Surface and Sectional Anatomy of the Head Flashcards
Supercilliary Arches
o Referring to the brow bridges
o Located in the centre where the brow ridges meet
o Located at the depression at the bridge of the nose, with the nasal bone located inferiorly
Zygomatic Arch
o Is the cheek bone and is an extension of the zygomatic bone, which can be palpated as it travels posteriorly to the temporal bone
o The nostrils/openings within the nose
Palpable Landmarks on the Mandible
o Angle of the mandible – Sexually dimorphic
o Mental protuberance – Forming the prominence of the chin
Hyoid Bone position
o Located anterior in the neck at level C3
Thyroid Cartilage
o Located inferior to the hyoid bone
o Contains an anterior projection – the laryngeal prominence (Adam’s Apple) – which is more prominent in males
Structures of the Midsagittal Head
- Septum Pellucidum
- Cistern of Great Cerebral Vein
- Basilar Artery
- Clivus
Septum Pellucidum
o Thin membrane that separates the right and left bodies of the lateral ventricles in the midsagittal plane
Cistern of Great Cerebral Vein
o Superior Cistern
o Posterior to the tectum of the midbrain and is the site where the great cerebral vein terminates to form the straight sinus
Basilar Artery
o Lies in the pontine cistern anterior to the pons and posterior to the clivus
o Oblique shelf formed from the junction of the sphenoid and occipital bones anterior to the foramen magnum
Orbitomeatal or Anthropological Baseline
Differing ways axial sections can be presented
o Parallel to the orbitomeatal plane between the lateral angle od the eye to the external acoustic meatus
o 15 degrees to the orbitomeatal plane along the true horizontal plane, known as the anthropological baseline
Anterior and posterior structures will look different depending on the section plane utilised
Parasagittal vs Midsagittal
1) Grey and White matter on the cerebrum is visible (may not see the falx cerebri)
a. True midsagittal would not cut into the cerebral hemispheres
2) Cortical tables and diploe are visible within the parietal bone
a. Sagittal suture would be visible in midsagittal
3) Cannot see the cerebral aqueduct (potentially third ventricle)
a. Only visible within the midsagittal
4) Cannot see the straight sinus, but the tentorium cerebelli is visible between the occipital lobe and cerebellum
a. Straight sinus is a midsagittal structure
5) Cut through the body of the lateral ventricle rather than the septum pellucidum, a thin midsagittal membrane
The hard palate separates the…
nasal cavity from the oral cavity
The ethmoid sinuses lie directly anterior to the…
sphenoid sinuses
The … lies within the lateral fissure
Insular lobe
The … lies within the longitudinal fissure
falx cerebri, superior sagittal sinus
The parts of the caudate nucleus follow …
the lateral ventricles
The lentiform nucleus lies medial to the …
insular cortex of the cerebrum
The sphenoid sinus lies inferior to …
the optic chiasm and the pituitary gland
The … is the pigmented portion of the midbrain
substantia nigra
To be confident that the occipital lobe is present, the … can be observed.
posterior horn of the left lateral ventricle
Any part of the cerebellum visible in the midsagittal plane is …
the vermis of the cerebellum
The cerebral cortex of the insular lobe is always located …
deep to the lateral fissure
The … will indicate sites of sutures
absence of diploe
The basilar artery lies
directly anterior to the pons of the brainstem
The carotid siphon of the internal carotid artery lies …
anterolateral to the optic chiasm and posterior margins of the sphenoid sinus
The temporal lobe is located (i) and its white matter is (ii)
(i) lateral to the lateral fissure
(ii) continouous with the posterior part of the cerebral hemisphere