Hips Flashcards
What is the definition of hip dysplasia?
Abnormal development of the coxofemoral joint resulting in hip laxity
- Laxity results in remodeling
- Remodeling leads to degeneration
What are the nongenetic factors that contribute to the expression of hip dysplasia?
- Pelvic muscle mass
- Between breeds–greyhound vs. GSD
- Within breed
- Body weight
- Rapid weight gain predisposes to disease
- Overweight dogs develop OA earlier
- Nutrition
- Dietary Ca/vitamin D
- Restrict
- Energy: restrict
- Dietary Ca/vitamin D
What is the typical presenting signalment of hip dysplasia?
- Large breed dogs
- Equal sex distribution
- Classic biphasic presentation
- Young dogs
- 5-12mo
- Laxity
- Mature dogs
- Highly variable onset/severity
- Chronic/recurrent signs
- Young dogs
What are the PE findings associated with hip dysplasia?
- Stance
- Rear base-wide (compensatory)
- Rear base-wide (compensatory)
What is the typical history of a patient with hip dysplasia?
- Exercise intolerance
- Bunny hopping gait
- Difficulty rising/stiff after rest
What is found on palpation of a patient with hip dysplasia?
- Pain on extension
- Young patient
- Palpable laxity–subluxate femoral head
- Ortolani test or Ortolani “sign”
- Mature patient/chronic disease
- Decreased ROM in extension
- Crepitus
- No palpable laxity due to remodeling
What is the Ortolani test?
- Requires sedation
- Dorsal or lateral recumbency
- Hand position: stifle, dorsal to pelvis
- Push stifle proximally to subluxate
- Slowly abduct stifle
- Palpable/audible “clunk” = positive test
Why is the Ortolani only done in immature patients?
It is negative in older patients due to remodeling
Which radiographic view is considered diagnostic for hip dysplasia?
VD view of pelvis
Hip extended view
Internal rotation of distal limbs
What do you look for when evaluating radiographs for hip dysplasia?
What is Morgan’s line?
- Well-defined linear density between the femoral head and the greater trochanter
What is the puppy line?
- Indistinct density
- Similar location to Morgan’s line
- Clinically insignificant
What are the typical radiographic findings of hip dysplasia?
- Early
- Caudal curvilinear osteophyte (Morgan’s line)
- Puppy line–self-limiting, not significant
- Subluxation prior to remodeling
- Increased joint space
- Poor acetabular coverage: >/= 50% is normal
- Femoral neck: coxa valga, thickening
- Femoral head: flattening, sclerosis
- Osteophytosis, DJD
T/F: Hip dysplasia can be expressed very differently among litter mates
What are the 2 most common methods for hip dysplasia screening?
Orthopedic foundation for animals (OFA)
Describe the OFA hip dysplasia evaluation
- Single VD pelvis view
- Hips extended
- Stifles internally rotated
- 7-point ordinal scale, excellent to severe
- Cannot certify hips before 2yrs old
- Compliance questionable in NA
- Positioning underestimates subluxation
Describe the PennHIP evaluation for hip dysplasia
- Distraction applied under ax
- Measure distance of the femoral head center to acetabulum center
- DI = distance : radius of femoral head
- Lower DI = less laxity
- DI < 0.3 is ideal
- Does not change after 16wks
- Estimate of risk for OA only, not clinical signs
- Estimate of risk is breed-specific
- Probability of OA
T/F: When treating hip dysplasia you should treat the radiographs, regardless of clinical signs
Treat the dog, not the radiographs
What are treatment decisions for hip dysplasia based on?
- Owner compliance
- State of disease (OA present already
- Age of dog
- Responsiveness to treatment (if medical management tried first)
What are the various options for medical management of hip dysplasia?
- Similar to arthritis
- Nutrition management
- Lower Ca/vitD/energy in puppies
- Wt. management in adults
- Exercise modulation
- Physical therapy
- Wt. management most important
What is the difference between corrective and salvage procedures in the treatment of hip dysplasia?
- Corrective
- Take advantage of skeletal immaturity
- Juvenile pubic symphiodesis (JPS)
- Triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO, DPO)
- Salvage–preserve function
- Generally reserved for when medical tx fails
- Femoral head ostectomy (FHO)
- Total hip replacement (THR)