Surgery Flashcards
layers of the abdominal wall in order
- Skin
- Fatty Layer of Superficial fascia (Camper’s fascia)
- Membranous layer of superficial fascia (Scarpa’s fascia)
- External Oblique M.
- Internal Oblique M.
- Transverse Abdominis Muscle
- Fascia Transversalis
- Extraperitoneal Tissue
- Parietal layer of peritoneum
first assistant location
person directly opposite of the surgeon at the OR table who actively participates in the conduct of the procedure.
assesses post-operative hemodynamic and cardiopulmonary stability
Recovery Room Nurse
determines and enforces OR policy and usually an RN
OR Director
oversees daily OR activities, usually an RN
OR Supervisor
“traffic coordinator” schedules surgeries and personnel
Control Room Supervisor
manages the OR to ensure smooth and efficient operation
Head Nurse
prepares patient and supplies for the operative procedure, troubleshoots, connects tubes and wires
Circulating Nurse
- assists surgeon by providing all instruments, sutures and supplies required for smooth execution of procedure
Scrub Nurse
Surgical PA Responsibilities
Admission H&P
Admission Orders
Pre-operative Orders
Pre-operative Note
Surgical PA Responsibilities
Accompany patient to the OR/assist at procedure
Operative Note
Post-operative Orders
Post-operative Check
Surgical PA Responsibilities
Daily patient care
An early a.m. evaluation, assessment, plans for the day.
Morning rounds with patient progress reports.
Routine Admission Orders Acronym
Admit patient: room#, attending physician or service.
Diagnosis: give patient’s admission diagnosis
Condition: good, stable, fair, guarded, critical, etc.
Vital signs: blood pressure, pulse, respirations, and temperature
Activity: bed rest, up as tolerated, up in chair, etc.
Nursing: dressing changes, compressing stockings, neuro checks, preventive measures
Diet: regular, ADA (diabetic), NPO, low sodium, clear liquids.
Intake & output (I & O’s)
IV fluids: kind and rate
Meds: pain, home, antibiotics, insulin, etc
Allergies: specific meds, NKDA
Labs: CBC, x-rays, urine, ECG, etc
A.D.C.V. of
A.D.C.V.A.N.D.I.I.M.A.L. (Short List)
Admit Patient
Vital Signs