Surgery of the urethra Flashcards
What is hypospadias? How do you treat it?
- Incomplete formation of the penile urethra
- Causes urination out of urethral orifice in abnormal location
- Nothing is done–congenital defect
What is a urethral prolapse?
Protrusion of urethra mucosa through orifice
What are the predisposing causes/etiologies for urethral prolapse?
- Young, male brachycephalic dogs
- Etiology is unknown
- Sexual excitement
- Dyspnea
- Infection
What are the clinical signs of urethral prolaspe?
- Bleeding from prepuce
- Licking
- Red-purple mass
What is the treatment for urethral prolapse if the animal is asymptomatic?
- Reduce with aid of large catheter
- Place purse string suture
- Leave for 5 days
What are the symptoms of urethral prolapse that would require more aggressive treatment?
- Excessive bleeding
- Ulcerative mucosa
- Necrosis
- Failure of conservative management
What are the options for surgical treatment of urethral prolapse? What is the adjunct treatment?
- Resection and anastomosis
- Urethropexy
- Adjunct treatment = castration + surgical correction of airway
Describe the procedure for resection and anastomosis of a urethral prolapse
- Place catheter
- Penile tourniquet (keeps penis extruded, controls bleeding)
- 180o incision (prevents mucosal retraction)
- Suture and complete resection
- Stay sutures in urethral mucosa
- Place 2 straight needles full thickness through urethra (prevents retraction)
- Transect and suture
Describe the procedure for a urethropexy as treatment for urethral prolapse
- Resect urethral mucosa
- Place groove director into urethra
- Place 3 full thickness sutures through penile wall and urethra
What are the clinical signs of urethral trauma?
- Hematuria
- Stranguria
- Subcutaneous or abdominal fluid accumulation
- Signs of azotemia
How do you diagnose urethral trauma?
Positive contrast urethrogram (very diagnostic)
Plain rads are NOT diagnostic
What is the treatment for small/incomplete urethral lacerations?
- Will heal with urinary diversion via urethral catheter or cystostomy tube
- Duration of catheterization depends on severity–minimum of 3 weeks
- Catheterization increases risk of stricture formation
What is the treatment for complete rupture of the urethra?
Anastomosis or repair with urinary diversion
What causes urethral obstruction in dogs and cats? Which are the most common?
- Mucus plugs
- Crystals/stones
- Neoplasia
- Strictures
- Most common cause in male dogs = calculi
- Most common cause in male cats = mucus plugs/crystals
T/F: Incidence of urethral obstruction has decreased due to changes in diets
Where is urethral obstruction most common?
- Male dogs = ischial arch or just caudal to os penis
- Male cats = distal 1/3 of urethra
How do you diagnose urethral obstruction?
- Plain rads
- Radiopaque calculi
- Large distended bladder
- Ultrasound
- Contrast urethrography
What are the 7 goals of urethral obstruction treatment?
- Treat the patient first and deal with obstruction afterwards
- Renal fx preservation
- Uremia/electrolytes (must give fluids–BUN, CREA elevated)
- Treat UTI
- Prevent recurrence
- Catheter and fluids
- Temporarily relieve obstruction
What are the 3 procedures for temporarily relieving urethral obstructions?
- Retrograde hydropropulsion
- Feline urethral catheterization
- Surgical removal of calculi