liquidity in a given pool.

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What do you think sets SushiSwap apart from other decentralized exchanges, and why do you believe it has gained such a strong following among crypto enthusiasts?


SushiSwap’s focus on community-driven development, innovative features, and rewards for liquidity providers has helped it gain a strong following among crypto enthusiasts. Additionally, SushiSwap’s commitment to transparency and security has helped build trust with its users.

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What improvements would you suggest for SushiSwap?

  1. Improved User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX): Many users have expressed the need for a more intuitive and user-friendly interface to make the platform more accessible to newcomers.
  2. Lower fees: SushiSwap’s fees can be high for smaller transactions, and users have requested lower fees to make it more affordable to use the platform.
  3. Faster transactions: Some users have reported slow transaction times on SushiSwap, and have suggested improvements to the platform’s infrastructure to reduce waiting times.
  4. More liquidity: While SushiSwap has a substantial amount of liquidity, users have requested more liquidity for certain token pairs to improve trading options.
  5. More incentives for liquidity providers: While the Onsen program has been successful, some users have suggested additional incentives to encourage more liquidity provision on the platform.
  6. Cross-chain support: Some users have requested the ability to trade assets from other blockchains on SushiSwap, such as Ethereum Layer 2 solutions, Polygon, or Binance Smart Chain.
  7. Better security: While SushiSwap has taken significant steps to improve security, some users have requested additional measures to ensure the safety of user funds and prevent hacking or exploits.
  8. Additional features: Some users have suggested the addition of new features such as a mobile app, margin trading, lending and borrowing, or the ability to trade derivatives.
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What improvements can be made to defi infrastructure to increase liquidity?


Interoperability: Currently, many DeFi projects operate on different blockchain networks, making it difficult for users to move assets between them. Interoperability solutions like bridges can help increase liquidity by enabling cross-chain asset transfers.

Lower transaction fees: High transaction fees can deter users from participating in DeFi, particularly those with smaller amounts to invest. Reducing transaction fees can help attract more users and increase overall liquidity.

Improved User Experience (UX): DeFi platforms can be complex and confusing for new users. Improving the user experience and making DeFi more accessible to a wider audience can help attract new liquidity.

Enhanced Security: Security breaches and hacks can cause liquidity to dry up quickly. Implementing robust security measures like multi-factor authentication and conducting regular audits can help increase user trust and boost liquidity.

Liquidity Mining: Offering incentives like liquidity mining programs can encourage users to provide liquidity to DeFi platforms. These programs can help boost liquidity and increase overall participation in the DeFi ecosystem.

Reduced Slippage: High slippage can discourage users from trading on DeFi platforms, particularly for smaller or less liquid markets. Improving the liquidity of token pairs and reducing slippage can help increase trading volume and overall liquidity.

Stablecoins: Stablecoins are critical to the DeFi ecosystem as they provide a way to transfer value without exposing users to volatility. Increasing the availability and liquidity of stablecoins can help drive liquidity across DeFi platforms.

Cross-Asset Collateralization: Currently, many DeFi platforms require users to provide specific assets as collateral for loans or liquidity provision. Cross-asset collateralization can help increase liquidity by allowing users to provide a wider range of assets as collateral.

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What improvements can be made in defi to improve transaction times?


Layer 2 Scaling Solutions: Layer 2 scaling solutions like Optimistic Rollups, ZK Rollups, or Plasma can help increase the transaction throughput of the underlying blockchain network. These solutions allow transactions to be processed off-chain and then settled on the blockchain network, resulting in faster transaction times and lower fees.

Sidechains: Sidechains can provide an alternative channel for processing transactions away from the main blockchain network. Transactions can be settled on the sidechain before being committed to the main blockchain, resulting in faster transaction times and lower fees.

Sharding: Sharding is a technique that involves dividing the blockchain network into smaller pieces or shards, allowing transactions to be processed in parallel. This can increase the transaction throughput of the network and reduce transaction times.

Transaction batching: Transaction batching involves grouping multiple transactions into a single transaction, reducing the overall number of transactions that need to be processed. This can help reduce transaction times and lower fees.

Optimized smart contracts: Smart contract optimization techniques can help reduce the amount of gas required to execute transactions on the blockchain network. This can result in faster transaction times and lower fees.

Faster consensus mechanisms: Consensus mechanisms like Proof of Stake (PoS) or Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) can help increase the transaction throughput of the network and reduce transaction times. These mechanisms are generally faster than Proof of Work (PoW) and can allow for more transactions to be processed simultaneously.

Better infrastructure: Improving the infrastructure of the blockchain network can help increase its capacity to process transactions. Upgrading hardware, optimizing software, and adding more nodes can help improve transaction times.

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How to improve UX and UI for sushiswap


Simplify the user interface: The user interface of Sushiswap can be simplified and streamlined to make it more intuitive and easier to navigate. Users should be able to access the key functionalities of the platform with minimal clicks and in a user-friendly manner.

Add tooltips and guidance: Sushiswap can add tooltips and guidance to help new users understand how to use the platform. This can include explanations of key terms and features, as well as guidance on how to perform specific tasks on the platform.

Improve mobile responsiveness: As mobile usage continues to grow, it’s important for Sushiswap to have a mobile-responsive design. This can help make the platform more accessible to users who primarily use mobile devices.

Add customization options: Customization options like theme selection, font size, and layout preferences can help users tailor the Sushiswap interface to their preferences, making it more personalized and enjoyable to use.

Optimize load times: Slow load times can be frustrating for users and can lead to a poor user experience. By optimizing load times, Sushiswap can help ensure that users have a seamless experience when using the platform.

Implement feedback mechanisms: Feedback mechanisms like surveys or user testing can help Sushiswap understand the needs and preferences of its users. This can help inform future improvements to the UX and UI of the platform.

Improve the onboarding process: The onboarding process for new users can be streamlined to make it faster and easier to get started. This can include simplifying the sign-up process, providing clear instructions on how to use the platform, and offering incentives for new users.

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What are incentives that Sushiswap can offer for liquidity providers?


Yield farming rewards: Sushiswap can offer yield farming rewards to liquidity providers, which allows them to earn additional tokens in addition to their liquidity provision fees. Yield farming rewards can be structured in various ways, such as by offering SUSHI tokens or other tokens that are in high demand.

Fee sharing: Sushiswap can offer liquidity providers a share of the trading fees generated on the platform in proportion to their contribution to the liquidity pool. This incentivizes liquidity providers to add more liquidity to the pool and helps to create a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Governance rights: Sushiswap can offer liquidity providers governance rights over the platform, allowing them to vote on key decisions such as upgrades or changes to the platform. This can help incentivize long-term participation in the platform and align the interests of liquidity providers with the success of the platform.

Bonuses: Sushiswap can offer bonuses to liquidity providers who provide liquidity during specific periods or for specific assets. For example, a bonus may be offered to liquidity providers who add liquidity to a new token pair when it is first introduced on the platform.

Referral programs: Sushiswap can offer referral programs that incentivize existing liquidity providers to refer new liquidity providers to the platform. This can help to grow the liquidity pool and increase the platform’s overall liquidity.

Reduced fees: Sushiswap can offer reduced fees to liquidity providers who provide a certain amount of liquidity to the platform. This can encourage larger liquidity providers to join the platform and add more liquidity to the pools.

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Explain the new smart contract sushiswap recently migrated to


Bentobox is a DeFi primitive that was created by the Sushiswap team and serves as a modular lending platform for other DeFi protocols to build on. Here are some key features of Bentobox and why Sushiswap chose to migrate to it:

Modular design: Bentobox is designed to be modular, allowing other DeFi protocols to integrate and build on top of it. This makes it easier for other protocols to launch lending platforms without having to build the entire infrastructure from scratch.

Low gas costs: One of the key advantages of Bentobox is that it allows for low gas costs, which is important for DeFi protocols as high gas costs can be a barrier to entry for users.

Improved security: Bentobox is designed to be more secure than previous smart contracts used by Sushiswap. It uses a proxy contract design that allows for upgrades to be made without affecting the underlying storage and logic of the contract, which reduces the risk of hacks and exploits.

Flexible collateralization: Bentobox offers flexible collateralization options, which allows for a wider range of assets to be used as collateral. This can help to increase liquidity on the platform and improve the user experience for traders.

Native integration with Sushiswap: Bentobox was created by the Sushiswap team and is designed to work seamlessly with the Sushiswap platform. This allows for a more streamlined user experience and easier integration of new features and upgrades.

Overall, the migration to Bentobox is expected to provide a more secure and flexible infrastructure for Sushiswap and other DeFi protocols to build on. It also allows for easier integration of new features and improvements, which can help to improve the overall user experience on the platform.


What is a defi primitive?


a primitive refers to a basic building block or fundamental component that can be used to build more complex financial applications. A DeFi primitive is typically a smart contract that defines a basic financial function, such as lending, borrowing, swapping, or staking.

Examples of DeFi primitives include:

Automated market makers (AMMs): These are smart contracts that use algorithms to automatically price and execute trades for cryptocurrency pairs.

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs): These are smart contracts that allow users to trade cryptocurrencies without the need for a centralized authority.

Lending and borrowing platforms: These are smart contracts that allow users to lend and borrow cryptocurrency assets in a decentralized manner.

Yield farming protocols: These are smart contracts that incentivize users to provide liquidity to decentralized exchanges or other DeFi platforms by offering them rewards in the form of tokens.

DeFi primitives can be used in a variety of ways to build more complex financial applications. For example, a lending and borrowing platform can be combined with an AMM to create a decentralized exchange that allows users to trade and borrow cryptocurrency assets in a single platform.

The modular nature of DeFi primitives allows developers to combine and customize them to create new and innovative financial applications that can offer a range of benefits over traditional financial systems, such as increased transparency, lower costs, and greater accessibility.


What is the sushiswap voting process?


Proposal submissions: Anyone can submit a proposal to the Sushiswap community for a change or improvement to the platform.

Voting on proposals: Once a proposal has been submitted, it is put to a vote by the Sushiswap community. Holders of SUSHI tokens, the platform’s native token, can participate in the vote by staking their tokens.

Snapshot voting: Sushiswap also utilizes snapshot voting, which allows for off-chain voting and can reduce gas costs. Snapshot voting is a type of quadratic voting that gives more weight to voters who hold a larger amount of tokens.


What are some examples of voting activity on Sushiswap?

  1. Redirect 100% of the sSushi/s trading fees to its treasury for operations and maintenance for one year’s duration.
  2. In a separate proposal that passed the same day, 99.85% of voters elected to clawback 11MM unclaimed tokens awarded to early liquidity providers during the DEX’s launch in 2020.

What are the seven main sushiswap ecosystem tokens?




What does Sushi token do?


SUSHI is the native governance token of the Sushiswap platform. Holders of SUSHI can participate in platform governance, propose and vote on proposals, and receive a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform.


What does the xSUSHI token do?


xSUSHI is a staking token that allows users to stake their SUSHI tokens and receive a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform. It also grants users voting rights and a share in the Sushiswap treasury.


What does the KIMCHI token do?


KIMCHI is a governance token of the Kimchiswap platform, which is a fork of Sushiswap. It operates similarly to SUSHI, allowing users to participate in governance and receive a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform.


What does the MATIC token do?


MATIC is the native token of the Polygon (formerly Matic) network, which is a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. Sushiswap has launched on Polygon, and users can trade SUSHI and other tokens on the Polygon-based Sushiswap exchange.


What does the BENTO token do?


BENTO is a decentralized lending platform built on the Sushiswap protocol. It allows users to earn interest on their crypto assets, and also offers lending and borrowing services.


What is the TRIBAL token?


TRIBAL is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that is built on the Sushiswap protocol. It is designed to be a community-driven DEX that offers fast and low-cost trades.


What is YUME token??


YUME is a governance token of the Yumemi platform, which is another fork of Sushiswap. It operates similarly to SUSHI and KIMCHI, allowing users to participate in governance and receive a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform.


What are the CPO duties at Sushiswap?


Develop and execute the product strategy: The CPO is responsible for developing and executing the product strategy that aligns with the company’s vision and goals. They work closely with other senior executives to ensure that the product roadmap is aligned with the overall business strategy.

Manage the product team: The CPO is responsible for managing the product team and ensuring that they are meeting their goals and objectives. They provide leadership and guidance to the team, and ensure that they are working effectively and efficiently.

Product development: The CPO oversees the product development process, working closely with designers, developers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the product is developed according to the company’s vision and standards.

Product launch: The CPO is responsible for launching the product to market, ensuring that it is properly positioned and marketed to the target audience.

User feedback: The CPO is responsible for collecting and analyzing user feedback to ensure that the product is meeting the needs and expectations of the target audience. They use this feedback to make informed decisions about future product development.

Market analysis: The CPO is responsible for staying up-to-date with market trends and changes, as well as keeping an eye on the competition. They use this information to make informed decisions about the product roadmap and development.

Work with partners and stakeholders: The CPO works closely with partners and stakeholders, including investors, regulators, and other key stakeholders, to ensure that the product is meeting their needs and expectations.


What is SushiSwaps current product strategy?


Liquidity incentives: Sushiswap continues to offer incentives to liquidity providers to attract and retain liquidity on the platform. This includes the use of liquidity mining programs, where users can earn SUSHI tokens in exchange for providing liquidity.

Expanding to layer 2 solutions: Sushiswap has recently launched on the Arbitrum and Optimism layer 2 scaling solutions, which offer faster transaction times and lower fees compared to the Ethereum network. This strategy aims to improve the user experience on the platform and attract more users.

Integrating with other DeFi protocols: Sushiswap has been actively integrating with other DeFi protocols, such as Aave and Yearn Finance, to offer additional services and products to its users. This strategy aims to create a more comprehensive and competitive DeFi ecosystem that benefits all users.

Launching new products and features: Sushiswap has launched new products and features, such as the BentoBox lending platform and the Kashi margin trading platform. These products aim to attract more users to the platform and offer additional revenue streams for liquidity providers.


What are layer 2 solutions?


layer 2 solutions are off-chain or sidechain scaling solutions that are built on top of the main Ethereum network to help alleviate network congestion and high transaction fees. They are designed to improve the scalability, speed, and efficiency of DeFi applications, while also reducing the cost of using the Ethereum network.

Some examples of DeFi layer 2 solutions include:

Rollups: Rollups are layer 2 solutions that bundle multiple transactions together into a single transaction before sending it to the Ethereum network. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed on the Ethereum network, thereby reducing gas fees and increasing transaction speeds. Optimistic rollups and ZK-rollups are two examples of rollup solutions.

Sidechains: Sidechains are separate blockchain networks that are connected to the Ethereum network. They can process transactions faster and more efficiently than the main Ethereum network, and can also support different consensus mechanisms and smart contract languages. Examples of sidechains include Polygon and xDai.

State channels: State channels are off-chain channels that allow users to transact with each other without having to interact with the Ethereum network. This reduces gas fees and increases transaction speeds, as transactions are processed off-chain. Examples of state channels include Raiden and Connext.

DeFi layer 2 solutions are becoming increasingly popular in the DeFi space, as they offer significant benefits to users, including faster transaction times, lower fees, and increased scalability. They also enable DeFi applications to process more transactions, which helps to reduce network congestion and improve the overall user experience.


What is Kashi?


Sushiswap Kashi is a lending and margin trading platform built on the Sushiswap decentralized exchange. It allows users to lend and borrow assets, as well as engage in margin trading with up to 5x leverage.

Kashi was designed to offer a more flexible and customizable lending and trading experience compared to other platforms in the DeFi ecosystem. Users can choose from a wide range of supported assets, including both ERC-20 tokens and wrapped assets, and set their own collateralization ratios and interest rates for each asset.

In addition, Kashi uses a unique isolated lending pool design, which means that each loan is separated from other loans in its own pool. This helps to reduce the risk of liquidations and provides users with more control over their lending and trading strategies.

Overall, Sushiswap Kashi offers users a powerful tool for earning interest on their assets, trading with leverage, and managing their risk in a decentralized and customizable way. It has quickly become one of the most popular lending and margin trading platforms in the DeFi ecosystem, attracting a growing number of users and liquidity providers.


What is TVL?


Sushiswap TVL (Total Value Locked) refers to the total amount of assets that are currently locked or held in smart contracts on the Sushiswap decentralized exchange platform. The TVL is calculated by adding up the total value of all the cryptocurrencies and tokens that are locked in smart contracts for various purposes on the Sushiswap platform.

As of May 2023, the Sushiswap TVL is approximately $5 billion, according to data from DeFi Pulse, which is a leading DeFi analytics platform. This represents a significant increase from the TVL of Sushiswap in previous months, indicating that the platform is experiencing strong growth and adoption among users.

A high TVL for Sushiswap is a positive indicator of the platform’s health and activity, as it suggests that more users are locking their assets into the platform’s smart contracts for various purposes, such as providing liquidity for trading pairs or participating in yield farming programs. Higher TVL can also translate into greater liquidity and trading volume on the platform, which can help to drive further growth and adoption over time.