Surgery of the vagina and vulva Flashcards
Why is vaginoscopy most useful for diagnostics?
- Direct visualization of stenosis
- Can evaluate repro and urinary tract together
- Can rule out ureteral abnormalities (e.g. ectopic ureter)
Is a bacterial culture of the lower reproductive tract helpful? Why/why not?
- Limited value
- Caudal repro tract not sterile
- Indicated for resistant infection
- May detect specific pathogens (Brucella)
What are the anatomical indications for an episiotomy approach?
- Used for vestibular and vaginal lesions
- Access up to just cranial to urethral opening
What is the proper positioning for an episiotomy approach?
- Position for perineal sx
- Tail looped up and over
- Be sure to provide padding to prevent sores on the ventrum
- Incise on midline from vulvar opening
What are the anatomical indications for a ventral approach to the lower repro tract?
For intrapelvic and abdominal lesions
What are the differences between a caudal approach and transpelvic approach?
- Ventral midline abdominal incision
- Limited access to lesions caudal to cervix
- Rarely sufficient exposure by itself
- Transpelvic
- Req. muscle elevation, osteotomy
- Significant morbidity
- Risks
- Obturator nerve
- Complex blood supply to intrapelvic viscera
- Avoid damaging urethra
What is the etiology of vestibulovaginal stenosis?
- Developmental anomalies
- No basis for genetic transmission
What are the various forms vestibulovaginal stenosis can take?
- Retained embryonic epithelial tissue–3 types of lesions
- Vertical septum–generally have vertical band in the center dividing vagina
- Annular fibrotic stenosis–ring lesion; usually toward cranial aspect
- Hypoplastic region–narrow area that resembles stricture
What clinical signs are associated with stenosis?
- Recurrent vaginitis
- Recurrent UTI
- Difficulty or pain with breeding
- Urinary incontinence often reported due to ectopic ureters
- Usually due to other causes
What is the significance of urinary incontinence related to stenosis?
Repair of stenosis will NOT fix incontinence
How can a contrast vaginourethrogram be used to diagnose stenosis?
- Iodinated contrast
- Measure max and min diameter
- Calculate ratio B:A
- < 0.2 indicates severe stenosis
What are the indications for treatment of stenosis?
Breeding dogs
Spayed dogs with clinical signs
What criteria is used to determine stenosis treatment decisions?
- Lesion type: septum vs. annulus vs. hypoplasia
- Location: caudal vs. cranial
What are the two treatment options for a simple septal lesion?
Episiotomy or endoscopic treatment
How is an episiotomy used to treat a simple septal lesion?
- Limited access cranial to urethral opening
- Mucosal resection at lesion attachments–cut out the band
- Appose mucosa
- Some lesions retracted caudally to expose
Explain endoscopic treatment of a simple septal lesion
- Laser ablation
- Endoscopic scissor resection