Surgery Flashcards
1st and 2nd steps for treating acute variceal bleeding
1st: 2 Large bore IV needles vs. central line for IVF
2nd: Endoscopic clerotherapy vs. band ligation
Postop Cholestasis develops after surgerys that involve ____, _____ and _____. Why is this?(3)
hypOtension / [extensive blood loss into tissue] / [massive blood replacement]
- DEC Liver function from hypOtension
- DEC Renal bilirubin excretion from ischemic tubular necrosis
- INC pigment load from transfusion
Surgical repair for hip fractures may be delayed up to __ hours. Why?
72 hours; address unstable medical comorbidity first
How does SBO present (4)? What’s most common cause?
- Nausea
- Vomiting –> hypOkalemia
- [Bloating - Hyperactive “tinkling” Bowel Sounds]
- [Dilated Bowel Loops X-ray]
Adhesions! (operations)
When and what demographic does [Isolated Duodenal Hematoma] occur?
1st line tx? 2nd line tx?
[Abd trauma to children]–>blood between mucosa and submucosa –> resolves spontaneously in 1-2 weeks
Tx =
1st: [NG suction + Parenteral nutrition]
alternative: Laparascopic hematoma removal
Describe Varicoceles.
Tortuous Dilation of Pampiniform Venous Plexus surrounding spermatic cord & testis within scrotum
L renal vein compression (from Aorta and SMA or thrombosis) –>L side scrotal bag of worms worst with standing/valsalva and better when supine
[Retropharyngeal Abscess] presentation (5)
Why does this have to be treated STAT?
Odynophagia / [Painful Neck Extension] / Fever / Sore throat / [Trismus (inability to open mouth)]
Abscess infection may spread into mediastinum!
Dx(2) and Tx(2) for [Retropharyngeal Abscess]
Dx = CT neck vs. Lateral Radiographs–>Demonstrates cervical spine Lordosis
Tx = IV Abx + IND
Complications of SBO (2)?
Management (2)
Strangulation vs. Perforation
Mgmt = [Surgical Exploration] vs. [NPO & IVF –> NG tube suction]
Diverticulitis Abscess Tx
CT guided-percutaneous (alternative surgical) abscess I&D
Diverticulitis = Soft tissue stranding & colonic wall thickening
INR for normal people
0.8 - 1.2
Therapeutic INR range for pts on warfarin
2 - 3
Acute GI perforation requires emergent _____
Laparotomy (surgical incision thru abd wall)
MOD of [Mesenteric Bowel ischemic colitis] post AAA repair
inadequate [Left and Sigmoid Colon] arterial perfusion from IMA during aortic graft placement –> Ischemia
CT revealing air & edema in bowel wall –> thickening = MBIC
Step-wise process for [Blunt Abd Trauma in hemodynamically unstable pts]. Any Caveat?
DPL = Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage = aspiration of 10 mL of peritoneal fluid with blood = intraperitoneal injury
Staph Aureus and Staph Epidermidis both affect prosthetic joints. What is the difference?
[Staph Aureus = Acute ( < 3 mo. onset)] & may only require debridement
[Staph Epidermidis] = Delayed > 3 mo. onset and must be replaced
PrePatellar bursitis is often due to _______, but other causes include ____ or _____
S.Aureus (infects bursa via trauma vs. friction vs. extending from local cellulitis); [Gout Crystalline Arthropathy], [Rheumatoid Arthritis]
CT scan shows ______ which indicates _____. What causes this? Tx(2)?
[air in DEEP tissue]; Necrotizing Fasciitis;
[Group A Strep Pyogenes] (but typically polymicrobial) spreads rapidly thru SubQ & deep fascia after minor trauma –>
hypOtension +
[Erythema & Swelling]
Tx = Debridement + Broad Abx
What is the first sign of hypOvolemia
Massive Hemoptysis is defined as _____ or _____. The greatest danger for this is _____. What is the mngmt(4)?
[>600 mL expectorated blood over 24 hours] vs. [Bleeding > 100 mL/hour] –> Asphyxiation from blood in airway
1st: Establish airway and maintain ventilation & gas exchange
2nd: Pt is placed with bleeding lung in lateral decubitius to prevent bleeding from going to other lung
3rd: Bronchoscopy to localize bleeding site and provide suction/electrocautery
4th: Thoractomy if it’s unilateral bleeding or bleeding persist despite bronchoscopy
On which PostOp Day is atelectasis most common? Explain how this causes Respiratory Alkalosis
POD2! ; PostOp pain vs. Residual anesthesia vs. tongue prolapse —> hypOxemia and INC work of breathing –> Hyperventilation —> Respiratory Alkalosis
Acute PE may present similarly
Femoral n. Function (2)
[Knee extension] & [hip flexion]
Femoral n. innervation (2)
[ANT thigh] & [Medial leg via saphenous branch]
Obturator n. function
Thigh ADDuction
Obturator n. innervation
medial thigh
[PiloNidal Dz] MOD
sweating/friction of coccyx skin in young males with body hair –> Hair follicle infection–>spreads SubQ –> Abscess that ruptures to form [piloNidal sinus tract]
Tx = I&D + Sinus tract excision
Flail Chest presentation (3)
Pt with recently fractured ribs who has..
- paradoxic thoracic wall movements (inverted chest wall w/inspiration, correted when on positive pressure)
- [shallow tachypneic breathing]
- Respiratory distress despite chest tubes
A pt with pneumobilia, [hyperactive bowel sounds] and Dilated loops of the bowel probably has _____. What’s biggest Risk Factor for this? Dx? Tx?
Gallstone iLeus (gallstone passes thru biliary enteric fistula into small intestine)–>air in biliary tree (pneumobilia); Cholecystitis
Dx = CT
Tx = Surgery
Flail Chest etiology and tx(3)
Multiple ribs fractured in GOE 2 locations –> segment of ribs losing continuity with thoracic wall –> Rib collapse with inspiration –> shallow breahs –> Hyperventilation
Tx = Pain control + supplemental O2 + [Intubation w/CPAP]
Pt with suspected Claudication 2° to [Peripheral Artery Disease]
Dx test? Describe the test
ABI (Ankle Brachial Index) = inexpensive/noninvasive measurement of systolic BP Ankle:Brachial
[Peripheral Artery Dz] < [0.90 - 1.3] < [Calcified Vessels]
Alternative is Arterial Duplex US but this is less specific & sensitive
Clinical presentation for [Paralytic iLeus] (4)
[Abd pain following trauma or abd surgery]
[Xray with Dilated loops of STOMACH, SMALL & LARGE intestine]
[hypOactive bowel sounds]
Obstipation (can’t pass flatus/stool)
MOD and Presentation(3) of Acute Mediastinitis
[intraoperative (cardiac surgery)] wound contamination –>[Purulent Sternal wound drainage] + [infection signs] + [widened mediastinum]
Tx for Acute Mediastinitis (3)
- Drainage
- Surgical Debridement
- Broad Abx
Mngmt for [Gallstones without sx]
Mngmt for [Gallstones with biliary colic] (2)
[Elective Lap Chole] vs. [UrsoDeoxycholic acid in poor surgical candidates]
Mngmt for Complicated Gallstones (Acute cholecystitis vs. CholeDocholithiasis vs. Gallstone pancreatitis)
Cholecystectomy within 72 hours!
Acute Cholecystitis = inflammation & distension of gallbladder from [cystic duct obstruction]
Dx and Tx(2) for MCL tear
Dx = MRI (surgical candidates only)
Tx = Surgery vs. [RICE in uncomplicated MCL tears]
Both Hemothroax and Tension PTX produce hypOtension, tachycardia and tracheal deviation.
What’s the difference in Physical Exam?
Hemithorax = DULLNESS to percussion
Tension PTX = HYPERRESONANCE TO Percussion
Dx(2) and Mngmt(3) of [Aortic injury 2° to rapid deceleration]
Dx = Upright CXR showing (widened mediastinum/hemothorax/interrupted aortic contour) –>confirmed by CT
Mngmt = [ABC Cardiopulm stability] –> AntiHypertensives –> Surgery
ABC = Airway / Breathing / Circulation secure
[Diaphragmatic Hernia] MOD
INC intraabd pressure from Blunt Abd trauma causes radial tears in diaphragm muscle –> leakage of abd contents into LEFT chest (R protected by Liver) –>Lung compression & bowel strangulation –> FAST DEATH
Image showing NG tube in the upper chest
Tx = Surgical Repair
Umbilica hernia is most commonly associated with ____ (4). Umbilicalhernias may contain what?
[Beckwith Widemann]
**Umbilical hernias may contain omentum vs. small intestine**
Pt with Fever [100 F ( >38 C)].
Causes if it happens 0 - 2 Hours PostOp (3)
Pt with Fever [100 F ( >38 C)].
Causes if it happens 1 Day - 1 Week PostOp (3)
Pt with Fever [100 F ( >38 C)].
Causes if it happens 1 Week - 1 Month PostOp (5)
Pt with Fever [100 F ( >38 C)].
Causes if it happens More than 1 month PostOp (2)
Syringomyelia etx
[Whiplash Spinal Cord Injury] vs. [Arnold Chiari Malformation] –> disrupted CSF drainage in central canal –> compression of STT and CST
[Pulmonary Contusion] is ___ of the lung that occurs within ____ days of injury
Parenchymal bruising; 1-2
How is Epidural Hematoma (think blunt head trauma) associated with Cushing’s Reflex?
Epi Hematoma –> INC elevated ICP –(can)–> [TUMTL herniation (COPPR)] & [Cushing’s Reflex]!
Cushing’s Reflex = HBO (HTN / Bradycardia / slOw breathing) and indicates INC ICP
All trauma pts should receive ____ stability and ____ immobility until ___ injury has been ruled out. List the mngmt in order (3)
[ABC cardiopulm]; spine; spinal cord injury
1st: [Cardiorespiratory stability and Spine immobility]
2nd: Urinary Catheter to assess for urinary retention and prevent bladder injury
3rd: Imaging for spinal cord injury
Dumping Syndrome MOD and Sx(5)
rapid emptying of hypertonic stomach contents into Duodenum & small intestine (usually after gastrectomy or RYGB) –> DDUMP
[Umbilical ABD Pain]
M (N)ausea
worst after eating and better at night
Pt with Blunt Abd Trauma shows spleen hemorrhage on FAST but is hemodynamically stable: Next 2 steps?
[CT Abdomen w/contrast] –> Repair spleen –> Remove if necessary with immunization against encapsulated bacteria
If pt responds to fluids (SBP > 100) and doesn’t require blood
Definition of Shock
Any state that causes perfusion inadquate to meet O2 and nutritional demands of tissue
An elevated [Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure] following MVA suggest what? How do you confirm this?
Myocardial Contusion; Giving Saline will worsen PCWP but not change systemic BP
damage to L Vt during MVA –> INC intracardiac filling pressures
During a Tension PTX, what 2 anatomic sites are best for needle thoracostomy?
1st: [MidClavicular 2nd ICS (InterCostal Space)]
2nd: [MidAxillary 5th ICS]
Which part of the airway is usually perforated during blunt thoracic trauma
R Main Bronchus
Tracheobronchial perforation
What is a [Marjolin Ulcer]
SQC arising within a Burn wound
Note: SQC arising within chronic skin wounds are more aggressive!
How does shallow breathing and weak cough contribute to PostOp (POD2-5) atelectasis?
shallow breathing –> DEC alveoli recruitment at lung bases
weak cough –> INC small airway mucus plugs
Which pts are most at risk for [Acute S.Aureus Parotitis]?(2)
How do you prevent this(2)?
[Dehydrated PostOp pts] & Elderly
[Fluid Hydration] & [Oral Hygiene]
Name the Rotator Cuff Muscles (4). List each of their function.
Supraspinatus(most commonly injured) = initiates Arm ABduction
Describe the “Empty-Can” test and which muscle it test for? How is this related to a [Drop arm sign]
[ABduction of arm] + [30°flexion of arm forward] + [thumbs pointed toward floor] –> Pain = [Supraspinatus Rotator cuff injury]
Arm passively ABducted passed 90° that drops when released = no ADDuction which = Rototar cuff injury as well
Describe [Popeye sign] and what causes it?
[Bicep m. belly] pops up out of mid upper arm; [Bicep long head tendon rupture]
Classic sx of [Pancreatic ADC] (5)
Fat Guys Can Smell Terribly
- [Gnawing Epigastric pain-worst at night-not relieved w/AntiAcids or food]
- **[Courvoisier Palpable Gallbladder w/Painless Jaundice]**
- FFAW CA signs (Fever, Fatigue, Anorexia, Weakness)
- [Trousseau Migratory Thrombophlebitis]
- Steatorrhea
After catheterization how long should you stay vigilant for hemorrhage/hematoma formation? Which vasucular site is highest risk?
12 hours; Arterial puncture site above inguinal ligament –> retroperitoneal hematoma
Retroperitoneal Hematoma/Hemorrhage
Dx = [CT Abd/Pelvis]
Tx = [Fluid & Blood Resuscitation]
Describe how [Anterior Shoulder Dislocation] occurs? What neurovasucular bundle does it damage?
[Forceful ABduction + External Rotation] @ Glenohumeral joint –> [Axillary n. and artery] damage
[Mesenteric Bowel ischemic colitis]
Sx (5)
[Periumbilical pain out of proportion to PE(i.e. may not have TTP)]
Peritoneal signs (guarding, rebound)
CT revealing air & edema in bowel wall–>thickening = MBIC
[Pancreatic Retroperitoenal abscess] MOD and prognosis(3)
Blunt abd trauma compresses [Pancreas neck vs. body] against vertebral column –> contusion –>
devitalized tissue,
and ultimately DEATH if not diagnosed
Explain why appendicitis pts have periumbilical pain that radiates to RLQ and then LLQ TTP
[Appendiceal wall stretching = periumbilical pain] and when [peritoneum becomes inflammaed = RLQ radiation].
[Rovsing sign = LLQ TTP can also occur]
GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale) predicts Prognosis of what 4 things?
The 3 components are EVM (Eyes/Verbal/Motor)
Describe the [Verbal Response] component (5)
Coma / Bacterial meningitis / Brain Trauma / SubArachnoid Hemorrhage
EVM = Eyes / Verbal / Motor
GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale) predicts Prognosis of what 4 things?
The 3 components are EVM (Eyes/Verbal/Motor)
Describe the [Eye Opening] component (4)
Coma / Bacterial meningitis / Brain Trauma / SubArachnoid Hemorrhage
EVM = Eyes / Verbal / Motor
GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale) predicts Prognosis of what 4 things?
The 3 components are EVM (Eyes/Verbal/Motor)
Describe the [Motor Response] component (6)
Coma / Bacterial meningitis / Brain Trauma / SubArachnoid Hemorrhage
EVM = Eyes / Verbal / Motor
DDx for Anterior Mediastinal Mass (4)
4 T’s
[Teratoma Germ cell tumor (Seminomatous vs. NonSeminomatous)]
Thyroid CA
Terrible lymphoma
Diagnosis? Composition? Complications (5)?
Pancreatic Pseudocyst
Walled off [amylase-rich fluid] surrounded by a fibrous capsule –->
[Infection / [Biliary obstruction] / [Psuedoaneurysm (digestion of adjacent vessels)] / ascities / (Pleural Effusion)
Mngmt (2)
Pancreatic Pseudocyst
[Embolize pseudoaneurysm if present –> Endoscopic drainage]
CT image shows Pseudoaneurysm
How is an [abd succussion splash] performed? What does it indicate?
With stethoscope over upper Abd, pt is rocked back and forth at hips –> [meals in stomach > 3 hours] make “splash” sound
Gastric Outlet Obstruction
Diagnosis? Complications?
Image shows L arm
[Supracondylar Humeral FOOSA] fracture –> Entrapement of Brachial A. or Median Nerve
Initial mngmt of Burn pts is similar to Truama in that ABC is done first
Why is this(2)? What are the 2 options?
Supraglottic airway is susceptible to direct thermal injury and obstruction by edema or blistering;
Use NonRebreather Mask –> [Intubation if PE shows thermal damage to airway(Face burns/Oropharyngeal blisters/GOE 10% CarboxyHgB/Eye Singing)]
Mngmt for suspected [Scaphoid fracture] (2). What should be used if you need immediate diagnosis(2)?
[Wrist immobilization with thumb spica cast x 7-10 days] –> [Repeat X-Rays]
Use CT or MRI for immediate diagnosis
Where do Stress fractures occur in pts involved in…
A: Jumping sports
B: Runners
What are the X-ray findings?
A: Jumping sports = [TIBIA Anterior middle third]
B: Runners = [TIBIA Posteromedial Distal third]
X-rays are typically normal initially!
In regards to sx presentation, what is difference between Arterial Embolism and Thrombosis?
Arterial Embolism = Abrupt Pain
Arterial Thrombosis = [insidious gradual pain] from progressive narrowing of vascular lumen
SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Repsonse Syndrome) is defined as ______ vs. Sepsis which is ______
List Criteria for SIRS
[SIRS = NONinfectious] vs. [Sepsis = Infectious] cause of massive release of proinflammatory substances –> extensive tissue damage
Common causes of SIRS (4). How is this related to Sepsis?
[BVAP: Burns / Vasculitis / Autoimmune / Pancreatitis] –> SIRS –(can lead to) —> [Concomitant Staph Aureus vs. Pseudomonas infection] = Sepsis
When is Sepsis “Severe”?
What is the Diagnositc Criteria for Sepsis(5)
“Severe” Sepsis = Accompanied End Organ Dysfunction (oliguria, AMS)
How is AAA Repair of the ____ region related to [Anterior Spinal Cord Syndrome]
Thoracic AAA Repair –> [⬇︎Adamkiewicz radicular artery flow] –> [⬇︎ ANT Spinal Artery flow] —> [infarction of CST and STT areas]
Sx of [Leriche Syndrome] (3)
Arterial Dz –> “Leriche was in the CIA!”
- [Claudication bilaterally of Hip, Butt, Thigh]
- *** Impotence **** (Key sign)
- Atrophy bilaterally of LE
[Leriche Syndrome] MOD
“Leriche was in the CIA”
Arterial Dz (from smoking, atherosclerosis) –>Occlusion at Bifurcation of Aorta into the common iLiac arteries –> CIA
Causes of Compartment Syndrome (3)
Causes = [Trauma vs. [Prolonged Compression] vs. [Revascularization of Ischemic limb (fracture w/closed reduction)] ]–> Muscle swelling —> DEC venous blood flow –> eventually DEC arterial blood flow
What’s the most important prognostic indicator for Compartment Syndrome
Time it takes to do a Fasciotomy
Compartment Syndrome Sx (6)
The 6 P’s!
- POOP (Pain Out Of Proportion)
- [Paresthesia - EARLY finding]
- [Pulselessness - LATE finding]
- Pallor
- Poikilothermia (inability to regulate body temp)
- Paralysis
Tears of the ___ meniscus are more common than ___. It’s caused by _____. Initial test(2)? Confirmatory Test(2)?
MEDIAL > lateral; Twisting force against a fixed foot –> popping sound followed by acute pain
Initial test = Positive McMurray (palpable locking/catching when joint is rotated or extended under load) vs. Thessaly
Confirmatory = MRI vs. arthroscopy
3 common signs of [Blunt Aortic injury]?
What are 2 major causes?
Initial dx?
Tachycardia / HTN / [CXR Widened Mediastinum];
MVA vs. (Falls > 10 ft.)
CXR = Initial screening
Desribe Torus Palatinus
Congenital benign NonTender bony growth on midline of hard palate that can INC throughout life and ulcerate w/trauma
Adrenal Crisis Tx (2)
[IV Hydrocortisone vs. IV Dexamethasone] + IVS
Adrenal Crisis = Loss of Adrenal gland function
Pts taking Prednisone GOE __mg/day are at risk for Adrenal Crisis. How is this related to “Stress Doses”?
GOE 20mg/day prednisone –> Adrenal Crisis; Give these pts Stress Doses of glucocorticoids during an acute stressor (i.e. surgery)
Name the 1st and 2nd most common peripheraly artery aneurysm
1st/most common = Popliteal
2nd = Femoral (may compress Femoral n. –> Thigh claudication)
Pelvis fractures are often associated with ___urethral injury. What are the sx(3)?
Posterior (prostatic and membranous);
- Urethral meatus Bleeding
- High riding prostate (prostate displacement by pelvic hematoma)
- Scrotal Hematoma
In Clavicle fractures the shoulder is displaced ____ and ____. Why should a careful neurovasulcar exam be done?
Inferiorly and Posteriorly (pushed down and back); Clavicle is very close to Subclavian a. and Brachial plexus
What 2 injuries cause Clavicle fractures?
FOOSA vs. Directly Shoulder blow
[Mesenteric Bowel ischemic colitis]
Labs (5)
Labs: [⇪ Lactate –> Metabolic acidosis & ⇪Amyalse] [Leukocytosis] / [⇪HgB]
CT revealing air & edema in bowel wall –> thickening = MBIC
Pt with new whistling noise during respiration s/p rhinoplasty. Diagnosis?
Septal perforation 2° to Septal Hematoma
Tx for Metatarsal Stress Fracture (2)
Rest + Analgesics
Athletes & Military
Terminal Hematuria (blood at end of peeing) suggest bleeding from where(3)?
[Bladder Neck/Trigone] vs. Prostate vs. [Posterior Urethra]
Initial Hematuria (bleeding at beginning of peeing) suggest what?
Urethral damage
Total Hematuria (blood all throughout peeing) suggest damge to what(2)?
Kidneys vs. Ureters
Which 2 organs are most frequently injured during Blunt Abdominal Trauma?
Spleen and Liver
In a pt with any Urethral injury, what’s first step in mngmt?
Assess and determine damage with Retrograde Urethrogram
Contrast retrogradely injected into urethra
Diagnosis? Explain findings (3)
Diaphragmatic Hernia
[L lower lobe opacity] + [Elevated Hemidiaphragm] + [Mediastinal shift]
Confirmed via CT Abd
Mngmt for [Small PTX in clinically stable pt]
[supplemental O2 (⇪ resorption)]
Mngmt for [LARGE PTX in clinically stable pt]
Large bore (14 - 18 gauge) needle thoracostomy
Mngmt for [LARGE PTX in clinically UNSTABLE pt]
Chest Tube thoracostomy
PostOp PNA can develop –> Septic shock which can —> Lactic Acidosis from _____. Mngmt (2)?
PostOp PNA can develop –> Septic shock which can —> Lactic Acidosis from tissue hypOperfusion.
Abx + [IV normal 0.9% saline]
5 signs of [Necrotizing Surgical Site]
- Dishwater Drainage (cloudy gray)
- SubQ crepitus
- Systemic signs (fever/hypOtension/tachycardia)
- Wound edge paresthesia
- PAIN out of proportion with PE
Develops into Necrotizing Facititis
What’s the most important step in managing Necrotizing Surgical Site/Fascitis
Surgical exploration