Derm Flashcards
Identify; When does this onset and regress? ; Describe composition
Capillary Hemangioma; Birth - 6 mo and regresses by 7 yo. ; Small Capillaries that BLANCHES on pressure
What causes Purulent cellulitis
Staph A
What causes NONPurulent cellulitis
Between flexor and extensor, which is more involved with Eczema Atopic Dermatitis
If superimposed with HSV –> Eczema Herpeticum which –> hemorrhagic crusting
Rash description: scaly, erythematous, pruritic rash with a raised border and central clearing ; tx?-2
Tinea Corporis (ringworm)
Tx = topical clotrimazole or topical terbinafine
Dx = KOH of skin scrapings
Dx ; Demographic?
Non Blanching Blue Grey Sacral patches
Mongolian Spot dermal melanocytosis (fade during childhood) ; Pretty much every race except white lol
- These should be NON-Tender*
- Often described on test as Non Blanching Blue Grey Sacral Patches*
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Most common skin cancer in immunocompromised patients
How do Corticosteroids affect the skin?
causes Drug induced Monomorphic papular ACNE
Dx ; Management?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
rarely metastasizes but can locally invade so –> Mohs surgical removal
How do you confirm diagnosis for this? ; Treatment?
Bullous Pemphigoid
bx showing IgG and C3 deposits at basement membrane ; high potency topical CTS
Lipomas and Epidermal inclusion cyst can both present as painless benign nodules
How do you differentiate the two? - 3
- EIC resolves spontaneously and can come back. Lipoma don’t resolve w/out surgery!
- EIC are FIRM vs Lipoma which is soft rubbery
- EIC may drain cheesey white discharge +/-
Describe a Dermatofibroma
benign fibroblast proliferation that forms hyperpigmented nodule usually on LE that causes center dimpling when pinched
Ichthyosis Vulgaris
- diffuse dermal scaling resembling fish or reptile scales, MUCH WORST than eczema*
- tx = topical retinoids*
Which dermatologic condition is Hepatitis C associated with?
Porphyria cutanea tarda with skin fragility and photosensitivity
also associated with EtOH and OCPs
Seborrheic Keratosis
benign epidermal tumor of mid to elderly pts that presents with brown STUCK ON round lesions
Lichen Planus
Papules flat topped, pruritic, planar, polygonal