Surgery Flashcards
Bladder Cancer 65 yo smoker @ trigone, expected finding?
Bilateral Hydronephrosis via prolonged urinary retention
Beaten up in the face, decreased facial sensation over lower chin and jaw
Mandibular fracture distal to inferior alveolar nerve (3rd branch of trigeminal n.)
Hypovolemic/ hypotensive post surgery, decreased urine outflow
3rd spacing vs. renal failure -> bolus fluid challenge -> improve BP vs no improvement / or urinary Na ( 40 renal)
Signs of vascular injury requiring immediate surgery
absent pulses, bruit, thrill, active hemmorrhage/hematoma expanding, distal ischemia (cold/pale, paresthesia, pain, paralysis)
Signs of stable vascular injury but require vessel imaging
hx of hemmorrhage at scene, stable hematoma, decreased pulses / asymetric, proximal to major vessel, associated nerve deficit, ABI
Steroid use, pneumoperitoneum (air under diaphram)
Ulcer hx, perforated, immediate abdominal laparotomy
Age >40, hematochezia, constipation, weight loss, stool caliber change
Colon cx, Left side
Pt w glass eye, or missing toe (surgical), presents w liver mets
Melanoma: marker Tyrosinase
Colovesicular fistula (via crohns, diverticulitis, iatrogenic, foreign body, cancer) -> CT abdomen/pelvis
Pringle Maneuver: clams portal triad… still bleeding?
triad (portal vein, hepatic artery, common bile duct) yet Hepatic veins (to IVC) is not blocked and bleeds
Nausea Vomiting, Abd distention? –> SBO workup? Mng?
Abd Xray: dilated loops of bowl. NPO, NG tube decompression. Surg for severe/ worrisome ischemia
hypotensive /pale 28yof on birth control w vomiting and distended/ tender abdomen
Rutpured hepatic adenoma, benign, a/w OCP use, glycogen storage dz 1, bleed into abdomen
Painless obstructive jaundice (dilated biliary duct/ high alk phos). Dilated thin walled gallbladder w/o stones
Malignancy ie. Cancer of the head of the pancreas -> CT Scan
Flank pain, radiating to thigh and scrotum, Hematuria
Nephrolithiasis -> CT non contrast
RUQ pain, cholecystites w/ stones, 1 week later: bilious vomiting, air in biliary tree, dilated bowel loops
Gallstone Ileus -> Fistula between biliary tract and bowel-> Pneumobilia
Fat, Female, Forty, Fertile, colicky abd pain a/w fatty foods
Gallstones: confirm w/ R upper abd ultrasound, Rx: Antibiotics, IVF for cholecystitis (+fever, leukocytosis)
Post op abd pain / distended, nausea, constipation, dilated large bowel
Oglivie syndrome - colonic pseudo obstruction: Rx IV Neostigmine 2m over 10min
High spinal anesthetic -> hypotense / flushed, 0 central venous pressure
Sympathetic block -> vasodilation -> vasomotor shock Rx. Peripheral vasoconstrictor alpha agonists and IVF
Intra-op tachycardia, hypotensive, low urine output, decreased cardiac output, increased vascular resistance
Cardiogenic shock -> Rx Dobutamine (beta1 agonist) -> increased contractility and output
Pituitary adenoma resection -> lethargic, confused, comatosed, increased urine, dry mucosa
Central diabetes insipitus -> hypernatremia -> CNS pathology, Rx: IVF, Desmopressin
Hx chronic hepatitis B/C, cirrhosis, hepatotoxins + sx wt loss, RUQ discomfort
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) -> monitro AFP (alpha feto- protein)
Inspiratory arrest w/ palpation of RUQ abd
Murphy’s sign: acute cholecystitis
Shortened leg, externally rotated -> displaced fx neck of R femur Mx?
Arthroplasty (prosthetic replacement) given the risk of avascular necrosis, tenuos blood supply to femoral head
Kid falls on outstretched arm -> supracondylar humeral fx -> closed reduction -> pain/palor/cold forearm -> ?
Compartment sx -> untreated (faschiotomy) -> ischemic injury: Volkman’s contracture: necrosed muscle replaced by fibrotic tissue
Boy 4-10 hip/groin/knee pain + antalgic gait
Legg-Calve-Perthes Avascular necrosis of femoral head
Boy 10-15 groin knee pain, chubby, hip flexed/thigh external rotated, internal rotation difficult
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) - Rx. pin femoral head
Hypotension w pulsatile abdominal mass
Ruptured AAA -> emergent laparotomy / surgical repair
MVC midshaft femoral fx Mx?
Closed intramedullary fixation of the femoral shaft
Airway for apneic pt w head n neck injury
Orotracheal intubation or cricothyroidectomy
AAA repair, next day febrile, LLQ pain, bloody diarrhea, leukocytosis
Ischemic Bowel: CT: thickening of bowel wall, colonoscopy cyanotic mucosa w hemorrhagic ulceration; surgical rx colon resx colostomy
Palpable crepitus at mediastinum, protracted vomiting
Pneumomediastinum, perforated esophagus (Boerhaave’s sd.)
Valgus stress test: increased laxity, tender medial knee
Medial Collateral Ligament tear
Varus stress test: increased laxity, tender lateral knee
Lateral Collateral Ligament tear
Sudden onset diffuse abdominal pain, air under diaphragm
Perforated gastric ulcer
Unilateral hip pain, middle aged adult, exacerbated by external pressure to upper lateral thigh
Trochanter bursitis
Abdominal trauma, adolescent, duodenal hematoma with obstruction Mx?
NG suction + parenteral nutrition (isolated hematoma)
Pt febrile RLQ pain, 5 days post appendicitis sx presentation
Perforated / complicated appendicites: Rx IVF + Cefotetan (enteric G-, anaerobes)
Abd trauma, epigastric pain, N&V, air in retroperitoneum
Duodenal Rupture: CT w contrast
Popping sound on passive flexion/extension of knee joint
Meniscal tear -> MRI / arthroscopy
MVC Deceleration chest trauma, decreased breath sounds, palpable mediastinal crepitus (subQ emphesyma), pneumothorax despite chest tube
Tracheobroncial injury / rupture -> high resolution CT -> surgical repair
Post trauma, decreased breathing / chest pain / discomfort, lower, mediastinal deviation, lower lobe atelectasis
CXR: mediastinal deviation, hemidiaphrag, bowel gas above L diaphragm -> CT contrast / barium swallow : perforated diaphragm w herniation -> surgical repair
Grand-mal seizure, shoulder pain, arm adducted and internally rotated
Posterior dislocated shoulder