Surah Al-Falaq Flashcards
Whaat does fakaq mean
Break of dawn
Reasons of this surah revelation (SURAH AL-FALAQ)
A jewish person cast a magical spell on the Prophet (s) as a result of which he fall illl. Gabriel (as) came to him & informed him “The jew has tied nodes in phrophet’s hair and it has been thorwn into a particular well”. The Propeht (s) sent some of his companions to bring it from from the well. Gabriel (s) had discribed the prophet (s) united that nodes and he was instantly cured. Gabriel (s) informed him of the name of the Jew and Jazart Aisha Rah’ du Ana asked the prophet (s) “will you not make this public?” He replied “Allah has cured me and i hate to cause harm to anyone”
According to a narration this Illness of Prophet (s) lasted for 6 months
قُلۡ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ٱلۡفَلَقِ
The virtues of Muawwadhataim:
1. Saeed Uqbah and Amir Uqbih report the messenger of Allah Thought him muawwadatim while they were on a journey then he recited them in Maghrib Salah and said: ‘‘Recite this 2 surahs whenever you go to sleep and whenever you get up (NASAI).
2. According to another narration the Prophet (s) advised people to recite this 2 surahs after every salah
3. Azra Asiha Rasim said ‘‘whenever the prophet (s) suffered from illness he would recite muawwadhatim blow over his hands and then whipped his all body with those hands. At the time of his dead bed when his pain worse I would recite the muawwadhatim blow over his hands and then he whipped them over himself because my hands could not be the fitting substitute for his blessing hands
وَمِن شَرِّ ٱلنَّفَّـٰثَٰتِ فِي ٱلۡعُقَدِ
Women have been specifically mentioned perhaps because the have natured disposition (Character) too carry out the evil practice of witchcraft or because La-Bid A’ Sam who’s black magic was the caused of the revelation of this surah, got this act (witchcraft) done by his daughters. Hence , the act of witchcraft ascribed to them
وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ
The act is from Iblees