Surgery Flashcards
Pre-op Assessment
Cardioresp function: CXR, ECG/echo, PFT, exercise
bloods: FBC, UE, BM, XM/GS
MRSA/infection screen, current illness
DH and allergies, esp. steroids
PMH and comorbidities, pregnancy!
previous anaesthesia, intubation (neck, teeth)
special tests (e.g. bowel prep)
cannula, VTE PPx, drug chart, consent, marked, NBM
Vascular Imaging/Ix
Doppler: venous reflux, pulses (triple), ABPI
Duplex: doppler + flow direction
CT/MR angiography: non-fempop
ABPI: lying; highest arm + highest foor (each leg); 0.8/0.6/0.3
Beurger’s: reactive hyperaemia; 25 = CLI, 45 = severe
Allens: pre-ABG
Tourniquet/Trendelenburg: venous incompetence (from above)
SSI risk
Clean (hernia): not entering viscus/cavity; no ABx needed
Clean-contaminated (lap chole/appe): elective viscus/cavity; ?ABx
Contaminated (intestinal spillage/inflamm): contaminated but not infected; ?ABx
Dirty (abscess, peritonitis): active infection; ABx
Post-op review
End of the bed: well = read notes first
R/V notes: test results, fluids/tubes/drains, NEWS, meds
Hx: operation, symptoms, E+D, BO/wind, mobilise, ICE/Qs
Ex: AtoE, vitals, fluid status (incl. IV, catheter, drains), chest2, abdo, wound, legs
*wound: dressing (?leak), pain, ?infection, d/c
*drains: location, working, fluid type, volume
document: ID, summary (op, days), latest results, SOAP, sign
* plan: Ix, Tx, other (TTO, chase, d/w etc.)
gangrene/CLI severe infection massive trauma malignancy intractable pain/malformation
toes/transmeta/transmall (Syme’s)/transtib/throughknee/transfem
HTN stages
stage I: >140/90 (135/85 ABPM)
stage II: >160/100 (150/95)
stage III: >180/110
isolated systolic:
grade I: 140-159 (DBP <90)
grade II: >160 (DBP <90)
Malignant/accel: >200/120 + retinal hge
*headache, SOB, palp, CP, PVD, LOC
Secondary HTN (5%)
renovascular disease: RAAS; surgery
Renal disease: PCKD, DM, GN, pyelo
Coarctation: proximal HTN; rad-fem delay, CXR
Endocrine: Phaeo, Conn’s, Cushing’s, hyperPTH, acro, thy
Neurogenic (ICP)
drugs: OCP, alc, CST, NSAID, ADD, MAOI
HTN complications
CVS: CAD/IHD, PVD, AAA, dissection, HF
Brain: ICH, CVA, vasc. dementia
Renal: sclerosis, nephritic, nephrotic, CKD
eyes: silver-wiring, AV nipping, hge/CWS, papilloedema
first line: diagnose, ?2nd, damage/risk
UA, MSU, FBC, U&E, LFT, Ca, lipids, glucose, CXR and ECG
second line (<45yo - ?2nd) abdo US, 24h catechole, renin, cortisol, aldosterone, echo, MRA (?coarctation)
treat if stage III, high CV risk, vascular disease, organ damage
lifestyle + RF: incl. DM and lipids, antiplatelet
A/C rules: A/C, A+C, A+C+D, ACD +other
Primary Cardiac Prevention
lifestyle: weight, diet, exercise, alc, smoke
regular risk review for >40yo
QRISK: DM, HTN, BMI, demo, chole, PMH/FH, smoking
atorvastatin 20mg if >10% risk, or DMT1, or CKD
Secondary Cardiac Prevention (in PVD)
lifestyle and DM
anti-plt: aspirin
anti-lipids: statin (atorva 80)
anti-HTN: ACEI (caution in PVD)
*statin: LFTs (3x)/CK (5x) + Sx = stop + restart lower
primary: apoproteins/enzymes
secondary: DM, obesity, alc, nephro/nephritic, hypothy
VLDL/TAG: atheroma risk
apolipoA: IHD/CVD
Statins (aim <4-5, LDL <3), fibrates (ppar-a; TAG), ezetimide (absorption)
anti-thrombo, anti-inflam
stabilise plaques
reduced cholesterol
take ON
SE: myalgia, abdo pain, LFTs, CK, rhabdo
Atherosclerotic Aneurysm
> 150% normal diameter (>4cm aorta)
RF: age, male, FHx, CTD, athero, mycotic, injury, Takayasu aortitis
sites: abdo, asc/arch, cerebral, mycotic wall (Any)
effect: mass effect (pain, Fx), rupture, thrombosis/emboli
True vs. false aneurysm
true: all wall layers; sacular/fusiform;
* aorta > iliac > popliteal > femoral > thoracic
false/pseudo: surrounding tissue; trauma + pulsing haematoma
*firm, enlarged, pulseless vessel
AAA presentation (always rule out if abdo pain)
infra > juxta or suprarenal
aSx until expanding/leaking/rupture epigastric/back/groin pain pulsatile expansile mass HD instability, anaemia, haematemesis trash feet: dusky toes (emboli) sudden death