Management Guidelines Flashcards
Acute Asthma
D/c PEFR >75% 1h, or stable on meds for 24h
A to E + AMPLE: oxygen, ABG, CXR, PEFR, ECG, lactate, K+
salbutamol: 5mg Neb +/- ipratropium (500mcg)
oral prednisolone 40-50mg for 5+ days
(?magnesium IV 1.2-2g 20mins)
must inform med reg of all acute asthma patients
severe/LT: SBAR to ITU
Acute Asthma Severity
Moderate: 50-75% PEFR
Severe: sentences, abn HR/RR, 33-50% PEFR
Life-threatening: LOC/effort, silent chest, hypoTN, hypoxia (T1RF) <33% PEFR
Near-fatal: hypercapnia
Chronic Asthma
1) SABA prn
2) SABA + ICS (200-800; 400)
3) SABA + ICS + trial LABA +/- ^ICS
4) SABA + ICS + LABA + LTRA/theo/increase ICS (1000-2000)
5) SABA + ICS (2000) + LABA + 4th + PO steroids
step up if: night symptoms, SABA >3/week, exacerbation <2y
step down if 3/12 stable (25-50% less ICS)
PEFR: 30/50/80
2) SABA/SAMA + LAMA/LABA +/- ICS (<50%)
* LABA + ICS combihalers
ABx for infective exacerbations xanthines (ICS CI) mucolytics (carbocysteine) LTOT (chronic hypoxia) NIV (IPAP/EPAP)
FBC, U&E, glucose, lipids, trop, d-dimer, ECG, CXR, VTE
PCI (<12h)/thrombolysis (<24h)
aspirin + clopidogrel 300 mg ea.
morphine 5-10mg + metoclop 10mg IV
GTN 2puffs/1 tablet prn
secondary prevention: ASCAB (clop 1/12 -12/12 if stent)
NSTEMI/Unstable Angina
triple Tx: aspirin + clopidogrel + LMWH (1mg/kg bd)
morphine + metoclopramide +GTN
high risk: angioplasty +/- PCI/CABG, clop 12/12, GIIb-IIIa inhib
secondary prevention: atenolol (or RL-CCB) + statin + ACEI
FBC, U&E, LFT, lipids, glucose, TFT, ESR/CRP
ECG (rest/ex), Echo, scintigraphy, angiography, CT/angioplasty
symptoms: GTN spray, lifestyle, nicorandil (K+)
disease modification: BB/ACEI (DM)/CCB, BB+CCB, PCI/CABG
CVD prevention: lifestyle, statin, HTN (ACEI/BB), aspirin
Heart Failure
FBC, U&E, LFT, TFT, trop (?MI), BNP
CXR, ECG, echo, MRI/PET/RNA, catheter, Fx-testing
acute pulm. oedema: IV loop, IV GTN, morph+meto CHECK SBP >100
symptoms: furosemide
modification/prevention: BB + ACEI, add dig/spiro (3rd)
AF/VTE: digoxin + warfarin
SVT: vasovagal (carotid massage, valsalva), adenosine 6mg; BB/CCB/amio/dig (2nd)
VT: amiodarone
*WPW: don’t block AVN; give flecainide or procainamide
*HD unstable = DC CARDIOVERT
unstable (shock, syncope, ischaemia, HF): atropine 500mcg IV , transcutaneous pacing
AVB-1: none
AVB-2: pacemaker if Mobitz-2
AVB-3: pacemaker
Trifasicular block (RBBB + LAD + AVB1): pacemaker
rate: beta-blocker or diltiazem; dig/amio if CCF
only shock if young and recent onset (otherwise clot risk)
rhythm (Sx control): sotalol, flecainide, amiodarone
prevention: warfarin (CHADSVASC)
primary <2cm: none (f/u only)
primary >2cm: aspirate, then drain if needed
secondary <2cm: aspirate?
secondary >2cm: chest drain + oxygen
trauma or ventilated: chest drain
tension: decompress (2ics) + chest drain
recurrent: pleurodesis, blebectomy, pleurectomy]
oxygen if breathless
calcium gluconate 10% 10-20mL over 10 mins
insulin + glucose infusion
fluids +/- dialysis (renal advice)
FBC, U&E, ABG, glucose, b/c, ketones, CXR
fluids!!! 0.9% NaCl + K (from 2nd bag)
insulin fixed rate infusion (0.1/kg); add glucose at <14mM
fix other electrolytes, check for complications (oedema, hypokalaemia, bicarb, phosphate)
stop insulin infusion once normal Ix, E+D, s/c insulin working
*HHS: slower fluids, 0.05/kg insulin
H. Pylori PUD
scope if >55yo or ‘ALARMS’ (anaemia, lost wt, anorexia, recent, melaena, swallowing)
scope: Bx, gastrin (?ZES), Tx (adr/sclerosant/diathermy/clip)
triple therapy:
PPI + clarithromycin + metronidazole/amoxicillin