Surgical Nursing Flashcards
Why is it important to monitor and change bandages routinely?
To prevent Strike-through that can cause infection
Student#11 ML
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1054
What 4 things should we monitor in surgical incisions?
Redness, swelling, drainage, and dehiscence
Student#11 ML
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1052
Postoperative considerations of an onychectomy:
Appropriate analgesia, bandage for 24 hours, provide paper litter, prevent self-trauma, and monitor incisions.
Student #11 ML
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1059
A celiotomy is commonly performed for which procedures?
OHE, C-sxn, GI FB, GDV, intussusception, diaphragmatic hernia
Student #11 ML
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1059
Why might hunting dogs have their dewclaws removed?
The likelihood of trauma due to running through thick brush.
Student #4, BE, Pg 1148
How is hemorrhage controlled with canine dewclaw removal?
Hemorrhage is controlled with suture, electrocautery, laser, and/or direct pressure.
Student #4, BE, Pg 1149
Why should sterile gloves and packs be on standby for an abdominal surgery?
The GI contents are not sterile and anything that touches is considered contaminated.
Student #4, BE, Pg 1154
Where should IV catheters be placed in patients suffering from GDV?
The front half as venous return is compromised in the back half of the patient from the compression of the vena cava
Student #4, BE, Pg 1156
What causes seromas and what can help reduce it?
Seromas can form from extensive surgical dissection beneath the incision, tissue planes not adequately closed, or excessive movement after closure.
Warm compresses, hydrotherapy, and bandaging may assist with healing.
Student #4, BE, Pg 1445
The suturing of portions of GI track together to allow ingest to flow normally.
Student #11 ML
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1061
Prophylactic antibiotics
This is when antibiotics are used to decrease the risk of an infection in a clean or clean contaminated surgery. This is NOT when they are used after an infection has already began.
Student # 20
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1050
What happens when too much skin is removed during a tail docking procedure?
When too much skin is removed you are going to have chronic would healing as well as bone exposure.
Student # 20
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 11056-1057)
What is a GDV actually?
This is dilation of the stomach with ingesta and gas that cause rotation of the stomach. The common term for this is bloat
Student # 20
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1063)
This is a condition of the uterus in which endometrial hyperplasia has resulted in increased uterine secretion’s and accumulation of fluid with secondary infection.
This can either be a mucometra (sterile mucoid) or hydrometra (serous fluid)
Student # 20
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1069
Diaphragmatic hernia
Abdominal contents protrude through an opening in the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity
Student # 20
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1077
define aseptic technique
Methods used to prevent contamination of a surgical site or wound by a disease-producing organism.
student # 10 AJ
McCurnin 10th edition page 1061
What type of protective gear do you need to wear when using a laser?
wavelength specific eye protection
student # 10 AJ
McCurnin 10th edition page 1066
What is the box lock of an instrument?
The box lock is the hinged part of the needle holder, tissue forceps, or hemostatic forceps.
student # 10 AJ
McCurnin 10th edition page 1068
What is the function of hemostats?
They stop bleeding by crushing tissues and associated blood vessels.
student # 10 AJ
McCurnin 10th edition page 1070
What is Gigli wire used for?
It is used to cut bone.
student # 10 AJ
McCurnin 10th edition page 1075
When is suture removal is usually performed?
10 to 14 days after surgery
Student #3, SC
McCurnin 10th Edition Page:1053
Why are heating pads not recommended for warming your patient up?
They can cause thermal burns
Student #3, SC
McCurnin 10th Edition Page:1051
When your patients temperature gets to __________, you should stop warming them up.
99F to 100F
Student#3, SC
McCurnin 10th Edition Page:1051
Which drain is not ideal because of the risk of bacterial infection?
Passive Drains
Student #3, SC
McCurnin 10th Edition Page:1054
Animals undergoing orthopedic surgery require ______ to _____ weeks of confinement.
6 to 8 Weeks
Student #3, SC
McCurnin 10th Edition Page:1055
There are certain dog breeds that are more common to have a cesarean section. Wheat is one dog breed that is more common to need a cesarean section?
Student #14, SP
McCurnin 10th Edition Pg: 1072
What drug can be used on neonates that is used as a respiratory stimulant?
Student #14, SP
McCurnin 10th Edition Pg: 1073
Blood loss is a complication during surgery. Before surgery, what should be always assessed?
A baseline PCV and TP
Student #14, SP
McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1051
Is inguinal hernia more common in a bitch or a male dog?
Student #14, SP
McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1077
What are three preoperative considerations when dealing with long bone fractures?
- The animal must be stabilized with respect to other body systems
- Any open wounds associated with the fracture should be managed
- The fracture must be immobilized by means of a bandage, cast or sling if it is in a location amenable to bandaging.
Student #14, SP
McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1084
How long should animals undergoing routine sterilization be on restricted activity?
10-14 days
Student #6, AF, McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1055
What is the name of the procedure in which both testicles are removed?
Student #6, AF, McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1069
What are the 6 characteristics of intestinal devitalization?
Lack of motility
Gray, green, or black discoloration
Severe thinning of the visceral wall
Lack of bleeding on cut section
Lack of fluorescein dye uptake
Lack of doppler blood flow
Student #6, AF, McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1061
What is the primary indication for a perineal urethrostomy?
Multiple episodes of obstruction in association with feline urologic syndrome
Student #6, AF, McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1075
Intestinal and pancreatic manipulation can lead to intestinal ileus, which is defined as
Temporary loss of intestinal motility
Student #6, AF, McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1060
What is the name of the procedure in which an incision is made into the stomach?
Student #6, AF, McCurnin 10th Edition pg: 1061
Active drains vs passive drains?
Active drains are sealed to the environment and actively collect fluid from the wound into a resevoir.
Passive drains provide an exit port for fluid to the external environemt.
Student #8 KH, McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1054
What are some example of Noxious-tasting agents used to prevent licking and chewing of sutures?
Bandguard Cream (Schering Plough, Kenilworth, NJ), Bitter Apple (Grannick’s Bitter Apple Co., Norwalk, CT), Tabasco sauce, and different preparations which are designed to prevent thumb-licking in children.
Student #8 KH, McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1055
What basic instructions should be included in discharge instructions?
Medication administration, incision monitoring, activity restriction, and contact information in case of an emergency. If rehabilitation is required, instructions and methods should be both written and demonstrated to the client.
Student #8 KH, McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1086
_______Is the removal of a mammary gland, while _______ ________ is the removal of a chain of mammary glands on one or both sides.
Mastectomy; Radical mastectomy
Student #8 KH, McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1080
What is the primary indication for a perineal urethrostomy?
Multiple episodes of an obstruction associated with feline urologic syndrome
Student #8 KH, McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1075
When antibiotics are used indiscriminately it can lead to development of resistant strains of bacteria such as ___________ ?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus a.k.a. MRSA
#19 mw
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1050
What is abdominocentesis?
When fluid is aspirated from the abdomen.
#19 mw
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1051
If sutures are placed in the dermis with external sutures as well when can sutures be removed?
5-7 days post-op as internal sutures with hold site closed until healing is finished.
#19 mw
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1053
When should tail docking and declaw removal be performed for AKC breed standards?
At 3-5 days of age.
#19 mw
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1056
Name three ways to achieve hemostasis of large vessels during surgery
- Ligation using suture
- Hemostats (temporary only)
- Electrocautery
#18 BKS
McCurnin 9th ed. pg 1125
Surgical assistants should focus on using what part of the suture scissors to cut sutures during surgery?
Use the tips of the suture scissors to avoid trauma to adjacent tissue
#18 BKS
McCurnin 9th ed pg 1125
How can a surgical assistant use stay sutures to assist the surgeon during surgery?
Stay sutures are commonly used to facilitate manipulation of hollow organs, such as the bladder. The sutures are placed in the lumen of the organ and the free ends are clamped with hemostats to allow aseptic manipulation of the organ.
#18 BKS
McCurnin 9th ed pg 1126
What is the purpose of quarter drapes?
Quarter drapes are placed on the patient to create a sterile surgical field. The double layer (folded edge) of the quarter drapes also provides protection of the surgical site by absorbing fluids.
#18 BKS
McCurnin 9th ed pg 1118
What part of the surgical gown is considered sterile?
Only the front region from the shoulders to the waist.
#18 BKS
McCurnin 9th ed pg1122
If no blood loss has occurred during a surgical procedure, would it be okay if there was a drop in PCV/TP?
Its not unusual for PCV/TP to drop %10 or less as a result of anesthetic and surgical procedure
#1 MA
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1051
Signs that may suggest infection or cellulitis at the incision site?
Swelling of the incision 4 - 6 days post - op, site is warm to the touch, body temperature is elevated, or reddness/draining at incision site
#1 MA
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1053
An example of a ________ procedure would be a spay or neuter where as cranial cruciate ligament rupture repair would be an example of a _____________ procedure
Blank #1
Blank #2
Non - elective
#1 MA
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1055
How long should pain management be continued post operative for tail docking and declaw procedures?
4 - 5 days post operative
#1 MA
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1057
What is a common instrument used for visualization of the abdominal cavity during a celiotomy procedure?
Balfour self - retaining abdominal retractor
#1 MA
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1060
What is the recommended treatment for pyometra?
Student #16 ER
McCurnin 10th Edition pg 1069
What is not an indication for amputation but may be performed to remedy the problem?
Simple limb fracture
Student #16 ER
McCurnin 10th Edition pg 1080
Which procedure involves removing (scraping) each disk that is calcified or may become calcified from the intervertebral space?
Intervertebral disk fenestration
Student #16 ER
McCurnin 10th Edition pg 1082
How often are recumbent patients turned and what does it prevent?
Every 4 hours
Prevents pressure sore formation
Student #16 ER
McCurnin 10th Edition pg 1083
What is an umbilical hernia?
When the bowel or omentum and intra-abdominal fat protrude through a defect in the abdominal wall under the skin at the umbilicus.
Student #16 ER
McCurnin 10th Edition pg 1077
What is wound dehiscence?
The separation of the layers of an incision or wound.
#9 KJ
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1053
Prophylactic antibiotics should be given no less than _______ before surgery, but no more than ______ before surgery because they will not be effective in preventing infection.
20 minutes
3 hours
Student #2 vc
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1050
AAHA recommends dogs and cats up to 16 weeks of age to be fasted longer than ____ hours before surgery
4 hours
Student #2 vc
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1049
What are possible post-operative complications of a GDV?
Arrhythmias, hypotension, gastric wall dehiscence, fever, and vomiting.
Student #2 vc
McCurnins 10th ed. pg 1064
What might you see on a female dogs bloodwork if you pyometra?
Metabolic and/or electrolyte abnormalities (renal or hepatic dysfunction, glucose imbalace, etc.)
Student #2 vc
McCurnins 10th ed. pg 1069
Leaving ovarian tissue behind during an Ovariohysterectomy can lead to what?
Recurrent heat cycles and stumpt pyometra because of the presence of hormones that can influence any remaining uterine tissue.
Student #2 vc
McCurnins 10th ed. pg 1067
Do dogs or cats tend to have more malignant mammary tumors?
Cats: 80-90% of mammary tumors are malignant.
Dogs: 50% of mammary tumors are malignant.
#9 KJ
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1080
What injection should be given to a patient who has a mass, and is suspected that mass to be a mast cell tumor? Why should this injection should be given?
Diphenhydramine. This injection is given to help prevent degranulation of mast cells.
#9 KJ
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1079
Definition of lumpectomy
A local resection of a mass, often a cutaneous or subcutaneous mass.
#9 KJ
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1079
True or False: Performing an ovariohysterectomy before the first estrus will greatly decrease the chance of mammary neoplasia in dogs.
#9 KJ
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1065
Which suction tip is commonly used in orthopedic and neurologic surgeries
Frazier suction tip
#15 HP
McCurnin 9th ed. pg .1071
What is the surgical term for a declaw procedure?
#15 HP
McCurnin 9th ed. pg .1150
A rumenotomy is preformed on the ____ side of a cow
#15 HP
McCurnin 9th ed. pg .1200
How long is the recommended exposure time for a flash sterilization?
3 minutes
#15 HP
McCurnin 9th ed. pg .1094
What is the main difference between an army navy retractor and a senn retractor?
An army navy retractor has two smooth blades, where a senn retractor has one smooth blade and one blade with 3 prongs
#15 HP
McCurnin 9th ed. pg .1071
When is the ideal age to perform an ovariohysterectomy?
Around 6 months. At this age, the risk for complications related to anesthesia decrease and the procedure will likely be performed before the first estrus cycle.
#13, KM
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1067
What are some risks with an open/draining pyometra?
The risk for septicemia, endotoxemia, and recurrence is very high so it not recommended. #13 KM
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1069
“the suturing of the portions of the GI tract back together to allow ingesta (substances taken into the body as nourishment) to flow normally” #13 KM
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1061
Seroma vs hematoma
A seroma is serum accumulated under the skin while a hematoma is blood accumulation under the skin.
#13 KM
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1052
Do umbilical hernias need to be surgically repaired right away?
Not necessarily, in young dogs 2-4 months of age they may be self-limiting but larger hernias or those in dogs 6-9 months or older may need repaired surgically. This can commonly be done during a castration or ovariohysterectomy procedure.
#13 KM
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1077
Indications for Orchidectomy?
Prevents roaming, aggressiveness, and breeding. These medical issues may treated: Prostate disorders, anal/perianal tumors, perianal hernias, and testicular issues.
#17 TAS-R
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1077
Define Cystotomy.
Incision into the urinary bladder to expose the lumen, or the interior of the urinary bladder.
#17 TAS-R
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1074
Medical indications for tail docking in puppies?
#17 TAS-R
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1056
True or false: Onychectomy is only the removal of the claw.
False. Onychectomy is the removal of the claw AND it’s associated distal phalanx on each digit.
#17 TAS-R
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1057
Medical indications for tail docking in adult dogs?
Trauma, infection and neoplasia.
#17 TAS-R
McCurnin 10th ed. pg. 1057
What are the indications for prophylactic antibiotics?
When the surgery will last longer than 90 minutes
When the patient is immunosuppressed
When a hollow viscus is going to be entered
The surgery site is hard to aseptically prep
The use of orthopedic implants
Entering a joint space
In cases where infection would be devestating
Student #7, HHS
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1050
Clinical signs of pain include______? These also resemble the clinical signs of _________?
Pale gums, increased respiration, increased heart rate, decrease in temp, weak peripheral pulses.
Significant blood loss
Student #7, HHS
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1051
Leakage from dehiscence of the intestines causes what postoperative complication and what are the clinical signs?
Septic peritonitis
Enlarged abdomen, leakage from the surgical site, painful abdomen, fever, anorexia, vomiting, and shock
Student #7, HHS
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1053
What elective procedure is performed during sterilization that can prevent GDV?
Student #7, HHS
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1063
Unlike canines, feline patients are prepared for castration by ______ and the main incision line is ________ instead of in the pre-scrotal area?
plucking the hair instead of shaving
directly into the scrotum
Student #7, HHS
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1071
Define Hypothermia
Subnormal Body Temperature
Student #12 JL
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1051
What are some options for warming devices?
Heated circulating water blanket, wrapping paws/body in plastic wrap, warm water bottles, insulated blankets, and warm air blankets (Bair Hugger)
Student #12 JL
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1051
Define Celiotomy
A surgical incision into the abdominal cavity
Student #12 JL
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1059
Define Enterotomy
An incision into the intestine
Student #12 JL
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1061
Define Perineal Urethrostomy
The process of making an external opening in the urethra in the area of the perineum that is large enough for the passage of urine, mucus, crystals, and small calculi without obstruction
Student #12 JL
McCurnin 10th edition, pg:1075